Sup Forums First Contact Rules

>its curiosity is stronger than its fear
scientist assumes a simple organism only motivation is not searching for food and energy

Somehow I get the feeling that this is very emblematic of how candid western civilization is. If Sup Forums had to write the rules for a first encouter with an alien from what would they be ?

There are internationally accepted protocols for encounters between ships and correspondingly between aircraft. Some are based on international law and custom (Law of the Seas), some are rules by governing bodies (International Civil Aviation Organization). There are also the Protocols for an ETI Signal Detection which are more directed for public relationship about a discovery.

Should Sup Forums first rule be
>Assume hostility

Other urls found in this thread:

Suffer not the alien to live


1) can i fuck it
2) if not to be fucked it is to be destroyed


Fuck off spaceniggers we're full. Go crash on the moon if you want.

Was this made by Reddit?

No idea. I doubt it, it's been around for a long time.

They just want to talk

Why traverse galaxies just to gather resources from a planet with self defense systems?
Metals, water, everything they want is scattered about the galaxies among asteroids and debris.

Thought the same thing. Has a "reddit" feel to it

>No response to a signal or other evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence should be sent until appropriate international consultations have taken place. The procedures for such consultations will be the subject of a separate agreement, declaration or arrangement.
The SETI Committee of the International Academy of Astronautics, in coordination with Commission 51 of the International Astronomical Union, will conduct a continuing review of procedures for the detection of extraterrestrial intelligence and the subsequent handling of the data. Should credible evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence be discovered, an international committee of scientists and other experts should be established to serve as a focal point for continuing analysis of all observational evidence collected in the aftermath of the discovery, and also to provide advice on the release of information to the public. This committee should be constituted from representatives of each of the international institutions listed above and such other members as the committee may deem necessary. To facilitate the convocation of such a committee at some unknown time in the future, the SETI Committee of the International Academy of Astronautics should initiate and maintain a current list of willing representatives from each of the international institutions listed above, as well as other individuals with relevant skills, and should make that list continuously available through the Secretariat of the International Academy of Astronautics. The International Academy of Astronautics will act as the Depository for this declaration and will annually provide a current list of parties to all the parties to this declaration.

This is as far as the SETI protocol goes

id want to steal one of their ships and go on an intergalactic car chase.

Shoot those faggot aliens in the face

The thing is, civilizations that are millions of years older than our own could have achieved such a high technological advancement that we might not even recognize them as life forms in the first place. Extra-terrestrial beings and their civilizations might be so remote and beyond anything ever experienced by a human being, that they could be literally unrecognizable. Their though processes could, for example, be orders of magnitude faster (or for that matter: slower) than our own.

It is possible that our basis of life (periodic table of elements) is only capable of amalgamating to the point of humanoid intelligence. As in the pieces only fit one way in such a way that allows for evolution until high IQ.
It is uncertain to what degree there are restrictions but there are many interdependent and independent factors of intelligence so it is POSSIBLE that all life in this dimension would bear some similarity.

Yes total anhilation hostility because its evolutionary advantageous. Only bodyfeeders act friendly. Lets assume life on earth is the standard way how the universe produces life. If there is any alien life that outpeformed the rest of us in terms of technology with space travel and is on its way to us... we got a serious problem coming. They got rid of their "muh feelings" and "WE WUZ ZORK" centuries ago and i don't think they can have much empathy for a bunch of apes sitting on natural resources.

It's also possible that monkeys fly out of my ass

but its not

You would be surprised, a lot of thinkers agree with what I said there.

Basically, the atom is perfectly designed for us, and perhaps has enough "wiggle room" for some types of aliens.

>If Sup Forums had to write the rules for a first encouter with an alien from what would they be ?
Shotgun to the xeno's face. Then steal his space ship and conquer their home planet. Enslave all ayylmao qts in harems and make the males work in deuterium mines to further the human empire.

It should but be sure it won't and we will be fucked the same way we are fucked by the shitskins right now.

>two prime examples of humans are chosen to meet with the extraterrestrials to represent the planet
>they pick a trans woman and a nigger

>but its not
You don't know how big my anal cavity is, I might have a whole zoo up there

sounds like some bluepilled manchild beta wrote it. disregard. exterminate xenos.

you get the pattern here
maybe they will pick a white female/black male

>earth instantly vaporized
We deserve it

This great piece of info chart is really old
It's been around at least since the last decade
I love it.

