A Yale psychologist's simple thought experiment temporarily turned conservatives into liberals


Social scientists say conservative political views can be fueled by fear.

A new study suggests that making people feel safe from harm can change their stance on hot-button social issues.

The new research gives insight into the role of the unconscious mind in the voting booth.

tl;dr conservatives are scared babies and science proved it

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This is what liberals wanna do to conservatives



It's 3 minutes just skip to 2:40

good thing i'm not a conservatard

Who knew that (((psychology))) is a big psyop to understand which methods work to reduce nationalistic/conservative ideologies, too bad that safety from Jews means we can be more open to a thriving progressive culture

t. scared conservative

Social Science is fucking retarded. This (((study))) just proves it further.

Let me guess...

faggot normies GTFO

Charge us $2000 for a new rug? Sounds about right.

>making people feel safe from harm can

So telling people lies makes them liberal?

We know devil gypsy, we know. Begging isn't a conservative career path.

>Yale psychologist
It’s literally nothing

no shit people who love their families and work hard for them fear for the future of those families!

you're the gypsy now

So liberals are careless and foolish
And Conservatives are cautious and prudent

OP btfo

interesting as they conflated looking out for your own best interest with "fear"

So.. They're publishing Mk-ultra findings?
>tfw retarded line op fall for this

>experiments needed to create liberals

>The researchers told a group of participants to imagine that they'd been granted a superpower by a magic genie and were suddenly as invincible as Superman
>The conservative participants the other hand, started adopting more liberal views on social issues

>When you believe in a fantasy world you become a liberal
Really.. makes... the... noggin... joggin...

Post-Modernist thought, Sam just gives up on the truth that his wife is bloodied on the floor from being tripped, even though it clearly happened moments before. The tripping and ensuing devastation is the things we fear (terrorism, mass migration) which the host (symbolizing the establishment) caused. The $2,000 cost is just how retardedly expensive the effects pass down on the "peasants" .

I challenge to be less dumb for a while.

Who did the best great mass media scam of the XXth century?

>so the opposite of this, is liberals are open and tolerant, because they feel the world isn't in chaos or out to get them
Some would rather stick their heads in the sand I guess

But I like fear? What do Scooby Doo?


I can't feel fear, and I'm full on right wing leaning on fascism.

What does this mean, OP?

t. Irredeemable coward


>social scientists

>tl;dr conservatives are scared babies and science proved it
Or maybe conservatives live in reality and liberals in some white, middle class gated community.

This explains why they want to import millions of muslims

ie tell people no consequences and they will start being reckless.

Amazing insight into the liberal mind

>Liberal participants' attitudes on social issues didn't shift at all. The conservative participants, on the other hand, started adopting more liberal views on social issues (though not economic ones.)
What a dumb study, it didn't turn the conservatives into liberals... it turned them into libertarians.

Wrong. But I do love visiting Romania and fucking your hottest bitches. All I have to do is say "I'm not Romanian, I don't understand what you're saying." With this phrase alone they get so wet at the smallest fraction of a chance to leave that shithole and live literally anywhere else. Its great! 11/10s will do anything. So, thank you.

>Social scientists

Jesus is this the state of non-big pharma ran psychology?

And I thought I walked into a shit show getting into Physical Anthropology.

Tell people no consequences and they can get shit done.

That's why free speech it's valuable, you can't have an integral individual if they have standarized limitations.

>Liberals can only exist under lab conditions

>Social scientists

yes they are. not saying they are not pozzed...and the study actually confirmed the idiocy of liberal worldview. why panic?


Shit think about it, if Von Braun wasn't being allowed to bomb people we wouldn't have reached the moon.

>Social scientists

>conservatives are scared babies and science proved it

nice straw man, perhaps you should stick to heroin or whatever drug you antifa faggots use.
Hopefully, for you, political discourse and psychology is not your strong suit.

