My name is Kogorou Mouri, and this is my detective agency. I live here with my Daughter, Ran, and this Freeloader...

My name is Kogorou Mouri, and this is my detective agency. I live here with my Daughter, Ran, and this Freeloader, Conan. Every crime has evidence and a culprit. One thing I've learned after less than a year - you never know when you're going to solve the case in your sleep.

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I fuckin love Detective Conan, but man, what a stupid premise.

There's no excuse to have not started this series or be caught up if you've hit a rut.

It's all about execution. Pardon the pun.

I don't know if you saw this last time or not but if you care I have that picture of Sera but without the TV watermark if you want to use it instead.

Did, lazy. It's just a watermark after all.

It's just too much for me. Due to its style and monumental length it feels more like your typical TV soap opera. Yes, the writing might be good, but I at some point just got bored. I think I stopped somewhere around 120 or so. It's inconceivable for me to watch over 700 more episodes.

The link is for people like you.

Well, did it. Now too lazy to re-up just for the image change.

Shit nigga you didn't even get to the real business yet.

Here's a tip, give up.

Nothing happens, nothing ever changes, and Aoyama is milking this black magic zombified cash cow dry to get more money.

>Nothing happens
Things do happen, but maybe only like once or twice a year in the anime. When things do happen though it's usually pretty fantastic.

Those moments are far and few between with the endless padding and filler.


Is he ever, like, terrified of his history of apparent blackouts and this other personality people describe to him later that sometimes behaves in ways he doesn't understand? He's not completely oblivious, even a normal dude in those circumstances could start thinking they have a brain tumor that's going to turn out to be an absorbed twin stealing their life or something.

I believe in you user.

We all know how this is going to end anyway. Shinichi will return into an adult and take down the evil organization. Ran will end up with the dark skinned guy from Osaka.

It's too late user. Kogorou is an international HERO at this point. He can't turn back now.

Kogorou has had so much knockout poison pumped through his system that he should be getting an immunity by now. That or multiple organ failure.

Either way he gonna be killed by Conan.

There was a panel were it took the tranquilizer a while to get Kogorou to sleep, with Conan commenting on how he might be starting to get immune to it

>applying logic

Reiji only bones Kazuha

So when are they gonna spill the beans that BO is basically covert OP hell infested with more government triple reverse secret agents than any actual career criminals?

So he wouldn't be afraid of what's happening to him because he's already accepted it, Other Kogoro has proven he's better and should have been born. He's just spending as much time drunk as possible while he waits to disappear permanently.

The poor guy just wanted to hate fuck his ex and drink himself to death. Instead he became a national icon. That kind of irony on top of rolling memory blackouts can really screw with a guy's head.





P & A

TV originals did nothing wrong.