If aliens exist and their civilization is greater than ours, it will not be a net positive for us I can tell you that much.

Shoot the ayy if it's black

sounds... familiar

also probably this

But seriously. What hand gesture would even be appropriate ?

>sitting on natural resources
asteroid belts and gas giants are far more resource rich than shitty earth. the only reason they would come for to earth is to take away our qts.

unironically this would be the best star trek show ever

>what hand gesture

Kill it with fire of course

I guess so but my own subjective opinion is that we are probably the only civilization in the galaxy. If true that would mean that we will never make contact with another civilization as the distance between galaxies is far too large for travel, let alone meaningful communication (and it's of course increasing with time too).

The reason I think that is mostly because of the fossil record: Signs of unicellular life are present in the oldest rocks on this planet, which would point to very primitive bacteria-like organisms probably being ubiquitous throughout the universe. However, the time it took for those organisms to establish a civilization capable of sending messages to other stars was 4 billion years. That means that is a naturally extremely unlikely event.

>not mentioning the Prime Directive at all

I guess it depends on wether Aliens make first contact with us or we with them. In any case, if we were a warp-capable society (assuming that faster-than-light travel = space-faring), some sort of set rules on first contact would have to be established. What if we discover a civilization in an all-out world war? Should we intervene?

When we meet equal civilizations, I think the best approach would be to be friendly at first. Space, afterall, isn't just a rush for ressources, but should be a scientific pursuit.

There is a whole paragraph in "2010: The Year We Make Contact" about how the robot probe arms should be when making contact with the monolith

>should the arms by deployed or making a movement during the approach
>should the probe show its "palms" as a "I have nothing in my hand" gesture

You can't kill something that you don't understand

Yeah, I mean the spergs sperg out about how "unlikely it is for us to be the only civilization in the galaxy". But then again - how unlikely is it for you or me to be alive today? There were so many branching events in history that led to me existing today it's like winning the lottery 1024 times consecutively. If some shithead in WWII had aimed slightly to the left my great grandpa would have died. Same for WW1, for the middle ages, for the stone age - shit if some bacteria did evolve slightly different because of a stray UV rau my trex predecessor could have died from the flu.

It's highly improbable for use to be here alive today. Just as much as improbable it is that we would be the only civilization in the galaxy. Yet here I am shitposting on a terran basket weaving forum.

If I understand it’s living I understand it can die.

Those fags have it backwards. If an exploring alien space craft lands on earth it's their responsibility to come up with a first contact plan. We're the dumb monkeys staring at their monolith. They came here to explore. It's in their interest to learn our language and initiate contact with us.

Just like with that recent space hand movie where that chick had to learn their language to communiicate with space/time faring aliens. Fuck that bitch. If those things are smart enough to cross space and time and land on our shitty rock then they surely can figure out how to speak a language even niggers can speak.

The First thing that is going to happen after First Contact is us being raped by the aliens, then all western governments are going to allow them free movement in Eu and the US, and prevent people from discriminating against them.

Meeting a civ that is on the same techonolical level as us is about as likely as winning the lottery a few months in a row.

This and checked, though I’d still kill it, benevolent or not.

The twist is we are the resource you cant find on some asteroid. Lots of diverse genetic material for experimentation. Sentient enough to have fun with trough tortoure and enough protein as a snack.

Best resource there is.

It's safe to assume that the alien vessel is more technologically advanced than us. So hostility could be suicidal.

>holding still is the first thing you need to do to show awareness
That's not true at all, there are plenty of retarded birds and lizards that do exactly that when they are terrified out of what little senses they have

>Fuck that bitch. If those things are smart enough to cross space and time and land on our shitty rock then they surely can figure out how to speak a language even niggers can speak.

Don't want to play the devil advocate, but they landed on multiple locations on Earth. They may have done the same for multiple planets. Maybe this is an automated process, maybe they are just advanced organic robots fulfilling their master bidding.

Or maybe... Maybe they are from an astronauts fleet that sailed long ago, a very long time ago and devolved only to pursue their mission without being able to realize what they are doing. (like the prawns in district 9 or more like in wall-e). Like us, as we wake up, leave for work and come home to masturbate to chinese cartoons.

