Why do Russians love Trump so much?

I'm not even talking about Putin who's man crush on Trump led him to rigging the American election for Trump. I'm talking about ordinary Russians, it borderlines on psychotic.

Idk same reason Saudis love Hilary i guess

Russians placed ads attacking Hillary to make it appear as though Trump's people were attacking her.

>poor women bullied by drumpf!

and it backfired. And now the Nazbol plan for America is useless because Russia is about to get fucked and da goyim know.

Why do shills make such poor threads?


they dont actually

Stfu Ivan this thread isnt about you

Great union of caucasian brethren

you ok? if not, take your pills then

>Putin rigged election to favor Trump.
How *precisely* was this achieved?
What *actual* proven actions were taken to "rig" the US presidential election.
And why did Putin not favor HRC _ who had approved the dubious uranium deal?
Explain your assertions, user

How is domestic RF media now reporting on issues like the confiscation of Russian owned US property?

>Why do Russians love Trump so much?
Because he's destroying America

because he said in many of his rallies that he'd like to work with Russia and have better relations.


Not just the flip flops, but the balls-to-the-wall extremes from one end to the other give away how empty the left is on this.

I know they treat their own constituents like the retarded cattle they are, but how stupid do they think WE are when they try to sell this to a national audience?

It did it's usual "americans are being arrogant hypocritical dicks again" when it just happened and then moved on. Same thing with Trump, talked him up as a possible option for rapprochement, than went "guess no, fucking deep state" and moved on with it's programming.

Contrary to popular belief most russian news are about russia and not america.

he looks like a senile host of a failing reality tv show running through its final season. the filming stage is falling apart, the cast crew is increasingly divided along the racial lines and the studio is 20 trillions in debt, the actors' career is over after the last episode, so everyone is giving it their best


Probably because he is is the complete opposite of Putin.

Because he's absolutely destroying America.

Pic related is not Russian. Some shitskin subhuman
no one really cares .

they enjoy watching America become a weak, tired, joke of a nation.

i love how racist russian people are, makes me feel a bond with you over most of these civ cuck americans

>rigging the American election for Trump
how many electoral collage votes were done by putin?