Why are Americans by law forced to buy car insurance but not health insurance?

Why are Americans by law forced to buy car insurance but not health insurance?

Driving has always been considered a privilege.

>forced to buy car insurance

You're right. This is a terrible violation of rights. Forced economic action is un-American and most be abolished.

Its the same in the UK
The insurance on my first car was over double the cost of the car itself


You're forced to buy auto-insurance to protect someone ELSE in the event you are involved in an accident and hurt them.

Why can't eurocucks into logic?

it's there to protect the other person you hit, not you.

also you don't need it on your own private road

We are forced to buy health insurance until Trump gets rid of Obongocare

I don't drive and I also don't have car I insurance

You're forced to buy liability insurance because we don't won't some poor person hitting us and not having the funds to fix our car

Last I checked I am forced to buy health insurance or face a tax penalty

Hehe that pic is good...
Still that fucking cunt has to go to jail!!!!!

Boy on the left hella cute.

Car accidents hurt all involved.
Health accidents only hurt you.

The STATE requires auto insurance not the FED

Not forced to buy a car though.

What a retarded attempt at an analogy to activate almonds. Are you like fucking 15?

You can't get around without a car in America.

Kek this

What are taxis?
What is uber?

Because an idiot with a 1000 dollar beater is capable of causing millions of dollars worth of damages to life and property that they are completely incapable of paying off in their lifetime.

We are assuming in this thread that obamacare was repealed and the law requiring insurance or be massively taxed for not having it was repealed? Right?? Or is this just another ignorant euro with a strong opinion on what american government should provide without knowing anything about america or its current laws?

This. It's only required by law if you are driving on roads owned by the government.

I havent drove a car in over 10 years you do not need a car to travel.

And the real question is why are my tax dollars used to buy roads that I don't have a right to use

Not everyone lives in an urban area. Taxis and uber would bankrupt anyone living more than a few miles from everyplace they need to access on a routine basis.

Car insurance isn't horrible if you a) don't have a bad driving record, b) don't buy something horribly expensive to insure, and c) don't live in a neighborhood where your car is likely to be stolen.

People weren't on guard when the fascists were pushing mandatory car insurance.

Why am I forced to pay for nigger food stamps?

I didn't own are car until I was 26. And I was a functional adult not some neet.
Youbalso don't need a license on private roads.

If I have saving set aside just incase I hit a nigger I should not have to pay car insurance every year

>forcing people to buy something from a private company

Cars cost money
People don't
>America fuck yeah!

There is free healthcare in the UK
I am just paying for other peoples shitboxes

In the us it's possible to insure yourself

Insurance is the biggest con in the history of man-kind, you're literally paying for nothing. You're not even paying for something that will happen eventually or is even likely to happen, you're paying for something that MIGHT happen. Then when it finally does happen, those fuckers who have been taking your money for years for this very day do everything in their power to fuck you over, leaving you with a fraction of whatever it was you were promised, and usually no resolution to your problem. But of course, the jews in congress got together with the jews in the insurance industry and turned having insurance into a big public safety issue

>to be alive in the US you must purchase this specific product from a corporation every month until you die.
we are forced by law to buy health insurance but its fucked. Driving is a privilege, living is a right.

>Insurance is the biggest con in the history of man-kind
>the jews in congress got together with the jews in the insurance industry and turned having insurance into a big public safety issue

Fucking what?

Not forced to purchase health insurance?

I only got about $650 on my federal returns. Because I couldn't afford health insurance, I was fined $690 for the year. Living paycheck to paycheck and work doesn't offer any such benifits.

Thanks Obama.

Once you enter a market the government can enforce rules on you (car insurance etc.). But we are not forced into the market, ie no one forces us to buy a car. But now the government is forcing us into the health care market when many do not need it.

((1 post by this ID)
dont forget to sage your posts

Because Mexicans and black don’t buy it..

Are you stupid... What do u think obama care forces people to buy? U fucking moron.

That is better than what we have here.

Here there is a road accident fund that is meant to compensate victims of road accidents. Only problem is that is is effectively empty because of false claims.

Mandatory third party insurance isn't a bad thing.


so the cops can steal your car for the DMV when you don't pay taxes

We are forced to buy health insurance. This is on the same iq tier as saying canadians get free healthcare.

Auto insurance is paying for damage you deal to others in advance, It actually makes sense as amount of money you can extract via legal means from offenders is very limited (no debts dungeons now) and most damage is done via high riks groups. Without insurance you would have offenders breaking you cars over and over and you can't extract a single cent from them.

But if you bring back civil debt dungeons back than you can abolish auto insurance.

>but not health insurance?
Except we are, that is what Obamacare is retard

OP is retarded but he brings up an interesting topic. My friend just got hit by a drunk driver, destroyed his car. He struggling to get to work now because no car, relies on rides or taking the bus. Th drunk driver did not have insurance (something really common here in the border) so because no insurance no one is paying to fix his car. He was going to sue him but lawyer told him guy had no money so it was no use. Drunk driver did a few months in jail and now he is back on the streets. My friend pays insurance, got his car destroyed when a drunk driver passed a red light and now has no car. Pretty much what s the point of even forcing people to have insurance if you are not going to enforce it and protect the people who follow the law? This happens here all the time in the border, almost no one has insurance because we are all a bunch of cheap ass Mexicans. Family members have been hit all the time by drunk Mexicans with no insurance and then are forced to pay everything because the government wont do shit other than fine. Wont force them to pay you and most lawyers dont want to take it to civil court because there is no money to be made. There should be a minimum 5 year sentence for causing an accident and having no insurance

A car is optional.
Being forced to buy health insurance (What a fuckin joke!) is being fleeced just because a person is alive.
It's robbery on behalf of the medical industrial complex and they are a detriment to most people's health, NOT an asset.


Lots of people use vehicles for non road use that don't have to be insured (off roading, farm use, dune buggy, etc)

Insurance is just one of the conditions require to is your private vehicle on the public road system. On private road networks insurance wouldn't necessarily be required.

Requiring me to buy health insurance is a clear violation of the constitution (the supreme Court got around this by declaring the mandate a "tax")