Mugabe named as goodwill ambassador by WHO

>The World Health Organization (WHO) has appointed President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe as a "goodwill ambassador" to help tackle non-communicable diseases.
>Critics say health services have collapsed under Mr Mugabe's rule

so fuckin' what


The international "peacekeeping" organizations like the WHO, IMF, and World Bank exist to prevent the third world from becoming self sufficient and producing highly traditionalist, nationalistic nations that they then have to bomb and brainwash into accepting the NWO

The jewluminati WANTS africa to be destitute and helpless.


>literally genocidal dictator
>killed not only whites, but 30,000 minority blacks for the audacity of having their traditional lands over gold mines
>"goodwill ambassador"

and thats how you do it. engage in semi legitimate work, name yourself something like the "children helpers of the earth" and then elect a pedophile to oversee child welfare.

Mugabe is a murderous asshole that helped turn Zimbabwe into a barren shithole where a 100 billion dollar note couldn't buy you a loaf of bread.

Great choice for good will ambassador.

Fucking what

Isn't that the guy that kicked out all the white farmers, and all his people started starving to death?

>Isn't that the guy that kicked out all the white farmers, and all his people started starving to death?
Don't forget, he begged all the whites to come back.

Melaninitis is a communicable disease though.

so is the who willfully ignorant of mugabe's crimes, or are they legitimately retarded?

Only just realised that Mugabe has blue eyes...

Being a nigger isn't.


"World" organizations like WHO and the UN are such a fucking joke.

Add the IMF to that.

>Mugabe named as goodwill ambassador
>goodwill ambassador

The world needs more based ethnonationalists like Mugabe.

>WHO is so stupid and corrupt that they put in a dictator that drove out a racial group and created a mass starvation disaster in his own country that led to the selling of wildlife for debt money as a Goodwill Ambassador

>>WHO is so stupid
Yes they are, user.
Yes they are.

Most "world" organizations are little more than 3rd world shitholes trying to exploit cash off of 1st world nations.

Bump for cocaine!