Why are Feminists so cruel to Beta Males and more importantly, why do they get rewarded for it?

Why are Feminists so cruel to Beta Males and more importantly, why do they get rewarded for it?

What a fucking cunt.

>Don't interact with these princesses, get fired

>Do interact with these princesses, get fired.

Hmmmmm... that activates the almonds.

Obey the social norm, be exactly the same as the other goy, goy.

>being such a bitch nigger that you work at a place that hires women

I'm glad he's dead.

>The absolute state of roasties

Be Chad or die trying.

You're not supposed to be working where women work. That place is already ruined, and your salary will be half what it could be.


The sub is called "troll x chromosomes", so I think all posts are trolls

Man it'd be a real shame if he went back to the office with a gun and shot her, all the other female "programmers" and HR, wouldn't it?

Chad is truly the alpha path to enlightenment

>We got him fired because he clearly has Asperger's
God I hope he Sue's the fuck out of them

Reading MRA at work was not a clever move. It's not fair of course, a woman could read feminist stuff all day long.

But that's the way it is. It's ridiculously unfair. It would great if the other men would quit and let all the "girls who code" have a great all female coding team lol they would kill each other fast.

He should've said to his boss "well isn't it more sexist or racist to assume women or minorities can't get hired without affirmative action and/ or quotas. It should be equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome."

Is it possible to do that, while having the nerdy mindset a man needs to perform at the level expected of men?

Which of course is much higher than the level expected of women. Or, can a man "switch tracks" and get easier expectations if he behaves differently?

eh the funny part is the company is going to end up regretting it when the women destroy the code beyond comprehension and then eventually they'll have to hire white men at 10x the cost to come and rescue them
>this plays out at company after company and the lesson still hasn't been learned

right, but it has to be delievered with the Chad-energy, an angry beta manlet saying this without the Chad-nature won't accomplish anything. the words alone are empty, they need Chad-expression to be effective

Shitty people.

Chad-AI is not nerdy, it's machine mode. It is possible to chad while computer coding. Computer Chad is basically the Terminator

Male programmer here. In the programming classes at my college, almost all males are in it and the couple of females that are in it "don't understand" or are bad at it. Basically the guy that got fired only critiqued the code honestly, and the girls probably got offended.

That's probably what he said that got him fired you blue pilled mong. His (((boss))) certainly wouldn't have tolerated any comments against their system.

I'd say my comment wasn't exactly blue-pilled, but it wasn't redpilled either. But it was easy enough for normal people to understand.

That's interesting, makes sense. But he should still get a different job because then he'll get all the hard technical problems so the girls can look good with easy stuff.

Leave, let them fail. I hate propping this crap up. A little sabotage, if not detected, can be fun too.

Would he have been responsible if he blessed bad code?

When will affirmative action end?

Its main purpose is to help them because of oppression in the past, but eventually, we have to say enough is enough because affirmative action would be helping people who don't need help. It already is helping some minorities that don't need it

I dont hate women. But i hope this dumb bitch gets cancer.

>Approved offer of an APARTMENT
>Something to be proud of
Oh ignorance is bliss alright.

Only sex-fair programming environment I was ever in was under a female boss. She was cool with us guys, of course we had better ideas and were more valuable to her results, and with the incompetent female, she didn't cut any breaks.

It was pretty nice actually.

Absolutely. But he couldn't win either way because if he didn't let her off, he'd be seen as "sexist" for grading her work more poorly than a man's even though her code is worse.

I am an old fag and sort of remember when it first went in. It was for blacks first and was promised to last only a short time, absolutely no more than 15 years at the maximum.

Yeah and we could keep our doctors too. F government.

Reading MRA sites at work =/= someone who already hates you saying you read MRA sites at work.

I'm currently an IT student in my second to last year.

I'm majoring in Database and Network. not a single one of those classes have women in them.

The M:F ratio is probably around 20:1 it's great.

He was probably supposed to quietly fix her code and let her take the credit.


can we find out where she works? lets get her fired.

