What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Nothing, this was the second best NT volume.

Nothing. Demon Misaka and Kamisato were great.

When was the last time Touma said he'll break someone's illusions?

Not enough Mikoto.

What happened to this guy?

I'm very interested in what's gonna happen with Fran. How come she alone didn't immediately try to kill Kamijou? After all, if Kamijou fails, Yuuitsu might just discard the one lifeline they have left. It wouldn't even be that difficult. Beating Kamijou one-on-one might be difficult, but they have the advantage in numbers.

Maybe Fran's smarter than the others and understands that attacking Kamijou in this state would only lead to self-destruction. There's the "thing" inside him to consider, and there's also the fact that just Accelerator alone would easily be able to take them all on. But even Salome, who despite being the "insane" one actually turned out to be the most rational one of the bunch, still couldn't help but attack Kamijou for that one possibility. And even Claire, who wasn't even physically there when it happened, immediately chose to kill Kamijou for Kamisato's sake.

So even if Fran isn't necessarily on Kamijou's side, she's still thinking far more rationally than the others. So just that alone sets her apart. Going back to her previous appearance in the novel, I can't find anything that might serve as a clue as to what makes her so different. She has no reason to believe Kamijou's words, she barely even knows him.

The only real thing I can find is Kamijou's comment that Fran still kind of cares about what people other than Kamisato thinks of her. Does that mean that she felt uneasy about the whole microwave scheme? Even if it was for her beloved Kamisato? Was there something different about her from the very beginning?

Died after an infection from eating fecal matter.

Best guess is that Kamisato himself has some unnatural ability to attract others to him and Touma negated that when he fell on her.

It didn't work on Salome.

The only other thing about Fran that really sets her apart from the others is that she's the only member of the Kamisato Faction aside from Salome who actually gets any real screentime as a character. The others are just numbers on a screen. Take one out and it doesn't really affect the whole. As proof, several of them died in the previous volume and in the end, there was no consequence at all. Fran's the only one who's an actual (fictional) person. Again, other than Salome.

Misaki and Misaka are not in lesbians with each other.

It's just the power of sexual harassment.

Because everybody else is doing Plan A she can safely do plan B.If you understand me.

Most of the other girls only knew him for under a month while Salome is his little sister. She may be conflicted but she would definitely choose her older brother over somebody that is basically a stranger. Illusion broken or not.

I would also take your idea that Fran is thinking ahead and came to the conclusion that, "if we do this, I am not sure who, but somebody is definitely going to fucking kill us all." We will have to wait to see how she's fleshed out.

NT10, during the final fight against Othinus.

The cover being bait again and the real meat of the novel being Touma's team-up with the Kamisato Faction, with Misaka being blown offscreen after the attack on Tokiwadai.

You'd think Misaka would have done better. She and Kuroko already fought one crazy Kihara bitch much earlier on, didn't they?

This volume was actually good, so nothings wrong.

Therestina was small time though.

How will Touma deal with Yuiitsu+Kamisato's bitches?

Get help from his own harem. Or failing that due to Aleister meddling in this, ultimate bro team-up with Tsuchimikado, Aoigami, Accelerator and Hamazura.

Fran's really the only one who seems to treat Touma like a human being. I mean, at least, she acknowledges his existence as something other than a target for elimination.

Also, anyone else notice that aside from Salome, Kamisato never really interacts normally with any of his harem. Maybe Fran was forced to recognize Touma as human since he's probably the first form of normal human contact she's had in a long time. I mean, ever since two volumes ago, whenever she was mentioned, she was always treated like some kinda strange lifeform.

I think the next volume's probably just gonna star the Touma and Fran duo. It'd be a good way for Touma to learn more about the Kamisato Faction's circumstances and why they are the way they are.

Besides, Touma thinks this is all his fault, so he wouldn't wanna burden any unrelated people. And whether his intentions were good or not, he did put Academy City through a microwave hell.

Touma's trying to save his enemy this time again. This isn't like trying to save some innocent bystander. If he was trying to save an innocent girl who's done nothing wrong. getting help from unrelated people might be okay. But in the past three volumes, Kamisato has tried to kill Touma twice for nothing but purely selfish motivations. If Touma wants to save someone like that, he'll have to do it on his own.

With Misaki Touma could deal with this pretty easily, too bad she's probably in the hospital

Salome is the strongest of all of them, so we have a clear idea of their average powerlevel. Accelerator or Fraulein Kreutune could probably beat them easily. The Saint Kanzaki would also be trouble.

If they were religious, the Shell Fear would be very effective, but too bad.

> with Aleister dealing with Misaka while Touma is busy
FTFY.They literally talked about it last volume.

>so we have a clear idea of their average powerlevel
No.Salomes power makes judging her pretty impossiable.

