What should my position be for Lebanon?

Hello pol. I am a lebanese christian living in the US, I moved a few years ago for work. I recently saw a Hezbollah thread and it got me thinking. I love my country and my people, but obviously I prefer the christian population to the muslim. My question is: who should I be siding with when it comes to Lebanon?
> On one hand, there is Hezbollah, the Iran-backed 'resistance' militia. There are some christians fighting in it, and they've protected christians before so many christians like them. However, they are very seriously a muslim militia and they've taken over way too much power in Lebanon. On top of that they've fought christians before during the civil war, and don't care much for the lebanese phoenician/med identity, just the arab one.
> On the other hand is Israel. They are gassing palestinians and are likely behind lots of war in the middle east. They are a country full of scheming jews, I know I know. But when you look at history, it was Israel who sided with Bachir and the christian army during the civil war. Every fight Lebanon has had with Israel since then has been Hezbollah's doing and isn't representative of our government. Israel seemed to want the christians to win the civil war so that there'd be another minority country in the mostly muslim arab east.
So who should I side with pol? Hezbollah and Iran/Russia seem to be doing well and are promising. They say they protect christians but we all know if there weren't shiites in Lebanon they wouldn't. Siding with Israel seems to be the better choice given I want lebanon to be christian, yet it's hard to side with them when I know that they've done and what the US has done to the middle east.

Other urls found in this thread:


to add onto this if it helps, myself and most leb christians identify as our own ethnic group as the phoenicians are our ancestors. we see ourselves like the Assyrians, except we actually have a country. most leb christians do not side with the arab identity

Israel are the correct ones. Israeli Jews (particularly middle eastern ones and not European ones) are based.

thats what im starting to think. im sick and tired of this muslim arab garbage. the lebanese are essentially the christian version of jews. we are internationalist, highly-cultured, intelligent, christian, and mediterranean semites. looking at the comments of this video really pushed me over the edge.
notice how the leftist arabs come in chanting that everyone from ethiopia to turkey is the same, 'we're all arabs' etc. i align much more with assyrians, syriacs, jews, and other semites over a bunch of garbage arabs. i guess i solved my own question here. thanks burger
vid related

> youtube.com/watch?v=2b-93SVLtQg

As a Lebanese Christian you shouldn't side with anyone because this war isn't yours. Whoever wins will then go against the Christians. In the end, whoever long it takes, Christians in the middle east will all die/convert.

what nonsense is that? are the jews all dead even though they are far less numerous than us? most mid east christians are diaspora, there's about 80mill of us. if you're referring to geography, then you're right, likely most christians IN the mid east will not be there anymore. however, we'll be scattered in america and other countries. i kind of wish israel would kick it into overdrive and annex the southern portion of lebanon. that would take care of 70% of the muslim population. then we get a tiny portion in the mountains, but that's what lebanon originally was anyway. mountain christians.

>Christians in the middle east will all die/convert.

It's actually more advantageous to side with muslims then. Because the muslim may dhimmize you, but at least he'll assert your identity. You can also roleplay as actually oppressed instead of the fake oppression that happens in western democracies.

Because once secularism gains a solid foundation in the middle east, it's bye bye Christianity anyway.

you're a fucking dumbass

well now that the muslim US president is out, maybe Isreal/USA will step it up. They're taking it slowly, US will put back it's sever sanctions on iran forcing it to crumble and now since obama is out, who will give iran $300B to get back on its feet?


This Israelite knows what it is.

When in doubt, you can always choose Hezbollah.
I'm telling you this as a Slovenian roman catholic.

Muslims are in your country, jews are not. If all jews disappeared from the ME, there would still be muslims in your country.

Here's an Idea.
Side with your own people. Lebanon is for the Maronites and Orthodox. Work to bring back the Phalange.