I think they meant 115 years maximum.

WTF I'm one of those low-key guys. I basically just try to avoid women who I think might act problematic.

No, it's not a "troll" sub at all in that sense. It's a bunch of vindictive roasties who complain about the problems that come with being a vindictive roastie.

That can be checked. He could deny it and have them check the logs.

But yeah in other ways she might throw him under the bus.

So fire all the white males who can program but have no social skills and are not "shunning women" but actually too afraid of women to communicate with them. He probably had a feminist mother who exploded over ever little mistake he and his father ever made.

When white men who are betas stop treating women like wrathful goddesses feminism will collapse.

By "MRA" stuff she probably means anything other than Salon or Mother Jones


STEM should really just be SEM at this point.

What exactly was his crime in all this?
He avoids women to avoid sexual harassment complaints, and this leads to him being fired?
... holyfuckingshit I hate women.

>We need to hire more women into program. I am sure they will make a great addition to the team.

Yeah, engineering technology is not the same as engineering.

That guy sounds like a pussy, not having the mental capacity to manipulate a woman is the sign of beta cuckness that deserves to be decimated from humanity's genepool.

Somewhere in Montreal

Dude that comes with age. A 20 year old sperg, who knows just to wait and mature, can be a 30 year old player.

That bitch...

Femism is basically a giant attack on beta males


I guess you've never had a boss.

It doesn't matter if God himself comes down from heaven and tells everybody how right you are. Your ass will still be fired, because that is the protocol in the little blue binder.

Nobody fucking cares. Everybody else has figured out how to get by in this world by not thinking.

That's why nothing you ever "think up" will ever help you in any way, you've automatically shot yourself in the foot the instant you think.

That's not how you climb the ladder, boy-o.

Mate, the interaction with girls is something he panics on, he is not angry, he is fearful, he doesnt want to fail because his parents taught him WINNING IS EVERYTHING WINNERS DONT FAIL. His fear of that defines him and makes him a coward.

You arent seeing the bigger deeper picture of what is wrong with the males of the world, it isnt anger and resentment, it is ultimate fear of copulation or getting along with someone you can find yourself attracted to.

Its pretty fucked up but post-modernism and mentally deranged liberal movments have utterly destroyed any meaningful relationship between men and women because of conditional barriers created by these fucking social architects and charlatans.


>Id bever be beta!

wow its almost as if you are a compelte moron with delusions of grandure

and I thought she would realize that her story is exactly the same with genders swapped and therefore, he did nothing wrong and she got an innocent man fired

>a fucking leaf

Unless you work on an oil rig in Saudi Arabia there's gonna be women in your workplace

I work in Montreal as a programmer. Time to get out before it gets worse.


time to alpha male it up, comon guys lets be chad starting tomorrow

No bullshit, how do I get one of these jobs? Do I need any experience?

So he's afraid he won't be able to get hard when the moment arrives, and she won't suck him? I would think that's rather far down the road.

I am a parent, and I don't think I know any parents that teach "winning is everything". My kids are pretty competitive, but it comes from them, and I try to tone it down and make it more constructive.

Kinda have to agree. Especially since it reminds me of a friend I have. A few years ago he didn't like women because of some bad experiences of being put into the friend zone. So he just started ignoring them all together. Girls didn't like that at all, but he didn't get put into the friendzone atleast (or any other zone with women, for that matter). Years later and he's just this fun playful flirty guy around women, and they fucking eat it up. Even though his feelings have not changed one bit. He tells me he just pretends to give a shit about what they say, while actually not. And it's that duality of appearing to listen while at the same time not really giving a shit that allows him to really say what he wants around them without any fear yet still be liked. Hell, at work he walked into the backroom with 3 women standing there, chatting and not doing any work of course, and he straight up said "hey you stupid bitch come out here and help" and ALL the girls fucking giggled, and the girl, of course, went out to help, smiling. It's the craziest thing.

because guys have been so cruel to beta males and they get nothing but rewarded for it. beta males are the ass of society in terms of the social ladder, sad but true story, only one more cucked is dykes, we have to choose between helping people who want to throw us off buildings, and helping people who will gas us.

