Why is the right OK with rapists, but the left and Hollywood denounce and exile their rapists?

Why is the right OK with rapists, but the left and Hollywood denounce and exile their rapists?

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Nobody likes rapists.

The right is perfectly fine with them. That has been made abundantly clear.


I would execute Bill O'Reilly in the middle of times square. Does anyone under 65 actually like that micro-brained, macro-egod retard? lul

Because rape is a natural part of life.

How often do liberals get scandaled for rape?Conservatives? That's what I thought.

The left does no such thing. They were trying their hardest to damage control for Weinstein until it blew up. He's probably fucking a 10/10 on a pile of benjamins as we speak. Don't make me laugh.

Why are any of you posting in this thread?

I don't have standards. All I ant is to se the left destroyed.

>the left and Hollywood denounce and exile their rapists?
call me when they are finished doing that, I'll be back to check in a decade


Then why would they start the #MeToo hashtag? Who is trying to protect the jew at this point?

Naw bill fucked them bitches into the spin zone

Literally nobody has accused Bill of rape only that he said some lewd stuff to a black lady. The rich and powerful rapists are all democrats, guys like Biden and Clinton not to mention all those leftists rapists who run Hollywood

>Does anyone under 65 actually like that micro-brained, macro-egod retard? lul
He actually did extremely well with the 25-54 crowd. It's an age demographic that advertisers covet, so that's why it's important to measure.
/ptg/ would tune into the last 5 minutes of his show before Tucker came on to mock him.

Sup Forums is pro rape against women.

I've always hated him. He gives off that same smugness I hate liberals for. Worst of all he's not even that intelligent. He cuts off people's mics, he yells over them. Nigger tier behavior desu

the right sees degeneracy /abuse as a strength when they do it

Choose 1

>the left and Hollywood denounce and exile their rapists?

Prove it; I bet Weinstein only "stepped down" so his soiled name wouldn't bring down the whole Weinstein Company

Polanski, who anally raped a drugged 12-year-old is a fucking hero to leftist hollywood

>but the left and Hollywood denounce and exile their rapists?

Check Bill Mahers friday show.. He put in a good word for Weinstein

>Literally nobody has accused Bill of rape
Jesus do you know where you are?

That hashtag will only result in a trivialisation of rape because every slut now calls out wrong men who answered to their signalling.

Well, he is Irish.

O'really did not rape anyone.

>Why is the right OK with rapists, but the left and Hollywood denounce and exile their rapists?

Bill Clinton and Bill O'Reilly have the same number of sex crime convictions
>mfw a shitload more allegations for one tho...

Another strawman

So basically nigger tier.

>Polanski, who anally raped a drugged 12-year-old is a fucking hero to leftist hollywood
THIS is what they're hiding -- An Open Secret youtu.be/Lwi9Yt_D844
Not an oreilly fan, but every white male who ever hit on an ADULT woman will be dominating the headlines from here on out.

>leftists never punch left
>leftists have more people willing to stay quiet than conservatives
>conservatives out other conservatives more often BECAUSE they are virtuous
>leftists hide the truth because their own closet is full of skeletons


Bill Clinton did settle a case though where he was groping Jennifer Flowers. O'Riley didn't settle anything as far as I'm aware.

O'Reilly didn't rape anyone.

The hatchet job done on him was paid for by dudes like Weinstein.

Weinstein and his ilk throw money at activists and were like ...."look over there, don't look at me. I give you feminazis some money. Go harass O'Reilly."

Weinstein has a working relationship with Gloria Allred's daughter. He was making a movie about her.

The guy was crowd controlling some of the most media whorish lawyers out there who represented women making accusations against Trump, O'Reilly, etc.

If that were true there would be no Hollywood, you cunt.

>settle a case
I used the word conviction for a reason, it means found guilty in a court of law, which neither of those men have
>btw nice trips
I was pointing out the hypocrisy of the cuntish OP

It was CNN and Media Matters who went after Bill because he was getting 3.5x their ratings

>harassment suit
>somebody said I did it so that means I did it