Wack it on the head with a pole

The first rule should be to assume we don't know anything because we don't and definitely don't touch it.

The civilization has tech we can't even imagine. So waging a war against them would be just silly.

It's like trying to wack a human starship from 50 thousand years in the future.

>assume hostility
Just as when with niggers

This is now an SCP thread

Mod, pls move to

Well, space is large and depending on the level of advancement of FTL drives, it's not unlikely to eventually find someone else out there.

Michael Crichton addressed this decades ago in his book The Andromeda Strain. We're more likely to come into contact with a simple organism than a complex multicell organism going by life distribution figures for Earth.

I find it hysterical how everyone assumes that an alien civilization has to be overly-technologically advanced. For all we know, they could have made leaps in some of their discoveries (as in they avoided skipped "in between" things) which allows them to be very advanced in some areas but not all.

You are making that assumption based on no data.

Even so. Even if they are only capable of creating wormholes. They could probably still destroy the entire planet.

The Aliens are going to kill us all when they find out we allowed the Jewish Reptiles to live among us

It's more likely that other civs don't even care about us at this point. That, or maybe they have a similar code of ethics.

too be honest you have to have a pretty high IQ to understand that gesture

And if they have FTL ships, then they could hit earth with a FTL object.

Why would any of this be necessary unless first contact involved you in a complete vacuum from human civilization and presumably naked? Why is the alien race assumed to be rabid and bigoted atheists?

Why bother if we a) don't have any valuable ressources for them b) don't pose a threat within the next 200ish years to them c) are so ass-backwards that at best we would be mildly entertaining to them.

I don't understand why anyone would realistically want to go full-on 40k for no reason.

Our first encounter with new alien life involves colliding numerous large relativistic bombs upon their world/worlds of origin. The End.

>But seriously. What hand gesture would even be appropriate ?

you do realise that's working on the assumption that the lifeform travelled to planet earth via artifical means? In which case we know from experience that space travel is extremely difficult and requires an intelligence that only one species on earth has so far attained and under very unique circumstances. Also we know pretty much all the variations of matter in the universe via elements and understand the underlying rules of physics and mass. Knowing this we know there's only so many ways you can achieve space travel. It's far more likely that other organisms would require all off and probably more than our technological understanding to achieve space travel, and there'd be nothing we knew that they wouldn't by the time they'd figured it out. They'd need advanced math, writing, expression and critical thought.

You are making the mistake of thinking there's only one way of doing things. Again, I said that they may be very advanced in some things, but not all. I'd argue that people's fantasies about aliens are just wishful thinking.

>there'd be nothing we knew that they wouldn't
What about things they forget ? Right now we are loosing knowledge in metallurgy and most of our moral principles are being reshaped to fit in a globalized market. It wouldn't be absurd to assume that even if they may have walked the same path as us and even are ahead of us, they would still be totally different from us.

Exterminate all xenos immediately.

First contact rule
1. If it has a hole, fuck it

You bet your sweet fucking ass when we become Earth Frontier Force, we'll invade and rape all them delicious innocent alien species.

We fuck the entire universe, Space bois HOORAH!

how fucking original

As if it hasn't been said 200 times already. Be imaginative for fuck sake, drop your fucking hivemind behavior and take initiative. Right, you want to kill them ? How ? How do you deal with the fact that they could inform their homeworld of what you have done ?

Realistically the only thing any alien species capable of getting here wants is to increase their menu options. Humans have made great leaps and bounds in making our food far more productive and tastier so it stands to reason they'd want to try cows, pigs, sheep, etc. which could explain all the mutilated animals farmers find while everything else they could possibly want is better sourced in space.

Serious answer: any alien civilization should not be contacted at all but immediately annihilated via some superweapon such as alcubierre drives scooping up charged particles and depositing them in their systems. This has to be done all at once before it can be detected. Any other course is taking the risk of extinction by the same method.

it's not wishful thinking at all, it's just logical speculation from the human experience. If your argument were simply 'we shouldn't speculate about aliens whatsoever' it would be reasonable, however suggesting that your argument is superior to one based on logic and experience is retarded.

they'd be different obviously, but scientific principles don't change so we can make reasonable speculation about the depth of technological understanding required to achieve a physical act like space travel. In terms of whether they'd forget their own discoveries, why wouldn't they just record them for posterity as we do? We only lose information because we don't record it. Moral principles are relative which on this site should be abundantly clear, so there's no way to accurately speculate the kinds of morals aliens would have beyond what we might basically assign as the minimal degrees of authority and cooperation required to achieve space travel efficiently.

