Why are you OK with corporate welfare?

Why are you OK with corporate welfare?

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>We want tax cuts for billionaires

Yeah and ourselves. We want fucking everybody's taxes lowered. Except Californians. Fuck them.

Brings a tear to my eye

>implying billionaires actually pay their share as it is.
OP is a faggot

Yes I’m ok with it

>Why are you OK with corporate welfare?
Why are you okay with White genocide?

We are upset with paying for you, nigger.

I'm not

I want to pay less in taxes, if that also means the rich pay less in taxes I'm ok with that.

The government should just cut spending to fit within their budget not continually raise taxes to pay for whatever they want.


Why are you?

Corporate welfare? That sounds like subsidies. What exactly are you talking about?

> i hope nothings in there



Industry pays hundreds of billions in taxes and creates wealth for Americans. The poor and needy are a financial drain. One subsidy is an investment, the other is an expense

Just for a second consider that business isn't evil..it provides everything you eat, drink, live in, own and want.

Now tell me again why they should be villified and cut back, held down. Who h just means they can't make quality items, less companies can complete and they can't afford to pay as high wages.

Seriously tell me wtf drugs you're smoking.

Muh evil business

No, Trump supporter here. I want all the taxes RAISED

They don't idiot

>implying early twenties burger mooks pay taxes
>they dont know better

Agreed, but why fucking the middle class with less deductions? Someone's got to pay.

we want a smaller government budget to defund cia niggers

that means lower taxes for everyone.

>We demand tax cuts for the white working class

>Trump lowers taxes on muh 1 percent
>Trump raises taxes on the middle class by

Sup Forums reaction

>We demand tax cuts on corporations so our salary can get bigger or more jobs can be created!

What is the problem again?

>Paying less taxes = welfare

It's weird how the mugger convinces the victim he's doing him a favor.

Evidence for this? I read that his tax plan created three brackets and that there's extended time for business's renting equipment

When investors can invest without getting their accounts run through the tax wringer it creates jobs. Investment projects are more likely to come to fruition. Surely you pea brained Libs can understand that? It's basic economics.

because i buy things i need and want from corporations. Tyrone and his mammy have nothing i need nor want. Their lives mean nothing to me - so it's natural that their well-being and happiness means nothing as well. Theyre free to succeed or fail on their own.

I demand taxcuts for everyone. Why are you penalized when you make more money? The money you make is representative of your impact on society in the first place. Doctors are highly specialized, everyone needs them, and not everyone can do it, so society deems them valuable and the market pays a high salary. Large businesses are no different.

I'm for tax cuts for all, that includes corporations. If you think that means I'm bowing to the masters you don't understand basic economics.

Who pays for the increased debt in the future?

Corps are people dumbass.

I'm not.

This thread is full of jewry.
All profit should be taken in tax if not distributed on top of wages as payment to workers.
>teachers and police officers and firefighters make less than niggerball players
>implying doctors actually work and not chat with people all day while nurses do all the actual work
>not everyone can do it
>cause they didn't spend all those years and $$$ in school to do the above

He raise middle class taxes by 40% while lowered the top 1% to less than 0%. The middle class will have nothing left, their houses are going to be forclosed on. I hope they enjoyed what thye voted for.

>being middle class
shiggydiggy, niglet.

>>teachers and police officers and firefighters make less than niggerball players
That's because they employed by the government.

Less taxes means less power for the government to rule over you.

Tax cuts for everyone

He lowered taxes on most people but fucked the middle brackets with less deductions, effectively making them pay more. Hes also increasing your national debt.

Messing with the debt is hell. It means you become more of a China's bitch.

its time to cut my ties with this shit country
Filled with a bunch of dogs that like being beaten.


What part of this don't you idiots understand? The Government will be broke. All of your roads and schools will be crumbling. Trump is a dissaaster.

>he thinks this should make a difference
That includes private school teachers, security guards, and private fire departments. They don't make much if any more than public ones.

Cool this country is long due for a reset

Get rid of all subsidies then

>he thinks taxing prosperity creates prosperity

He's the first President to meet the President of the Virgin Islands.

How else can a country invest in its workforce?

When Reagan was the cheerleader for corporate tax cuts, corporations did not invest in their people. It went to bonuses for senior management. If enterprises are unable (or unwilling, you choose) to foster innovation and opportunity, the government will do it.

or...am I talking to a future billionaire right now, who doesn't want these pesky taxes when he finally makes it one day?