>he did put Academy City through a microwave hell.
Touma?Hell no

It's still no match for Accelerator, though. And unlike an Esper, a Magician would be able to figure her out more easily.

Overall, she's probably weaker than Rensa.

Thor DID appear, he was just disguised as a cute grill.

I can think of one more thing. Sinse Fran is the cause of the heatwave, she might have some extra guilt compared to the others, which pushes her to Tuma's side.

I can't remember did Touma when he fell touch her with IB, breaking her illusions?

The thing is, Salome has no upper limit. If she is allowed to build up before facing off the others, who knows what kind of overpowered bullshit she has.

She uses Magic Power, not Telesma. She's not doing anything against Accelerator. Saints can speedblitz her, and the actual big shots like Kazakiri and Fiamma can suppress her power or just 1-shot her.

Yeah, but her power's still pretty straightforward. Compare to Fiamma's Holy Right, whose power rises in response to its user's enemy. Compare to a Magic God, who's basic omnipotent. Compare to Accelerator, whose power would be a hard counter to Salome's brute force method.

Also, Salome's power relies on her ability to survive anything that gets thrown at her. If Accelerator seriously went at her for the kill, she'd be dead on the first move. It's meaningless if she doesn't survive long enough for her power to rise to the desired level.

Like I said, she has to build up first. She can use both science and magic side for her power. I can very well see her use her prep time to build up her speed to keep up with Saints and some sort of obscure and overpowered ability to defeat them. She can't take on the upper echelons like Fiamma as his power is pure bullshit, but with the right steps and time, she can scale up rather nicely.

Too short

Don't underestimate Saints. They have more combat training, experience, skill and talent than Salome could ever have. There's nothing that really sets Salome apart from other Magicians other than that she's a mass murderer with a brother complex. Do you really think that someone like Acqua would fall for her shit?

Speaking of which, Acqua would be completely unaffected by World Rejecter, wouldn't he? He'd be the perfect counter against him, since the Kamisato Faction probably couldn't even touch him.

Nothing, it was surprisingly good.

It was a good volume.


>Index and Fukiyose probably think Touma died

Wasn't Salome using a different body when she was touched by Touma in NT15? In this volume Touma remarked that she was using her actual body during chapter 3.

Index believes in Touma.

Fukiyose's probably worried, though.

In fight against Misaka she said that she can't absorb too much powerful attacks.

What exactly does she mean by "too much powerful" attacks?

It means if Mikoto kissed her on the lips, she'd get 1HKO'd.

>What went right?
Fixed it for ya.

fucking garbage

Not enough bullying.

Don't get so fucking defensive, Toumafag. He probably either made a simple typo or was talking about Kamisato awkwardly. Jesus Christ. No need to jump to defense

It's fully translated? Time to read then



Why is it garbage to you? The characters not do what you wanted?


I think that Aogami and co are still looking for Touma, and maybe one even died against an Element.

You're kinda missing the point. If Salome has all the time in the world to plot out her power scaling, then she can theoretically match up or even exceed the parameters of a Saint. Remember, Saints can still lose to overwhelming speed and power. If Salome had enough prep time, she can build up her power to move way faster and way stronger than a Saint and then engage them.

He probably either didn't read it and is shitposting or is mad for a petty reason like "x didn't appear and y didn't do what I wanted them to"

Kamisato literally never wrong.

Eh? Her power lets her get faster and faster? I thought it was only stronger.

Of course he isn't. And if anyone implies he's wrong, he'll just kill them.

He fell for the Kamijou faction meme, can't get much more wrong than that.
Really doesn't matter how much raw power Salome gets, she has no way to circumvent defenses like Almighty Thor or Accelerator's vectors. On that note, I wonder how Knight Leader's spell would affect her. Would it completely render her useless or would he have to target every item she's used?

I'm fine with either "they're fine and just stressing over Touma" OR "one died looking for Touma"

I do think this novel put an end to legitimate "Aogami is a Level 5" theories and set it firmly in the land of memes/stretching it if you somehow still believe it

>Kanzaki travels with him all the time
>Tooma beats his ass
>Kanzaki falls for Tooma

At least he gets loli teacher.

It's still gonna be jokeposted until the end of time but yes, if Aogami hasn't revealed himself after everything else Touma has been through PLUS this, I sincerely doubt he's hiding anything

>Aogami doesn't reveal himself for potentially world-shattering events like WW3
>The theory gets disproven because he doesn't reveal himself for some shitty bugs and and one of the worst antagonists of the series

Sorry, I'll wait for an actual confirmation that it isn't him.

WWIII did not affect students like this did. AC is literally in shambles, at least the part Aogami is in. WWIII didn't do that.

Why is he still "hiding" then?

His power was useless? Why? What power could possibly be strong enough to be considered Level 5 but 100% useless in every way in a survival situation? Even divination/fortune telling would have been useful.

