Discuss - Animal Treatment Before Slaughter

Why should or why shouldn't we treat animals well before they are slaughtered?
I'm talking meat (cows, chickens, lambs) that are only born/raised to be slaughtered.

Should society care more about the treatment of animals before they are slaughtered?

How would you tell a vegan, who only chooses to be vegan because of poor animal treatment, to change their view on this?

Why are there so many righteous vegetarians and vegans preaching that we should expand our capacity to care about this issue.

Who gives a fuck if that cow you just ate for dinner was treated well before it was killed? Should we care just because it has feelings?

I think that most of us are born and raised being told we should care about the treatment of animals, especially pets such as dogs and cats, however why is this ideology being spread to animals that exist for us to consume?

Our society clearly isn't interested in creating better standard for the treatment of animals. Prices of meat would sky rocket if each cow or chicken raised was entitled to x amount of acres to roam on prior to being slaughtered, not to mention the land needed to supple these animals with for their "humane treatment".

If an animal is raised for the sole purpose of being consumed, what difference does it make if its treated well before its killed? Do people care about this just because they feel bad for the animals?

Do they realize that this isn't ever going to change because its not economically viable for the meat industry to provide better treatment for their animals?

Should we all stop eating animals and switch over to consuming plant based proteins and greens to maintain our health?

Do you feel this animal should be treated well before being killed for consumption?

ahh. you again. the animal hater.
it's been a while since i've seen your posts - have you been away to think out a new strat to get more people on the animal hate train?

i am genuinely curious about your school shooting, when are you gonna do it? you forgot to answer me last time, psycho.

I am not an animal hater. I like animals and think its interesting how all types have evolved and play a part in the natural environments food chain.

Answer the questions above

I think 0$ should be spent on the "humane" treatment of animals before they are killed.

As long as they're actually brain dead before they get slaughtered, who cares. they're too fucking tasty to give up mine and billions of other people's lifestyle

We need to produce man made meats but we're not there yet.


then why do you keep making these threads? alright, i'll take the bait:

1) i am against the fur and cosmetic industries. i can understand testing medicines on animals, because that's something we need. testing cosmetics and furs is just for vanity and should thus be banned. same goes for vivisection.

2) i almost never eat meat: it tastes like shit and it's expensive, so i try to keep it at a minimum. i do, however, hunt and i can promise you that by eating what you've killed yourself, you get a whole other 'relationship' to your food - you learn to respect it more and it has lived free, in it's natural habitat and not in some cramped cage where it can't lay down, move, and eats where it shits.

3) i don't get the chinks (they have 0 respect for life, whether it be human or animal) you don't have to keep it alive when killing it; knock it unconscious and do what you are gonna do, no need to be cruel just because it is an animal. but then again, as Twain said: "there is no being crueler than man because contrary to other animals, man knows the difference between right and wrong and still chooses to do wrong"

"Our common speech contains numberless verbs with which to describe the infliction of violence or cruelty or brutality on others. It only really contains one common verb that describes the effect of violence or cruelty or brutality on those who, rather than suffering from it, inflict it. That verb is the verb to brutalize. A slaveholder visits servitude on his slaves, lashes them, degrades them, exploits them, and maltreats them. In the process, he himself becomes brutalized."

from a purely biological standpoint, the meat of an animal that is in fight or flight mode is stained with a chemical that fouls the meat. Hence is why good meat is humanely treated

For example, Japanese use a technique in which, when a fish is killed, a metal rod is pushed through the spinal cord, destroying it, making it impossible for the carcass to pass on the death chemical.

Also, be a little altruistic for once, and not a fucking NIGGER

1. I agree that fur and cosmetic industries should 100% find alternatives to using animals.

2. If you found out plants had feelings would you stop trying to eat it as much too? Would growing and harvesting your own greens give you more respect for them?