What exactly have they managed to accomplish with the money they've been getting this entire time? Less government is the answer.

These morons all think that they'll be billionaires one day too. If they just keep "workin hard" then the (((American Dream))) will come to them one day.

And to all the morons ITT who are saying that they want to see ALL taxes reduced. Just look at what Trump's plan will do to the deficit. At some point in the near future we'll have to start paying far more than we are now (before the tax cuts), just to pay off the shit ton of debt that Trump's plan will accumulate.

Cut government jobs. Stop paying for fatasses to push folders around to each other all day and then their pensions. Cut military spending. We don't need all the bases we currently have.

- corporations use deductions and loopholes so that they can pay 0% of their supposed 35%
- new tax plan also removes deductions on top of being lowered to 20%
- companies now paying 20% that they absolutely have to as opposed to 0% from before

if a company was paying more than 20% while everyone else was abusing the loopholes to pay 0% i think they've earned to have their tax bracket lowered

also fuck your shitty bait

Non-billionaire here who demands tax cuts for billionaires. Reduced taxes and welfare are not the same thing unless you believe all labor belongs to the government from the beginning.

youre very fucking stupid.
there are no billionaire tax cuts, you're believing a liberal misinformation meme while simultaneously sucking jewish cock.
well done, goy

>new tax plan also removes deductions
citation needed

I've always thought it's the most idiotic thing

I figure from their point of view, it's better to smile as they're being raped by big corps than to cry

You're thinking too narrowly. I actually agree with everything in your post but it does not address the question of how society invests in its future.

Swiss bank accounts don't promote skill transfer or capacity building.

I won't be a billionaire but I will more than likely retire with over a million. His plans will only help me get to that goal a little bit sooner. As far as all the poor people below me, it doesn't concern me. I started with nothing and earned all that I have now. They can do the same if they want to work for it.

First of all noone should be taxed. Second Billionaires would not exist without massive government infastructures. The real cuck is anyone who votes for anyone at all.

Lyndon Johnson also had something to say about it

You can substitute "liberal" for "colored man" and it works the same

>At some point in the near future we'll have to start paying far more than we are now (before the tax cuts), just to pay off the shit ton of debt that Trump's plan will accumulate

Regardless of you being mere trolls, stormfags or leftypol fags, this shit is serious AF. Thrust me, we've been there. It sure as fuck is no funny meme.

You "invest" in your future by not spending more than you make. I sound like a stupid asshole because it sounds so simple but debt is debt. Germany was running a surplus until they decided to burn it all on migrants. I'd look into how they run things which means quality manufacturing.

Retiring with a couple million is middle class these days, user.


>I can escape a tax of 35% but since it lowered to 20 (which I can also evade) I will definitely pay it

It is simply much easier, emotionally, to deny that you're on the bottom and tell yourself you can win the game if you just work hard enough

These guys all have a deep-seated insecurity that they're on the bottom rung of the economic ladder

Of course they're going to believe snake oil salesmen

Well said.

I't's a common misconception of "debt is debt." In the world of finance, investments by design can be leveraged to maximize benefit.

If we're being honest among anons here, middle class white Americans are bitter about government spending because they acknowledge that niggers will get a cut of that money.

Corporate welfare goes into the pockets of the guys at the top, doesn't circulate in the economy, and wages stay stagnant (as they have for 40+ years)

It's also orders of magnitude higher than welfare for the poor and needy. Even Eisenhower warned you about the socialism of the congressional-military-industrial complex.

No American would dare call that socialism, though. You wouldn't want to seem un-american, would you?

Some of these guys are even so hypocritical that they fumed at the socialism of bailouts for the "too big to fail" banks.

But welfare for agribusiness, medicine and the military is "wealth creation"

I stopped trying to fight this stuff years ago because ultimately they only fuck themselves

Tax enforcement, hunt down tax dodgers, end loop holes, etc. Start at the top and work their way down. Yes, even go after those in poverty that cheat, etc. But gotta be realistic as the bottom line is increase revenue by forcing everyone to play by the same rules


>Because of the framework’s substantial rate reduction for all businesses, the current-law domestic production (“section 199”) deduction will no longer be necessary. Domestic manufacturers will see the lowest marginal rates in almost 80 years. In addition, numerous other special exclusions and deductions will be repealed or restricted.

They avoided the 35%, but the reasons they were able to avoid the 35% are no longer there in this new 20% plan. did you even read what i typed?

This is correct.