>these are the people who claim to be collectively opressed
White Sharia started as an ironic meme but hell, I think we'll need it

No wonder every Ubisoft game is the same now.


Haven't touched a Ubisoft game since Silent Hunter III
They worth pirating?

Your problem as a dyke is that after a while your partner will want to throw you off the building.

I agree it seems a hard road, and I don't really understand it, but good luck. Sincerely.

Fuck no. Play Assassin's Creed II and Black Flag and you've basically played them all

>I am a parent, and I don't think I know any parents that teach "winning is everything".

Good for you, but most of the world doesnt see it that way, especially those like the liberals.

I dont understand why you idiots keep calling it white shiria, its called dominionism. theocracy has been a movement in america for a long time and you guys regularly shill articles and """studies""" from a group that supports it subversively.

Chad is 90% genetics and 10% attitude, and the genetics usually inspire the attitude in the first place.

actually that happens soon, not late. most lesbians move in too damn early because we're thirsty and don't understand that the reason she wants everything you want right now doesn't mean you're compatible. Its a self aware meme that we eat at uhaul for the second date and theres no way this isn't responsible for domestic violence between lesbians.

I never liked Assassin's creed.
No idea what that other thing is.. I'mma stick to Vtm:B I think.

Well if by winning you mean taking advantage of affirmative action gibs available to you, which are nonexistent for white males -- well sure. But that's just playing life on easy mode for those who can.

>there was a whole system of desperate men tripping over themselves to destroy his career for a wiff of fat roasty
White knights get the bullet too.

>socially awkward
>never talks to anyone
>never smiles

>but women bitch when we say "Smile beautiful!"

Besides, what the fuck is this? Highschool? I come to work, to fucking work. not to socialize with anyone.

I recently got fired from a job that was ~80% female and was given an incredibly stupid reason for it. Im almost positive its because im a white male that didnt give the obese roasties any attention. Times are getting worse my friends.

Didn't know that, thanks.

Are you often thirsty because of the scarcity of lesbian women?

My perspective has been that women are hard to get along with, men easy, but most want a hetero relationship and women are useful for childbearing, so we men put up with women's behavior, up to and including threats of divorce.

Gay men are relatively common because if they don't care about having kids, two easy to get along with guys settling in together makes sense.

But two difficult to get along with women settling in together is a recipe for a blowup. Hence gay men more common than lesbian women.

No, it's getting a lot better actually. let them over-stress themselves to depression at work, pretending like they're the breadwinner or some shit. watch how fast they want men to come back.

I'm aiming on working at oil rigs, far away from women.
You could consider something similar - the pay and work hours are both amazing. And since it's hazardous as fuck you'll get massive bonusses. Yay!

I find it pretty fucking ironic considering that most of the men that bother sympathizing with these feminists end up being the beta males.

this.. Got a few project I have thousands of lines of actual code submitted to. Then you get some faggot later who changes one line or some comment just so they get the credit for that line of code.

You would have to be desperate beta to bother with them, those girls aren't worth the time.

> so we men put up with women's behavior, up to and including threats of divorce.
my impression is that mens attitudes/preferences and womens attitudes/preferences towards pairbodning are uniquely suited evolutionarily speaking to the opposite sex. and therefore when a gay person happens in nature, even though its natural, they still have the same pair bonding preferences that work for pairing with someone very different to them

Take the chad sluts and gay promiscuity. what do men value in a relationship? many men view women as just a womb with legs. its no wonder that gay men and men in general cheat so much

and women? pol has some things wrong about women, but they have some pretty right. marrying up, sure. women had to be more flexible, especially when you factor in tribal conquest. but more importantly, you cant raise kids if its not safe, so they want security. so what do us dykes do? Oh i want security and commitment, oh you do too? no way, we are so alike! lets tie the knot!.

then the honey moon wears off. you bet your ass that scarcity contributes, as well as the fear of competition.

