"there's this samurai who smells of sunflowers"

>"there's this samurai who smells of sunflowers"

great fucking job description, if Mugen wasn't a mouthbreather and Jin an egomaniac, nobody would've helped her

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They never wanted to help her, but were obligated to after she helped them

Level -5 Viewer

I would have helped her.

I would have used my dick to help her.

Does your dick smell like sunflowers?

It was nice that the series was full of cuter girls than her.

You are the mouthbreather for talking shit when you know nothing about the Samurai era.
They were all about the poetic journeys and giving their life for honor and simple beliefs.

angry weeb watch out

The whole point was that they didn't even need a good reason to stay together, they bonded over more than obligation.

Even at the end when they all thought about abandoning the group because shit was getting real they couldn't.

Sunflowers come from the West. Samurais comes from Japan. Hence the samurai who smells of sunflowers is a Japanese samurai who has heavy ties with the west.

Not many of those around. Thats actually a decent description.

No, they weren't. Most Samurai were just assholes with swords.

This samurai disagrees with you completely and your ignorant weeabooness.

Samurai were high class employed soldiers and swordsman who were funded by the shogunate government and were allowed by law to carry swords.

This stupid ronin garbage bullshit you're talking about are basically their version and time of hippie veteran bullshit they propagated against their government screwing them over after being discharged. That's stupid.

Grow some common sense, stop watching your limited anime and samurai flicks like you understand and educate yourself on this stuff. It's embarrassing to see people like you still exist and expect the Japanese to be like this. They're people like you and I are too. There's no "way of the samurai or bushi do" if you took a philosophy class; it's the same concept: ones own life path and all that jazz. Today's soldiers are the same and may as well be called "samurai" just cuz they're soldiers too.

That's all they are man; soldiers that serve the aristocracy.

>g*ntama on Sup Forums

Masterless samurai tend to wonder around looking for duels, a new master or a new purpose in general.

more like loiter looking for shit to eat and some dry place to sleep

dont see why people don't see the difference between samurai and swordsmen.

Shinsengumi are the police basically and ninjas were just broke as fuck farmers who used daily tools to attack samurai who rebeled against their government due to their finances and power.

I'm sure samurai had guns too due to the European trade and all As seen in this series. Don't know why people think Japan is all swords ninja and samurai when they were quite just as cultural all around as any other country out there...

Talk about ignorance...

who else got the hots for Fuu after the episode where she took her kimino off so some guy could draw her?
Would appreciate it if someone could post that scene. It's not that big of a deal now but back then it was the first time i lusted for an anime character

>want to re-watch it
>remember sad episodes
>stop wanting to see it again

This basically.

They go around looking for work to pay.they can't make money grow out of their asses.

They don't serve and work for free.

Honor is subjective and their currency to get paid and not screwed over. Most people don't realize the nature of society and the human condition and its limits when trying to venture off on ones own. It literally almost makes you a savage animal if anything. I've seen this happen quite a bit and it's pretty tripped out...

Master less ronin do this to look for work. Nobody wants to keep wanting to figure out life purpose. Everyone and their dog avoids that just as people like you and I do. Only philosophers and scientists keep trying to figure that out and never will for good reason. It's not meant to be figured out.

Geeze guys, look at the fucking history, look up the Shimabara Rebellion
and the Kakure Kirishitan

She gave me an inflation fetish

Fed Fuu is a Fat Fuu (trouble is she's gunna revert and and be hungry again in a few hours)

>an anime will never have a nujabes soundtrack ever again

because he's dead hehehe

If she had the Internet it would been so much easier.