Fuck the kikes and the Muslims.
Christ is king and Heil Hitler.

look man i'd like that more than anything, but we have to side with one or we'll be destroyed. If we stick with letting Hezbollah run around like chimps in our country, US will continue to keep lebanon weak and refuse to trade decent weaponry to our army. I'd rather ally with israel/US and have a functioning country than try to go out on our own and get destroyed. long live Bachir and the Gemayel family. my grandmother knows his brother. lebanon is for maronites and orthodox.

side with the hashish dealers

This seems like the logical and correct answer to me.

Bachir tried to ally with the (((USA))) and Israel... and the Israelis sold y'all out the first chance they got....

The Lebanese civil war was the result of the Maronites trying to create a Christian state. That didn't go well. Why not stay united with your people as you are now. The Hezbollah protects Lebanon from hostile foreign interests, they may not be into the Phoenician identity thing, but at least they have the best interests of the Lebanese people in mind.

I also recommend to unJew your lives as much as possible.

No, fuck off, we did that, didn't work.
Anti-west/Anti-Israel is a good position, keep it that way.

Sadly, this is pretty true. You will all be diaspora, you won't live in Lebanon anymore. Reading your initial post, it struck me that it's a pity there's no nationalistic Lebanese Christian group to side with. Everyone else is out for themselves and that ultimately means taking your country for themselves and whatever Lebanese Christians are left will be expelled or die. Israelis are clearly the least toxic choice for you to support, but nobody is really on your side and it's a pity.

Fact is the Middle East will be all Arabs/Muslims except for Israel, soon enough. And Israel isn't a Christian country. Christians are pretty BTFO in the Middle East. It sucks but at least you guys are good immigrants here. I've met a lot of Lebanese Christians in the US and you're all cool, far as I'm concerned. Also your food is better than muzzie "cuisine".

Never side with Muslims, imho. Knife in the back, decapitation, and bomb up your anus time.

Plus Israel is looking to move in to Lebanon with the pretense of fighting Hezbollah...

If you ally with Hezbollah they will treat you as second class.
If you ally with the kikes and they don't betray you... you will have (((diversity))) and (((liberalism))) spread in your country and there will be no culture left.

Best option might be to ally with either when it is convenient or necessary... take a page from the (((chosen people))) playbook.

Option 4: Start an Antifa branch (but actually be Phalange Nazis) in Lebanon and gete some of that Soros money... and probably US aid.

on his side
>pic related

Filipino-Aussie Catholic here. Here in Australia, The muzzie lebanese first generation immigrants are honorable and kind. But the second generation ones need to be sent back to lebanon to get some form of humility - they are privileged, self-entitled, rude, and lack respect for elders and peoples of other cultures.

I wish you maronites and druze get your shit together and form your own state, otherwise youd be known for exporting these shits to other countries.

Support Hezbollah. They are the only reason you have a country at the moment. Your country is free from israeli occupation (except Shebaa farms) and has been largely protected from ISIS attacks. All thanks to Hezbollah.

shias/alawites are not muslim. they're bunch of christian-pagan-muslim mixture anyway.

Are you retarded?Of course you should side with israel , i am sick of Christian , Iranian jews , Yazdis and other groups under islamic subjugation and their stockholm syndrome.

The fucking kebabs literally take over your nation and put you as secondary citzens while israel tried to help you and you still have doubts?

The objetive of islam is world domination.

>ecause once secularism gains a solid foundation in the middle east,
That's what is so funny about it.

There is no greater butcher of Christianity than secularism. Secularism pretty much everywhere has decimated Christianity. There is still Christian identity, but what is identity without holding on to it seriously in both times of misery and peace? Many Christians today in secular countries don't take their religion seriously, so in times of peace they stay away from the Church. Overtime this leads to their religious attitude to lessen into quasi atheist/agnostic state.

Christians in the Middle East will certainly die with secularism. The only reason why Christians are still Christian there is because of misery and a sense that things aren't working out great. This makes them stick to whatever identity they have.