The data clearly shows that Reagan's attempt at trickle-down economics is what got us into the mess that we're in today.

I'm pretty disappointed with the tax reform - my AGI is almost $200k and I'm only looking at a few $k in savings; I was hoping for that sweet 15% tax rate for pass-through entities so I could hire a $10k salaried cleaning lady.

So they claim that some deductions will be removed but provide no details at all. Ok...

They're bullshitting to try to sell the plan to the public, plain and simple.


Why are you OK with government welfare?

They pretty much pay OECD average though.

>Corporate welfare goes into the pockets of the guys at the top, doesn't circulate in the economy, and wages stay stagnant (as they have for 40+ years)


Corporations will just use it to buy back their own shares with loans they've taken at 0% interest. Effectively just funneling money into executive pay. The entire economy is a god damn ponzi scheme.

For those dipshits who talk about how inequality doesn't matter, look at pic related. Inequality peaked in the early 1928, again in 2007, and now it's higher than it was back in 2007. High inequality is a sign of economic fragility;

>but, but, but taxing prosperity is immoral.

Because they are the job producers.

Yeah they produce tons of jobs....In Mexico.

How about we just demand equality? GASP.

Those who make money selling money are doing exactly what QE does. They Source the Proxy Value to Trade which is Capital, which Sinks Trade, beggaring Trade.

That is an inevitable feature of Capitalism. The intermediary to Barter eventually becomes that which autovalues itself divorcing real value of trade from the Price.
Then you further diverge this value by selling the Proxy to that value by investing, rent, stocks, selling production, and wage.

Everyone eventually end up working for the Bank which owns everything.

The only ways to counteract Divergence are:
1. Nationalize Finance and use the sourcing of the proxy to fund public good;
2. Tax those that source the Capital and fund public good.
3. Disperse and vertically integrate the finance to co-op banks and use fixed rate taxes for the levels of government.

Increasing Taxes would disrupt our economy the least, but Taxes have to be assessed, not on Trade (or you further beggar it), and not on wealth (because the sale and ownership of production is irrelevant to consumed value) but on finance. Any practice that sources capital must be taxed at a rate higher than the overall growth of the Trade economy, or investment return will source the capital faster than the economy can grow. This also means when the economy is in decline, sourced capital must be taxed above 100% - i.e. if investment doesn't grow the economy, it is taken from the investors completely.

>Why are you OK with corporate welfare?
It beats the hell out of more kids on hormones, pedo fag bathrooms and trannys in the military

Obama was the biggest Corporate Welfare queen Presidents there ever was. So I guess the question becomes, are you?

>They pretty much pay OECD average though.
Um are you retarded? The US is first among OECD countried at 39.1, the OECD average is 24.1

what is a false dichotomy

I don't know. Why are you ok with fourth trimester abortion?

Hey dumb shit! Presidents can't tax, and Obama closed many loopholes in the tax code that Drumshit is opening back up. So shove your immoral christian stupidity up your Jesus' ass.

demand equality? You mean become a communist country? No thanks. Go become a Nork and see how well you love total equality.

Cite proofs.
>Obama closed many loopholes in the tax code.
>No proofs.

Why are you on Sup Forums tonight? Fuck right back off to your shitty SJW board.

The banks, especially the federal reserve, need to have the 1933 treatment put on them. The kikes must be brought to heal. I guarantee the leftyniggers here don't want to touch the federal reserve though.

>meme flag
>wanting taxes raised

>How about we just demand equality?
How about you move to best Korea if you want equality?

Shill thread

Read a $#%&ing book about the Economics of the Great Depression already. Sick of your BS.

Hello Government...Hi we're suing you for $15 trillion in stolen merchandise fro mthe American people, thanks,....yours truly Trump Admin

Even better: have the most competitive tax rate by making it 0 percent. Corporate taxes are highly distortionary and make little sense from an economic perspective.

Better idea is just to nuke the whole fucking tax code and replace it with land value taxes, Pigouvian taxes, and consumption taxes like a VAT or tolls on the road.

I'm not in favor of any welfare. Flat tax of 15 percent for everyone, as a sales tax, even on imported items. No loopholes. No deductions. Nothing. You pay 15 percent for everything from a loaf of bread to a new car.

But apparently a lot of people are in favor of certain kinds of welfare, and once you open that door, you can't blame others for going through it.

Because equality leads to lower productivity

>no i dont want tax cuts if billionaires also get them!

democrats are this cucked