Quick question

What do jews achieve by filling Europe with muslims? Imagine for a moment that they actually get white people to be a minority. A muslim dominated society would reject jews, and therefore prevent them from doing formal business in the continent. Enlighten me.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Flood Europe with Islamic militants
>Call all Jews to return to Israel because its too dangerous
>Give Islamic militants the green-light to attack a weakened Europe now that your own people are safe at home
>Conquer Europe

"Jews will take a leading role in the new Europe"

Yes, I imagine that. But my question, more exactly, would be: what do they actually GAIN from it? Is it just the pleasure of taking "revenge" on the white race? Or maybe is it more about lowering the average IQ..?

>bring muslims into Europe
>Create 2 sites
>use the media to play them against each other
>get Europeans to support Israel

That's old, mate. Her face and the way she speaks make my blood boil.

>2 sites
What do you mean?

The jews would prevail intellectually with a society majority dominated by muslims.
Haven't you learned about the six days war? Arabs can't jihad properly anymore, too much inbreeding it seems.

the goal is to destabilize homogeneous populations. this creates domestic unrest, allowing the ruling class to take more control in the name of security. it's basically global Trotskyism.

questions answered

Divide and rule. Same tactics we used to conquer china and India during the days of empire.

It's also to create a threat of perpetual terrorism so (((they))) can keep ratcheting up the police state. The endgame is to have the whole population microchipped and gradually phased out of existence by cutting off the food supply to random individuals. Imagine all your finances are stored on a microchip and one day you find for whatever reason you aren't able to access your current account to buy food. Instead you're forced to ask others for help (which they refuse due to strict rationing and fear of reprimand by the police) or resort to theft, again resulting in detainment and execution by the police.

sorry sides

It's in the Talmud. They've been planning this for centuries

Thank you, everyone. But still... Would the jews be able to rule a population that openly hates them? This would be the case if Muslims become a majority in Europe.

A fractured society is easier to control.

Greater Israel and the fulfillment of (((their))) Fabulation

A "perfect" society fill with (((them)))...
Can someone put a (((merchant))) face on those faces please

Divide and conquer.
The West destroyed the middle east, now the muslims will destroy the west.
Pit your two enemies against one another and clean up the mess.
Worked for Caesar.

As long as the population is microchipped they can shut down any opposition. Think about it. Would you risk speaking out against your slavemasters if you knew it would result in never being able to buy food at the supermarket? Of course not. It's the perfect panopticon.

I really don't think this could actually happen.
At least... I seriously hope so. Although considering people are getting even dumber with each passing generation, and the advances in surveilance tech, I'm afraid it is inevitable.

They're alreading doing trial runs of the RFID chips in Sweden and elsewhere. It's real. It's definitely happening.


Thank you for sharing this, friend.
I am now legit considering moving to the countryside. Fuck this world.