
But seriously, what did the Nazis do wrong?



not enough apparently

they lost.

Hitler thought by breaking the Jewish Control of German banks, stock market, news and entertainment media, and keeping them out of government that the problem was solved.

But the problem, as Henry Ford pointed out, was the "International Jew" and the bankers who control the Jews. Meaning the Rothschild bankers.

As Hitler was probably a Rothschild... there may be good reason why he overlooked that.

So was Hitler going for the financial elite Jews or was it the financial elite Jews plan to exterminate the Jews

>inb4 Holocaust never happened

I miss my grand-grandfather

everything except this

>red pilled
>doesnt know hitler was controlled op

hitler was larping as an anti semite
he was the best thing to happen for the jewish elites and rabbi.

>implying Hitler didn't die peacefully in rural Argentina

Yeah those Rabbi's foamed at the mouth to enslave germany, Synagogues shook to there very foundation out of fear.

>jet fuel cant melt steal beams

They didn't win. That's all.

Kill millions of white europeans

>Communism works

yea other than jews were assimilating with germans and the rabbis couldnt have that.

whats a few millions to save the purity of the race.

its a know fact that hitler worked hand in hand with the zionist and persecuted any nationalistic jews. what better way to get the chosen people to migrate to a fucking desert when they had a pretty good life in europe and didnt really want to go.

ship em to camps, make their lives miserable and offer them a new home land.

who benefited from hitler in the end. sure wasnt the germans lol

Got any dank Nazi stories from grandpa?

My people would all be dead, and I'd never have been born if the Nazis finished their "work". So there's that.

hitler did not once attack the Warburgs. They were the biggest bankers in germany before, during and after hitler according to Eustace Mullins. makes you think.

All they wanted was a German ethnostate, they wouldn't dare touch America (too bad they allied with the japs)

You can complete their work, user.

Tried to destroy westen civ. Replaced the Church with state worship. Killed millions of whites. Fought stupid wars for empire. Statism. Socialism and command economy. Shit art and architecture. Sexual perversion. Etc.

What'd they do right? Seriously? What the fuck did they do right?
>pissed off the whole world
>got taken over by fucking communist
>got taken over by a bunch of mongrel nations
>didn't kill all the jews
>turned germany a powerful white nation into a cuck for 50 fucking years

They did nothing right. They fucked up everything. Because of their failure white men are in the fight of their lives just to exist against inferior races who are out breeding them and have allowed themselves to be domesticated enough to basically be socially sterile.

I mean fuck you goddamn nazi's you fucked it up for us.

Seriously to my fellow white why are you following such an inferior ideology that has failed us for so fucking long? Why? I honestly think jews are behind the neo nazi movement because fucking neo nazi's are so goddamn incompetent.

and it this point neonazis are speechless because i'm so fucking right

drop the retarded ideology. come up with a better one.

At the turn of the last century, he wielded his powerful influence against Czar Nicholas II after the eruption of the Russo-Japanese War in 5664/1904. It was largely thanks to Schiff’s efforts that the struggle ended in a crushing defeat over Russia, leading Russia’s Minister of Finance to declare in 5671/1911, “Our government will never forgive or forget what the Jew Schiff did to us… He was one of the most dangerous men we had against us abroad.”

Hitler allies with Japs.
Japs were aided by the Jew Schiff to destroy the christian Czar Nicholas II

hitler was controlled op. you need to read more.