What's the difference between gender and sex?

What's the difference between gender and sex?

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Sex is biological
Gender is a social construct.

Despite what femifags would have you believe, nothing my dude.


Their dictionary definition in English and no other language in the world.

The word for gender or sex in pretty much all other countries in the world means genital.

Fuck off. Climate Change is a social construct. My dick in ur mouth is a social construct. Accept it.

Nothing. They both mean the same thing.

How about this. Changing your gender has absolutely no impact on HOW OTHER PEOPLE SHOULD ADDRESS YOU. Stop forcing society to conform to a persons delusions

>Gender is a social construct.
fucking leafs

Nothing up to 1950. It was a preferred alternative to using the word 'sex.'

Sex is man and women people with gender are subhumans.

You can now determine what sex you are before actually having sex.

>a leaf posting that tranny

the way humans construct society is biology in action

She got Weinsteined.

Humans are born with innate traits and beliefs.

3 letters, or a syllable if you're metric

>Gender is a social construct
what does this mean?

as general archetypes, yes. The mental toil of the ever-present snake in the grass.

The innate man if fully uneducated or socialized will have all masculine beliefs as do all animals.

No difference, unless you are a retard, then there is.

The primordial man does not differ now than from millions of years ago.

Masculinity is present in every single culture on earth.

masculinity is tamed power

Animals abort defected animals which is what we should do with faggots, 44th trimester abortion

Sex and Gender are the same thing, what these faggots mean to say when they say gender is gender role, in society, a traditional gender role, or for them, a non traditional gender role.

because the role a gender plays in society may not be 100% lined up with the determinism of their sex, it's all just a social construct and can be done away with, men can wear purses, women can fight, etc.

That's their argument, but gender roles and gender are far more tied than they would like to believe.

a woman seeks out a man to take care of her, to be her new father figure, to pay for shit and bring home the bacon, but if the woman now earns the same or more money than the man, she has found herself an equal or lesser, when really she wants someone superior to her.

So women earning equal or more money to men goes directly against their interests of finding a man to take care of them, and all of a sudden where have all the good men gone.

if they could and would be paid less, they would feel like we're taking care of them, and then they wouldn't be as likely to trade up and leave you but take all your shit with them.

empowerment of women is the death of civilization. we are slaves to our instincts, you can't deny what you are. that goes for races and sexes.


Faggots are anti children and so we should abort them.


also this

This is technically correct, in a dictionary sense.

Gender roles are a bio-social construct shaped by the evolution of humans and our societies.
Gender on the other hand is a biological fact.

People made it up. By that I mean, it's only a concept, versus sex is a fact based on which gonads you have.

made what up? What is gender? What make someone the "male" gender as opposed to the "male" sex?

FPBP by blyatman

Sort of. Sex is whether you are male or female(or hermaphrodite, I guess), and then gender is how you behave(feminine, masculine, androgynous, etc...).

They assume manhood is not tied to male sex.

>social constructs are bad
rape laws are a social construct

Gender is a grammatical term and nothing more.

You have a gender


Sex is biological.
Gender is a fantasy.

If you are male sex, you have a penis and testes. If you are "male" gender, that means you behave in a "masculine" fashion, preferring traditional male activities, attitude, tastes, etc...

Remember when people coined the term "Metrosexual"? That's when I think they started trying to really push normalizing gender bending. It made it "in fashion" to act "feminine".

There isn't.

Literally this burger dick is in leaf mouth is a social construct accept it leaf

Gender is based off of sex and since sex is biological its pretty much pointless to say they are different.

Yeah, truth here. A lot of things are social constructs. Look it up.

Why is this even a discussion go ask a kid they know the answer unless they are being brain washed/ abused.

Sex is whether you are male or female

Gender is a word that SJWs have stolen and redefined

I, for one, welcome our new poo inhabitants of Sup Forums

there is no difference

you arent a fucking apache helicopter if you think you are one.

There is only one sex and one gender everything else are defects.


I will come to Vancouver myself to strangle you, fucking chink.

Sex is when you do it.
Gender happens 9 months later.

Because Sup Forums seems to love semantics.

>If you are "male" gender, that means you behave in a "masculine" fashion, preferring traditional male activities, attitude, tastes, etc..

enjoying "masculine" things doesn't make you a man. Women can like football and trucks, it doesn't make them men.

>Remember when people coined the term "Metrosexual"? That's when I think they started trying to really push normalizing gender bending. It made it "in fashion" to act "feminine".

Men were into fashion in the past though, look at the victorian era for example.

Something tells me this gender bending shit is extremely bourgeoisie



Sex is the biologic differentiation related to reproduction.
Gender is the physiologic differentiation not specifically related to reproduction.
Men have wider shoulders than women is a gender difference. Women have tits as a sexual difference.


You can know the gender of the kid before you give birth to it, though. We have the technology for it.

