This is your future bitch, would you sign your consent?

This is your future bitch, would you sign your consent?


Other urls found in this thread:




...I still honestly can't believe I fapped to her once. I feel kinda dirty.

this is probably my fault, soory, here

It is hilarious that when Emma was actually race-mixing with an Asian guy, user didnt give a shit. Meanwhile the fantasy of her getting JEWED (and it is a fantasy) gets them hot n' bothered

The gas chambers are a myth, just like the rumor that Nazis made soap out of human fat (from Jewish concentration camp prisoners). The soap myth was later debunked by historians but continued to be repeated as fact by some Jews well into the 1990s. Even today you might find some people repeating the soap myth, such is the power of stories that are believed on faith rather than evidence.

So-called "Holocaust survivors" are on video admitting that they heard rumors about the gas chambers from other Jews before they even arrived at the concentration camps. Thus without ever experiencing it themselves, if a Jew lost a loved one during the war, they simply assumed that they had been murdered in a gas chamber. After the war many Jews were caught lying about their experience, but repeated the myth because they felt they were doing a good thing for the "victims". Insodoing the myth is reinforced without a shred of truth or evidence.

Gas chambers did exist, but they were a life-saving measure to exterminate Typhus-spreading lice in camp clothing, not Jewish inmates. That is why the gas chamber story often feature details like haircuts and showers (life-saving pest deterrant measures). Typhus, known as "camp fever", "ship fever", etc., resulted in tens of thousands of deaths in the camps - possibly even hundreds of thousands by the end of the war. That is why the camps had crematories. But those deaths weren't planned, and total nowhere near 6,000,000.

You can learn more about the improbability of the story, and why the numbers claimed to have been killed in gas chambers at Auschwitz is scientifically and technically impossible, in the following video. Watch it and make up your own mind.

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:

REALITY : Asian boyfriend
FANTASY : Harvey Weinstein




Steven Spielberg made a documentary called "The Last Days" about the Holocaust.
The film features Paul Parks, a black soldier, who claims to be an eyewitness at the liberation of a concentration camp.
The problem is, Paul Parks was a known fraud and liar. He was outed by historians and military documents after taking part in an earlier documentary focusing on black soldiers who supposedly liberated concentration camps in the war (no black soldiers liberated any camps -- whoops!).
That didn't stop Spielberg from including him, though. And it didn't stop the documentary from getting the Oscar that year, either. And the Academy never stripped it of its Oscar, despite this all being common knowledge.
Amazing, isn't it?
You can find out about this and other ridiculous lies by watching this documentary about "The Last Days"

>The Last Days of the Big Lie




who the fuck is this anyways?

and also a man.

that's it, i'm definitely insane now.
it was nice posting memes with you anons.

my mom

I just remote viewed Auschwitz. It was definitely real and people died. Very disturbing and awful feeling. Maybe Jews did distort the number of people who died but the chambers and deaths did happen.

for once a based mexican

I am in awe :D



>Emma was actually race-mixing with an Asian guy
So wheres the kid?

Sadly, Emma never got to carry an Asian baby in her belly.

Then its not race-mixing, its just rice burning.

because its a man




I'm out~!
