Why do Christians on Sup Forums always talk about Vikings when they want to make Paganism look bad?

Sure, they weren't on the same level as Greeks or Romans (both originally Pagan btw), but they were certainly no less accomplished than their Christian contemporaries. Pic very much related. Being the first Europeans to reach America should alone should be enough to disqualify them from being considered a bunch of unwashed (ironic because they cared about personal hygiene more than Christians) barbarians.

>B-but muh raids!
1. The vast majority were traders, nor raiders
2. There's nothing in Christianity that's against raiding and robbing your neighboring kingdoms, Christians just hate it when it's done to them

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And shitting on your ancestors just to make your desert cult look better is really pathetic.

>they weren't on the same level as Greeks or Romans
Per capita and geography they were.

Also the Viking-era was only a small part of Norse history.

>worshiping some Jewish sandeater
I really don't understand

Founding Rus' and BTFOing khazar kikes is enough of achievement for me.

you seem to have a romanticized view of the vikangs, what are you trying to rationalize ?
What even is the point of this thread ?

>According to the Primary Chronicle, he believed that his warriors (druzhina) would lose respect for him and mock him if he became a Christian.

>you seem to have a romanticized view of the vikangs
Which part of my post makes you think that? My point is that Christians on Sup Forums shit on them unfairly just because they were Pagan, when at the same time most contemporary Christian states were no more accomplished.

Normans werent vikings ffs. In Rus they were small part of pops and assimilated in one two generations to slavs. Cryptonationalist swedish lies.

>early medieval western europe was no more accomplished thank vikangs

"Normans" were Norse before they mixed and integrated. "Rollo" were probably Norwegian. Nobody is saying that people in the area stayed Norse.

>In Rus they were small part of pops and assimilated in one two generations to slavs.
Doesn't contradict OP

His map paints it as viking expansion which is total bullshit.


How can Christian modern musicians compete?

Normandy existed before a couple hundred viking men settled there at most and intermarried with French women, by the time Guillaume went and conquered england most of the Normans with vinking blood were already at least 75% French and Breton

>The wall of Charles V, built from 1356 to 1383
Try again.

Sure. The Norsemen still left a huge mark on the area and the world. Despite being completely inferior in numbers and land.

building of the louvres started in late 12th century but it's a pretty late exemple I agree, I could have used Carolingian architecture to illustrate my point better but I was doing something else

Mostly through rewriting of history by English people to attempt and distinguish Normans from French in the renaissance.

Fair enough. In the field of architecture they were mostly ahead (even if it was created mostly to serve the needs of the Church). But I still believe that my Initial point stands.

dunno man there is a pretty big rift between continental western europe + England and Scandinavian countries until the late middle ages, due to a variety of factors without doubt, but the rift was there.

Mostly by leaving a permanent mark on the area. No matter how much history is re-written.

But Norsemen ruled in these areas.