>Men have wider shoulders than women is a gender difference
Would that not be biological?

I am ashamed

Did you not finish reading the sentence, fuck head?

>gender is a social construct

how the fuck do you define sex, sex organs?

then why the fuck cant you define a man or woman via chromosomes?

that is not a construct, it's biological.


your biology disagrees.

Um yeah that was the end.

Gender male and female, Sex is what your father did to you when you were younger OP.

>be man
>be mentally retarded
>I am a unicoooorn


Look bro, I'm a bit of a tomboy myself so would never claim women liking sports or trucks is masculine. That's your assumption. When I say traditional, I mean that someone who is of the male sex, but is say attracted to others of the male sex, or likes to dress feminine, or enjoys caring for children or cooking instead of hunting, would be considered a feminine man. Not trying to be offensive, but that's how it would be seen from a scientific or medical perspective. Many interests can be genderless on their own(trucks, sports, arts and crafts, etc...), but that's why gender is now looked at as more shades of gray instead of a clear cut "masculine" or "feminine" thing. It's just trying to be more specific. I just hate people who run around lying to your face about what's between their legs. Wear a dress? Great! Stay out of my bathroom, you get piss on everything and kids usually use the bathroom with their moms.

Sex is penis in vagina
Gender is how you express that

Gender is just a part of your personality. Being masculine, androgynous or feminine. I don't know why everyone tries to complicate it.

All this talk about sex is making me horny
Imma hang out in Sup Forums a while

Up until about the mid-60s, when some Jew psychologist decided to start some shit, nothing, the words are literally interchangeable.

Sex and sexual intercourse aren't the same thing. Using sex to refer to intercourse is just slang.

>male sex attracted to men
Thats a subhuman same as being attracted to animals, dirt and such defected subhumans.

>related to reproduction.
There's nothing about having wide shoulders that necessitates sexual reproduction. You can look at gender dimorphism across the biologic world and see sometimes the female is bigger than the male.
Men necessarily provide the sperm in reproduction.

Actually no I don't think interests can be gender less. Sure a girl can like trucks, but lets not forget the billion other GUYS who do.

The human male sex is masculine innately not by society.

Humans are versatile creatures, sexuality is fluid and this is a survival mechanism in humans imo- in case a person winds up in a situation beyond their control or needs to adapt to a social norm(such as Greek society having some different ideas back in the day compared to modern Catholics)... Not really feeling too upset about that, since it's nature, but I do have pretty strong feelings about people who act on them if they are going to cause problems for the people around them(or themselves, in some cases).

Interesting view to take. So do you think enjoying swimming is masculine or feminine? How about photography? Jogging? Having pets? C'mon, I think you might want to reconsider this opinion... Some can be more masculine or feminine, but not ALL.

That's pretty difficult to refute.
That's like saying ocean water tastes salty innately, not by society.
What's your fucking point.

Masculinity and being superior to.women is how to reproduce.


before, this stuff would be called mental illness.

but now if you say I IDENTIFY AS A CARROT, you have to accomodate these fucking imbeciles because if you question them, you are an insensitive bigot.

fucking nonsense.

Yeah, don't listen to this guy. He's confused. Sex is biological(including wide shoulders, since physiological = biological), and gender is psychological.

>What's the difference between gender and sex?


you can have sex with someone of the opposite gender, but not the other way around.

Actually sex and gender are the same thing, but faggots get upset when you tell them that.

Gender is biological.

>When I say traditional, I mean that someone who is of the male sex

We call that a faggot not a woman

>or likes to dress feminine

A faggot

> or enjoys caring for children

why wouldn't you want to spend time with your kids? Men don't work because they want to, they work because they HAVE to, it's their duty. Trannys think being a man is a fashion statement or something, it's not. It's a duty, your given at birth.

> cooking

Men are better at cooking than women.

> instead of hunting

Most dudes don't hunt

Gender is a word invented recently, Male = Man = Masculinity
Female = Female = Femininity

There are lots of dictionary sites out there for you to look up the meaning of the word "gender". Please don't take my word for it.

Swimming is more less masculine bcs men do better. Photography id say is more feminine. I wouldn't call jogging an interest. Having pets i'd say is more feminine. Of course both genders can like or do both, but to say they are gender less is not accurate or maybe its lazy?

The word is nonsense and false.

Id say sports are masculine.

I imagine you're replying to me.
Now you've gone off the deep end.
That's akin to saying the water is salty therefore it's ocean water and it's the best type of water. You're illustrating your own social biases and what is a gender role, transmutable built on top of variable, but intransmutable gender.
The egg bearing, feminine half of sexual reproduction doesn't need to be less dominate, in animals and small facets of human culture this is not true.
But in our part of the world it is and it works.

Masculity = Masculinity
Only non Masculine interests are those that disempower you or such.