>Meme flag

As always the answer is to pull the lever after the front wheels have passed, but before the back wheels go through.

you have to hope the other side is a normy or a pol reader like you

Don't pull that shit and let the trams collide, if the other guy is too retarded to see that that's what he should have done then he deserves to die.

Most likely all "intelligent" life we find will be some kind of planet-bound space niggers, if earth is any guide. I mean, do you really think any people but whites would have ever invented space travel? Asians are technically smart enough, but until modern european contact their societies were stagnant. This is how all aliens will be/are. So actually there is no need to exterminate them. That would only apply to spacefaring aliens.

>minimal degrees of authority and cooperation
This can take many forms, particulary depending of our degree of scientific schievment.

Offer them a cold pint

Exactly. Sub the trains for superweapons that all spacefaring civilization possess by default and it becomes obvious that you must kill any faggot aliens before they can kill us. Rest assured that any alien that has figured out how to lauch a box faster than light will have cracked this conundrum too.

>it's not wishful thinking at all, it's just logical speculation from the human experience. If your argument were simply 'we shouldn't speculate about aliens whatsoever' it would be reasonable, however suggesting that your argument is superior to one based on logic and experience is retarded
Nice to know that you automatically jump to conclusions when others say something that goes against your opinion. No where did I imply that my argument was superior. It's interesting that you already have that defensive mindset about others' opinions. My opinion is also logical, that doesn't make any truer or untrue than yours.

I'm not sure why it's difficult for you to comprehend that there are various ways to reach a similar point in technological advancements, I'm sure there are other ways that humans either overlooked, or have yet to discover, that some alien species were able to use, in order to advance some of their tech to new limits that humanity has never experienced.

>rules for a first encouter
shoot first

Contact is a meme
Aliens are a meme
Space is a meme
Stop believing in fairy tales
Read your Bible.


you don't think that they might also have extremely advanced means of determining our military capabilities? There's a million ways you could scan the entire planet and just see literally every military base on it. Also they might be totally impervious to any conventional armaments which at the end of the day can't do much worse than the radiation and projectiles moving across space.

ReadIt's the long version of what I posted. It's not opinion, it's game theory. We kill those assholes or they kill us, period.

you claimed it was 'hysterical' i.e laughable that people would expect aliens that travelled to our planet to have a better grasp of technology than humans and then presented your own argument that aliens might be less advanced in some ways and more in others. I'd say that is assuming your opinion is superior. You also have totally ignored the argument that in a universe of fixed rules there are only so many ways to achieve space travel, and we all exist under those same conditions. Therefore if aliens achieve lng distance space travel they almost certainly understand everything we do and more. You can't 'skip' maths, you build it up through cognitive excercises and without the foundations of former thought you can't progress. Organisms also aren't born with abstract thought processes like maths hardwired into them, it requires teaching and cognitive exercises. This is true no matter what organism you are and it neccesitates a lifeform very like a human in almost all instances we could simulate it occurring. You need speech, social interaction, manipulative appendages that aren't required for movement, good sight with depth perception, hearing, an omnivorous diet and so on.

Scary as fuck Germany. I'm happy you lost the war now.

This shit is so stupid. First, aliens already fuck around here. Second, the Earth and the Galaxy are most likely living to some extent. Listening to jews tell you about why not to contact aliens when they essentially worship an alien sounding god is just stupid.

Believe in the bible where the creator of all that exists is a jewish man

Came here to say this

First thing I will warn them about the Jews

>don't do shit until the jews arrive and tell you goyims what to do

id try to make them help us get rid of kikes and niggers

We've seen enough sci-fi movies to know what the bad guy ships look like.

Aliens could be here. Humans would be no threat do to being a bunch of savages with nothing more destructive than a big bomb that can hardly damage a single planet and moves slow as fuck. Would be a big blackpill though because they would basically completely prevent us from developing any further within the next couple years to decades.

I think some already came here and warned us back in the 70's.

And this is exactly why SETI will never find anything