Why this anime is so boring? Watching chapter 6 and I'm falling asleep

Why this anime is so boring? Watching chapter 6 and I'm falling asleep

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This is one of these animes that need to be watched entirely to be appreciated, I guess. Some people told me to watch it too.

The series goes out of its way to create a mindfuck, just wait 'till you get to the last 2 episodes if you really care

And you don't seem to understand

I LOVE how this is the first response you see to any type of thread like this where someone is diligently criticizing this anime. No one would ever dare to critique this anime because they know that as soon as they post their thread or article, etc., all the elitist neckbeards will speint to their computers and mash away this MEME of a phrase like a sleeper cell whenever someone would DARE to make fun of "beautiful, precious, innocent Lain :(((".
How sad and pathetic you people truly are. Anytime a man is brave enough to step up and contradict your shallow thought and beliefs about this anime like bravehearted OP here, you just sit there and soam this meme, thinking you're the heroes that Lain deserves, while not actually providing any sort of counterargument, antithesis, or even an actual discussion with OP just because you're afraid of the cold hard truth that OP has been constantly trying to show you people.
It's a main key point and recurring theme of the show: that Lain has Aspergers'/ is on the Autism spectrum. But, of course, you would never dare to think otherwise because you believe that you are the highest caliber of anime watcher which is like being the world's strongest squatter as a quadroplegic.
Fact is, OP has been diligently giving us proper facts and evidences about the anime that PROVE that Lain is at least somewhat autistic.
But no, just type out that phrase as the penultimate response to any criticism of the show because you're the hero that Lain, oh so deserves as you sit there in the dark on your computer thinking you've won the battle because... Well... Where else did you learn it from other than your autistic favorite herself: Lain.
See ya nerds.

it's at least better than texhnolyze

you need to understand the relationship between japs and their deities in order to really "get" SEL

A shame you were seen like an honest man

Op here, should I bother with continuing watching this? I will have to watch chapter 8 again because I literally fell asleep. I think I'm gonna drop this

Cool pasta, i'll make a thread next time with autistic.jpg image and your pasta.


Okay Sup Forums so I just watch this so a while ago so but nobody would to tell me that THIS CANICATURE is type to such AUTICITICISM.
It's astound me that anyoney would to tell me otherwise, when though armosphere and messique were of the quality, the rest of overcast by the draining flaw in the STORY: the asectisism of the main Chanicaret: Senial elegy Lain's lain.
Tell me, though i have in the past menuted the anisceral that this Lain, the serial experiment's Lain tends to portray, it is as of yet not anticherated as to the identity of this caricature?
I mean in every encode (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13) she Shows not for exception of obsession with childish things like computer and a lack of social funct.
Would you deny me my conclutions which the world has given me right?

Nice answer, continue this way and you will become one of the coolest kids of this cool kids club that is Sup Forums


im already the coolest kid here boy

No, i'm the coolest kid here.

Op here, Im going to drop this. The lack of good answers and the fact that I won't stand watching this to the end without falling asleep endee this series for me.

well thats a problem becaus we cant have two people who are the coolest so im afraid ur gonna have to step down

nice blog fag

You can't make an autistic.jpg thread without using something like , and desu you should probably leave it to the professional

I know who isn't the coolest anyme here.


every episode feels like an entire hour
jesus christ it is SO FUCKING BORING

it's a meme show

what's the matter? not enough fighting? no romance? TOO DEEP FOR YOU?

hahahaha. don't like it, don't watch, fuck off

Seriously, how do people like this? I mean it really feels like a show you're supposed to like because you're supposed to like
It is so fucking boring, all the characters are unlikeable and/or unmemorable and it doesn't help that all of them have the akira uguu face
These fucking annoying phrases takin all the screen, these fucking annoying "look there's a man behind the post? isn't it straaaaaaange?"
Seriously tell me how the fuck did this this shit become so popular

It most likely has a great ending, thus the memory of it being great remains and ppl forget about the slow and dry plot up to that point.

Brainwashed Retard spotted.
How does it feel not having an opinion?

Because everything you've watched thus far has conditioned you to expect something else entirely.
This anime focuses a lot on subtext and atmosphere. It's not intended for everyone.

How can Lain be autistic if she's not even an actual human being

go watch attack on titan or bleach or some other shonen action shit you fag

The ending's aight. The show is remembered for the journey as well.

I think the newer generation doesn't realize it is a skill to take interest in something. Some media requires investment from you, and does not put all its energy into littering "LOOK HOW INTERESTING THIS IS" neon signs around every episode/chapter to cover up how shallow it is.

ask ur dog

I was on episode 9 but I just got internet after not having it for a week. I don't know if I should start over or just read a synopsis to make sure I'm caught up. I've found that most episode lists online really only touch on a little bit in each episode, I'm not sure if it's to avoid spoilers or they don't really want to get into explanations.