I'm going to laugh if he returns to his former workplace with a gun and shoots these snotty fucks

Tell me why all lesbians i know are fucking men occasionaly or even regulary. These are women who say they are lesbians not bi. It seems to me that most lesbians have some bad experience from men and decide that they are lesbian now when they actually are not. When oppurtunity comes they will jump on cock.

Same here. I'll be polite and avoid toxic people as often as possible, who tend to be woman for me. There's also trying to avoid developing attraction towards colleagues.


I know manlets and chubby guys with cute gfs. When will you r9k faggots get it through your head that you don't need to be a male model to have sex?

>I'm majoring in Database and Network. not a single one of those classes have women in them.
>The M:F ratio is probably around 20:1 it's great.
>It's great.
>Poor guy doesn't realise that despite these facts he just wrote, when he starts his job, the M:F ratio will be 1:1, and Jacinda will ensure that the pay is the same.

Feminists hate men. Anytime a man loses a court case or a job, they're happy. There doesn't need to be a reason.

The point of those little interviews is that more often than not you'll say something incriminating on the way out that helps cover their asses.
will just be brought up in the event of a contention and perceived not as the contents of its argument but as the whole of its being as "opposed to the narrative". When leftists hear stuff like that they don't think "that's an interesting point", they think "oh ew he's going on one of those rants"

I've known a few lesbians, and several of them were hurt deeply by men when young. One woman I recall was walking around Grand Central Station in NY denouncing men and masculinity, and I could just feel her agony and having been terribly hurt by something.

A lot of gay boys seem to have been indoctrinated / groomed to it, I've seen it a lot from the Catholic Church where I have family.

I am still not convinced that it's natural. I guess for me gender identity developed slowly, was pretty spergy when young, females were forbidden because they were in the other locker room etc. so more exciting (when I was a kid we actually snuck looks at Playboy and Penthouse) and my sexuality increased when I got a little technique to be able to act on it. But it seemed to be a choice that I made.

Why should he have to manipulate a fucking woman? He can't just do his fucking job in peace?

cant tell you with certainty, but there are two plausible outcomes from where I'm standing
Number one. they are lying and are in fact bi,
or two, they aren't attracted to men but are lonely enough that they crave any attention.

I think a lot of lesbians consider men at some point in our lives, it would be about as appetizing to us as fucking a hairy ftm would be for most of you, but then you see people on pol who are into gay stuff out of desperation and lonelyness as well; traps, twinks, outright faggots, mtfs, asexual. I dont think its all that surprising if a lesbian broke down into that kind of degeneracy. but if they cross the road from just being involved with men for alterier reasons despite their apperance and candor to experiancing actual attraction and chemistry to the male physique and candor the more wafer thin this becomes.

thats all I can offer with so little information though. with you being from a completely different country theres no telling if this will even translate well but one way to soft test for it is to see if any of them want headpats and don't care how they get them.

Wish I knew the secret then. Can't seem to have confidence in anything these days, much less random chicks

>approved for apartment


Do amerimutt companies get apartments for their workers?
What kind of commie shit is this?

>what if the they are the same people only 7 years later and post-op sex change surgery

well i cant do much to answer that intrinsically other than to say it ought to be expected that intersex traits as we know them in the genitals should not be exclusively there but also appear in the mind as well. faggotry, the whole LGBT thing is just a part of that spectrum of male to female.

other than that all I have is my own anecdote. I cant be attracted to men. it just doesn't work. The most I could do by choice is completely desensitise myself through constant exposure to disgusting intimate proximity. It would eventually work to nullify my disgust but I'd never enjoy the contact from a chemistry perspective. I could enjoy what the contact means, and other meta things, but I'll never have the desire for another mans phsyique and candor. If they could become women and wanted to I'd wave that magic wand in a heart beat, a bi person wouldn't care to, and a straight person would never wave it.