The #5 was pretty useless.

He used his lvl 5 power of perversion to get all of the girls in the entire city into swimsuits.

Yes. But we also have a whole novel confirming #6 isn't a copy of Misaki. If it was between Misaki and Ayu, and they favored Misaki, why would #6 also have a similar power to Misaki as well as not be Ayu?

The #6 may have a power that's just as useless as Misaki's given the situation they're in.

So are we just gonna gloss over the fact that Mikoto reverse-engineered a Kihara weapon?

There's no reason to believe that the #6 truly cares about AC or it's students. This is just another situation that can be resolved by others without breaking cover, just like Vento's invasion, Orianna's shenanigans, etc.

It's just another one of those unknowns like what lies behind IB, the entirety of Laura, etc. This volume had nothing special that deconfirms that theory. People just really want it gone for whatever reason.

It's just a suit with a bunch of weapons strapped on it. Even if it's cutting edge, it means nothing until she actually works out the magic portion (if that's even possible).

Aogami was worried for Touma and agreed to the water hunts. That implies some level of care.

Well it's giving her nosebleeds.


So I noticed something. Isn't Kamisato's situation all his fault? He even says himself that he can't help but save anyone who happens to be a young girl. But does that mean he's never had to save a boy before? Mind you, Touma rarely gets to save boys himself, but he still gets to do it a few times. He's trying to save Kamisato right now.

If their situations were reversed, would Kamisato try to save Touma?

You can post it as a joke all day long and I wouldn't question you but how can anyone legitimately still believe Aogami is the #6 after this volume?

Again, I'm not talking to people that just post it as a joke. I'm talking to the people who actually believe it.

He literally got led around by Yuiitsu to the point where he erased himself and left his hand and his bitches with her

I don't even know what to believe when it comes to the #6 anymore.

>would Kamisato try to save Touma?
I honestly doubt it.

I wouldn't go full "I doubt it" like but it's kind of hard to see. At least without a sad girl involved

Well, he's been trying to kill Touma all this time. He's not as sympathetic as Touma is.

Kamisato would never save someone he viewed as an enemy. Touma's a weirdo whose entire fanbase is made up of former enemies.

I agree as long as Kakeru didn't see a sad girl that wanted her Touma back.

Knowing him he'd probably just WR her and call it a day.

I can see this, as long as she isn't immune

I mean, really, when you get right down to it, Salome had a point. What the hell would killing Touma solve? It's not like Touma committed any sin against Kamisato. It's not like killing him would achieve anything.

Kamisato's not normal at all. His willingness to kill is abnormal. Ordinarily, wouldn't killing be the last resort? So why does it always end up being the very first resort for him? The immediate option he always ends up using is the most extreme one possible.

So what are the chances that Touma will end up princess carrying Kuroko a third time before the series ends?

Somewhere in between 0 and 100% I expect

100% at their wedding

>I do think this novel put an end to legitimate "Aogami is a Level 5" theories

They weren't even proper theories, just memes.
Aogami clearly isn't a level 5, it was dead obvious since NT09 and that Railgun chapter where he is beaten by both Misaki and Mikoto for spreading perverted dreams of them.

This, but people will keep saying "LOL he is just hiding his powerlevel" when even Kamachi ridiculizes that notion in the LNs with his jokes involving Aogami.

>Those two lunatics had swapped right hands and were now facing each other while holding up those hands like flags.

>That woman had the World Rejecter which had exterminated Magic Gods by the dozen.

>Kamisato had a screw loose.

Touma basically sums it up. At one point he risked having both him and his harem eaten just to see if any of Touma's classmates knew what he had in his arm. Even if they had seen it before, what could he honestly be expecting from them that's not "it's a fuck huge monster that eats everything." The guy's nuts even by Touma standards.

>The immediate option he always ends up using is the most extreme one possible.

There is no kill like overkill.
Kamisato is the type of person who wouldn't regret killing someone if that came to bite him in the ass later, he would regret not killing enough people to make it work.

The *teleports behind you* guy from Battle Royale was there and was also beaten by them. If that scene could've been taken seriously, he would've put a much better fight.

Against two level 5s? Please.
Besides, IIRC Accelerator didn't even need to use his power to beat that punk. Killer Point is a joke.

To be fair, I'm fairly certain getting beaten up by cute girls is among Aogami's fetishes.

Only If #6 power is related to fighting. So far #6's power is related to precognition.

The Aogami thing will never go away until there is a direct confirmation that he really is a nobody. There are dozens of absurd things that have taken place in NT alone, but apparently the must difficult thing to believe is that some guy is hiding his capabilities for an unknown purpose, even if he gets caught in the middle of something like the heatwave.

reminder that Touma's real enemy is anyone with real fighting skills

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