Why is America such a third world insofar as economic inequality is concerned...

Why is America such a third world insofar as economic inequality is concerned? I know we are supposed to love all our foundational tenets of liberal democracy with life, liberty, and property + all that. But we are worse than south american shitholes and soon will be Brazil-tier with favelas

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more mass shootings and fatal violence than any EU shithole too

Because tax revenue collected from the middle class goes to subsidies for multinational corporations and bailouts for banks that the government created entire agencies to help fund and insure

And people think the answer is more government

It also doesn't help that we're importing a massive underclass in addition to the welfare-dependent class that's grown substantially. Of course there will be inequality when low IQ people are flooding our nation

>Of course there will be inequality when low IQ people are flooding our nation
but manual labor jobs need to be filled as well as a the working class jobs that do not require high IQ....in a society of high IQ people's, you just get someone with a ph.d working at mcdonald's and there is a shortage of incentive to even get educated...working class is important - but not these lazy nigger low iq types
America is fucked

and I also think a lot of it has to do with our drug addicted populations who aren't immigrants in places like west virginia as well
states right's should be stronger than the arbitrary federal power making me pay taxes from the east coast for somebody's localized health problems on the west coast

But all of those working class jobs are being automated or outsourced. Bringing in cheap labor is just depressing wages and creating more and more unemployed

no, i agree with you, that i am anti-immigration. all it does it hurts our legal citizens and wages of the working class. what i just meant was berating people because of IQ on an economic level isn't cogent.
with automation and outsourcing (outsourcing being just as big a problem as immigration imo), it poses an interesting question as to how far the economic gap is going to widen before something happens, either a violent public or government trynig to intervene and regulate just enough to satiate the needs of the lower class

But none of those things are burdens of developing nations. WTF is this writer?

>income inequality
Anybody who spouts this bullshit is a fucking communist, the U.S. has the highest GDP in the world, so much food people are fat as fuck, and has so much disposable income to fund Hollywood and video games.

Newspeak is real.

Well maybe if people did not take out Loans and fall for the college meme they would not be burdened with debt.

Another problem is we need to have immigration reform. At least with Trump's RAISE act it's merit based system like Canada and Australia just minus the whole social welfare stuff.

end you life retard

Arent immigration requirements for the USA already quite strict?

>let in tens of millions of illiterate third world peasants
>poverty increases
WHOA what could explain this?

If you're White.

Here we see a suburban/rural retard who doesn't know what a "developing country" is in socioeconomic terms.

Pro tip: It's not a very good thing

This country is fucked

Racial discrimination is banned in the constitution so im sure they dont have different requirements.
Refugees and illegals on the other hand...
Wow youre so smart dude XD

gee I wonder why

it's been coming for years. the neoliberal policies worked so well in the 3rd world they used them there

why no link? did the story mention feudalism?

maybe more privatization and tax cut will fix it

Late stage capitalism

And I'm guessing this economist suggests we take in more immigrants and outsource more as a solution right?

>economic equality

I think you've posted this thread before, please fuck off to a commie shithole

I'm not going to go in to it but republicans talked about this openly back in the reagan years. feudalism makes a stable society.

uh...no? immigration actually serves to make this problem worse - and outsourcing is one of the roots of this problem. nice try at building a strawman, though, low-iq. i have no desire to talk about redistribution of wealth or anything like that - but certainly an overhaul of the protections of corporate private property that have long since operated in illegitimate ways and caused every single crash of our economy for the past 100 years

>mit economist
The Dow has surged since trump won. I think I’m more qualified to talk about the economy than that millenial hippie

remember when libertarians talked about free markets a few years ago? funny now but back then I wondered what planet they were talking about.