Anyway, I've been enjoying it. It's slow and drawn out, but it's actually pretty interesting. I think it explores topics that were more relevant during the late 90s/early 2000s, and many other works have covered them since. Still, I think it's interesting enough to sit through and I'm really interested in what happens at the end. In my opinion, it hasn't been trying to get too deep or full of itself, but the way it presents all the information isn't entirely straightforward. I feel like I need to actually think about what's going on, and sometimes what I thought was the case turns out to be wrong. But I do think it's not for everyone. Like I said, there are other works which cover similar ideas more eloquently, but I think SEL was one of the first. It's a bit outdated, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong or not relevant.

>"LOOK HOW INTERESTING THIS IS" neon signs around every episode/chapter to cover up how shallow it is.
this is literally what Lain does tho

Do you watch manga and read anime?
Kys, ESL-kun.

Well, they come in expecting something else entirely.
The moment they encounter something with any degree of subtext or abstraction it is immediately labeled pretentious for the reason that there isn't a large pool of people who want to watch an anime and have to speculate on what's going on in an anime.

In my mother tongue aswell as English "episode" and "chapter" are synonims, I mean I was watching the anime, I don't see the problem.
Yeah sure, watching an extremely slow meme show turns me into a person who only enjoy shonen. I bet you barely managed to finish this anime only to feel like you are part of the "select anime watchers" or even didn't watch it.

No one called it pretentious but you
everyone said it is boring

It isn't very good, though it's worth watching just because its aesthetic is so fucking cool and there are some interesting ideas thrown in I guess, even if they seem like they're handled by a 5 year old

I don't have a problem with speculating what's going on in the anime nor with the pretext or subtext, I "enjoyed" that a bit, but that is not related to the fact that I find it extremely boring.

It's the popular argument. The pacing is part of the atmosphere.

No one talked about pacing but you again

Being another dissenting voice here, but I've sat through The Sky Crawlers three times and have watched the GiTS movie well over twenty, but Jesus fuck I can't get through Lain. I'm on episode 7 and I can't help but feel that everything I've seen could have been conveyed in two or three episodes rather than 7. It's stretching something simple over a long run time under the guise of being deep.

I don't think it's "under the guise" of anything, that's more what other people have said about it tainting what you expect, I experienced the same thing when I saw it

I do agree that it stretches a few simple ideas over a whole series when it could've been a great short film or something, though.

Basically Lain is like EoE, some pretty simple ideas obscured by a bunch of shit that's hard to decipher that just makes the whole thing worse

EoE is much more entertaining than Lain in every possible way tho
>just one hour
>godly animated
>godly colored
>godly soundtrack

Since you mentioned GitS, its ideas are equally simplistic, but it's relatively short and spends its time showing you the results of those ideas in its world rather than half-assing an explanation of them like Lain
Animation and soundtrack I'll give you, I might have enjoyed it more if TV ending wasn't better in every way other than that.

If you fall asleep watching Lain, your dreams become another's reality. And then you wake, and they go on without you.

But seriously, Nice mood, not as deep as it thinks it is, tried to stay relevant forever by setting it in "the present" and yet was predictably dated within a few years. Who could have seen that coming? If you're bored, just do something else. No one's gonna give you a cookie for watching things they like more than you do.

like i give a shit about you lol.

Like no one asked you to care or even post faggot

I wish I could be as cool as you
Might as well finish it just to have a complete opinion, why not?
It isn't great but it's worth watching even as just a relic of that period of anime history

Well you fuckers last time I checked I am the coolest kid round these blocks. So step aside *unsheathes nipon steal*
I enjoyed it.


>i enjoyed it
why do you lie user . its not even an enjoyable anime . you watch it for the plot

And if you like said plot...then you enjoyed it
What the fuck

A critically thinking mind finds it's own meanings in the story in SEL.
Someone just watching it expecting a nicely wrapped up storyline will only be confused or bored.


>u didn't get it bruh
>u r so dumb lol
get out

I own Lain on VHS. I am CLEARLY the coolest kid here.

No. If you hate it that much you won't like the whole thing. It doesn't magically get better at the end, it just develops a coherent plot.

that's actually pretty awesome user

Thank you

It gets interesting at around episode 6 and good at ep 10

>comparing a movie to a television show

Honestly it's super exciting early on but once the episode about rumors crops up everything after gets pretty boring.

nigga everyone's fucking seen lain

I know this is a pasta of some kind but calling something boring and saying that it made you fall asleep isn't a valid criticism.