3. I think all animals should be killed before being ground into hamburger patties

As long as the animals can move around freely and spend atleast some timee outside and aren't exposed to pain unnessesary I'm all good

Well, since I'm a bodybuilder i eat more than 0,5kg of meat every day. Considering that traditional meat industry treatment causes a lot of stress for the animal, and stress causes a weak immune system, which leads to heavy medication during the whole raising process and as result u have impure meat. Also the meat quality itself is flawed, since the farmers main goal is to raise the animal as quickly as possible, so the water retention is gigantic. When u buy 1kg industrial meat it loses 1/3 of its weight during the preparation and tastes like shit, dry and a consistency like old bubble gum.
Thats why i buy more expensive meat, from well and slowly raised animals. It's simply healthier, given i eat a lot of that shit and it tastes waaay better.
The moral aspects are only secondary.

to answer your question: yes. but, luckily for me, they don't have a CNS or else i wouldn't be able to eat anything besides carrots and potatoes etc. not much thrives where i live because of the climate.

besides, eating less meat is better for your health; we're designed to eat fruit and shit we find on the ground (hunter-gatherer) and not for overconsumption of meat. if people ate less meat, they would also be able to appreciate better quality meats.

These are mammals who feel pain in about exactly the same way we do. Is it too much to kill them quickly and humanely with limited suffering? Or do you like your meat pumped full of adrenaline? Also, low paid spics literally torture these animals for kicks. Not cool.

Do you realize that most of the meat you have consumed has never had this?

that's right. the meat has a distinct, 'sour' taste

I don't think we should just beat the shit outta them for fun. But they're basically generic failures we've turned into food with small brains. I don't see any reason to care for them

we know how meat is raised in the US, but in scandinavia (except Denmark, i think) there are laws that say that animals of x size are to roam for x hours a day and they can not be closed in cages too small for the animal to move.
i've never been to a place in the world where food tasted as low in quality as in the US - your food is strange, it feels as if you can eat and eat and never become satiated

I live in Wisconsin and pretty much all local cows are raised so that they have time run around the fields and eat some grass. The meat shop I go to can go show me the farm the meat comes from, and the conditions seem pretty solid. When I went there I saw cows walking around in a field.

Not all of America is a capitalistic hell hole.

I don't like people mistreating animals. In fact I think they're some of the worst scum on Earth. It's nigger/chink tier behaviour and it's fucking subhuman. I want all animals that are to be slaughtered to not be harmed before they are killed.

However I recognise that intensive farming is a huge benefit to mankind, allowing us to cheaply sustain our population at higher levels. Now obviously there are issues with which populations are being sustained and with who's agricultural output, but nonetheless intensive farming is a net good for mankind.

People who abuse dogs should be put to death though.

It does actually. Atleast to some extent

i see. must be their scandinavian ancestry. also, i know what you mean: i wouldn't exactly expect nyc to offer top quality food, except from some fancy-ass restaurant

Grass fed butter tastes Gamey. The current system with feed lots produces the best Cattle by far.

There is a reason there is nothing better than a Prime Porterhouse steak from a US cow.

We literally feed them feed corn instead of grass that's why they get all yummy and marbled.

Next time you go abroad, get a steak at a nice restaurant. It won't even compare to a Longhorn-steakhouse-tier steak in the USA.

Now our Veggies are bland and shitty that is for sure. Europe has us beat by a mile. But our beef is the best.

Not necessarily true. The USA makes some of the best food in the world. The issue is we export all of our good food, and import cheaper food in return because we care more about cost than quality.

Are you serious? You don't have fields for cattle in America?

>that's right. the meat has a distinct, 'sour' taste

that is why they are hit with a bolt gun to the head when they are not expecting it then brought to the kill floor.

(this is for cattle I assume there is some other quick and easy method for killing other livestock)

I don't think we are exporting the best veggies and whatnot.

I think there is little incentive to grow good veggies in the USA because subsidies go to Corn and Soy, with the Corn being primarily fed to Cattle.

Add in the fact that California used to be a land of agriculture that had amazing fruits and nuts and veggies. Now that land is too expensive in many parts to use for a lowly veggie farm.

We still have the inland CA veggie region but it isn't what it used to be.

fuck off cunt saged