Yes, but different government.

do you think the trend of the DOW is something that is just static? it stays on an upward tick? just remember; those who take credit for the economy when it's doing good never seem to be willing to take accountability when it's doing horrid

if you want to learn more about economics, here's a good economist to start with who might lift you out of your sandbox highschooler-conception of the economy seemingly without any regard for the missing coefficients you left out

this is the toughest pill to swallow

I’m sure it will remain on the upward trend. We have a president that has currently upheld his deregulation promises, and the economy has a confident flare because we have a president that was a businessman and supports business. Of course, deregulation can lead to things like Enron (why why why why why Mr. Skilling), but our justice system did a good job. Usually people will find the right person to blame, regardless if the person decides to take the blame or not. And things get passed to make sure things like that never happen again. So yes, I am confident in the dow maintaining the upward trend.

After 24 years of shitty neo-liberal/kikeservative (((economics))) of COURSE the inequality would be bad. However, I want to know how they defined what the numbers represented. After all, there are many states in the US that are WAYYYYY better than Costa rica.


You realize the gini coeffecint is often lower in third world countries, right?


too bad nobody can read the fucking thing

>Literally sponsored by a leftist socialist organization
>Only one speaker
>25 minutes
At least libertarians have the decency to bring several of their economists to speaking events. Maybe he's the only marxist they could drag out of a community college.

Who has EVER called fucking honduras a paradise? Moreover that whole region is fucked in the head, regardless of ideology. Guess its the month of the LEAF!

Yes mean old deregulated companies created crashes caused by monetary disturbances in the business cycle. Hit the nail on the fucking head with that one retard.

did you read it?
that the end game for the libertarians neo liberals

It didn’t just happen overnight....


>I'm sure they don't have different requirements
You'd be wrong then.
t. an immigrant

Are you even literate you retarded shitskin? Also
>trust MY article for what OTHER people believe

Every where i go i see people with less brain power than monkeys. Rest in peperooniez.

did you read it ?

Why does income inequality bother you?

no. I didn't think so. retard

It means people are being exploited

>Government embroiled in years of civil unrest/war
>citizens impoverished due to acts of violence commited by the state, or state sponsored actors
>People in desperation repair roads to have something near a decent life
>20 something libshit goes there, not to help anyone, or donate, or expose living conditions, but to make fun of libertarians

>civil unrest/war
stopped reading right there

Niggers and spics are turning you back into the 3rd world
Fucking yuck

Only if you believe in a system of value that was outdated by the time Marx penned his work.

Yes Minister explained it best:
"They used to be called underdeveloped countries. Then there were called developing countries. Now they're called HRRCs: Human Resource Rich Countries."


that is not an argument against the labor theory of value...you are falsely equivocating if you are holding up the STV to LTV

It's because the combination their ideological opposition to taxes and their irrational fear of government debt keeps their government underresourced and thus unable to properly address the problems that other rich countries have fixed.

LTV was killed when marginal utility proved that the value of a good is consumer based as opposed to business or labor based. What utility LTV has after the discovery of MU and STV is beyond me.

You're genuinly too stupid to be discussing this topic if you believe the US gov or even the populace have an "iirational fear of government debt".

thats not a bad thing though, it's just good, honest Americans exercising their second amendment rights.

People being shot is a good sign of a healthy, free country.

>worried about job security
good thing my parents both work in the medical field. people always get sick

yeah, more niggers and spics in a country will do that

We havn't actually had an actual capitalist system in this country since world war 2. This "Late Stage Capitalism" nonsense isn't the problem, it's the socialist pricipals that have been bogging down our economy for closing in on a century. Our economic engine was just so powerful that it took this long to really have catastrophic effect.

We don't even know the actual number of immigrants and their minor children except that it is well over 60 million.

Vast majority are Mexican/Central American/African low IQ brought in to reduce unskilled wages and far from being an economic benefit, are a huge net burden on natural born American citizens.


Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.

America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.


Because the identity left has completely destroyed our already weak class identity and created a "left" obsessed with artificial outrage over gender, race, and sexuality that is nothing more than a tool for corporate interests.

But it's not just us. We are exporting this degeneracy all over the world. What you see in the US is just a leading trend that will eventually sweep Europe as well unless things change.