Socialism memes

Socialism memes










I like the one with bernie's face photoshopped on better

>le rape is bad meme





Truly a paragon of liberal values.


Always thought this was a meme until I watched some videos where they talk to various Commifornians and found it was not a meme. They actually believe this.



The Russian Revolution wasn't Marxist Communism. It was definitely a form of socialism, but it lacked so many things necessary that Marx deemed important for the rise of socialism.






why is the SPD a Polish lanklet




Owning a bull is a bad idea. He just shits and eats and does nothing productive except for that day when he fucks with your cow and that only lasts a few moments. Pay your local farmer for your cow to fuck with the premium breeding bull.

Without able-bodied people how does he expect anything to actually get done?

complaining online, the only thing he is willing to do


Yeah, but if you own a premium bull, shits pay you to have your bull come fuck their cows.


>letting your cow get cucked by some random bull
What the fuck


You cannot buy that one with a single cow's worth. A good bull costs more than a cow. Most of the average bulls get slaughtered first too.




I don't think that's a hammer...

Don't worry, Billy Bob. If the bull is the same breed as your cow it means that he is a cousin of your cow, not a stranger. Isn'that the logic that hillbillies use?

What part of "communism" don't you understand? If it doesn't work, it is not "communism".