>conservatives say they don't want immigrants because they bring crime


No we just actually value civilization and not """people""" who act like animals

Honestly if I read the actual paper and not a shitty "news" article about it, it'd probably sound less retarded. Often I've seen that in cultural anthropology where when dumbed down the whole thing sounds fucking retarded but when you read the original source it sounds hella less autistic. Or to see the researchers personal notes on the matter.

How do you manage to go from without fears people are liberals, to liberals are the scared ones?

No judgment just curious.

Fear is an appropriate response often times and it is an evolutionary mechanism meant to preserve oneself. This finding can go both ways. One could assert that liberals are unnecessary risk takers and will lead to the collapse of society.


Isn't the takeaway point from this then that having a healthy fear of the very real and grave risks that the world poses promotes ideologies which offer proofing and protection from those risks and dangers. It is fear of freezing to death or being killed in your sleep that inspired humanity to build or seek shelter, it is fear which has motivated the greatest efforts and achievements of humanity. It's fear today that causes us to go to space, investigate our surroundings and even colonise other planets, fear is the tried and true engine which drives humans to success and greatness. If my politics is shaped by fear then I can rest easy that I'm doing the right thing.


libtards literally have braindamage, smaller prefrontal cortexes that literally make them unable to detect danger

This isn't turning conservatives into liberals it's making conservatives LARP as Supermen that don't need to worry about being stabbed by muzzies


>Often I've seen that in cultural anthropology

that filed is also pozzed (thanks ((((Boas))) !!!!). What can you do...the finding themselves arent problematic, the problem is liberal views psychologists usually hold.

Damn . I just realized I look almost exactly like a thing Hitler

You can reach the same conclusion a dozen ways.

The main drive of liberalism it's to be free, as ideology it's supported by this and this alone, that sentiment for freedom it's rationalized in conservatives into free is home.

define fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is likely to be a threat or painful


person A: looks down the block and sees a bunch of black people, and decides to walk down the next block where there is white people because 50% of robberies are committed by black people and they are not 50% of the population, they make this decision without emotion

person B: looks down the block sees a bunch of black people, gets scared (that unpleasant emotion), and then goes down the white person block

Putting people on drugs to stop their critical thinking, or to stop areas of their brain from activating in fear during logical conclusion of threats, or designing TV shows where everyone is one big happy family and nothing ever bad happens, yes will stop people from thinking critically and get into bad situations

this study by the SJW psychologist just tricked people out of their money for an expensive study, which took me about as long as to figure out than it did for me to write this 4 chan post

fuck all niggers

so the corollary to that is liberals really are mindless sheep.

Young Hitler*

>So telling people lies makes them liberal?

i love the way the people here break it down

well said

This is legitimately a study that’s going to be used to push drugs on to people. Why would they bother to induce these feelings psychologically when they could do so chemically?

Related: magnetic lobotomy turns a healthy person into a leftist.
>A joint team of American and British scientists have discovered that powerful magnetic pulses to the brain can temporarily change people's feelings on a variety of subjects - from their belief in God, to their attitude to immigration.
>The team, comprised of scientists from the University of York and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), used 39 politically moderate students as test subjects.
>The two were split into two groups - one, the control group, was given a sham dose of magnetism that was not strong enough to influence brain activity.
>The other got a strong pulse of TMS that was strong enough to temporarily shut down their posterior medial frontal cortex (pMFC), a part of the brain that "plays a key role in both detecting discrepancies between desired and current conditions and adjusting subsequent behaviour to resolve such conflicts."
>In other words, this part of the brain processes threats and conflicts, and decides how to respond to them.
>And 25.8 per cent more of those who had received TMS had a more positive response to the immigrant who had written a negative letter about their country.

That's insulting. As the superior country, I demand you issue the Romanian an apology.

2017. Believes psychology is a science.


nice buzzfeed clickbait title, faggot

>asked for political leaning on survey
>get to interview
>they start asking about social opinions
>hide your powerlevel like you always do at university
>these are somehow valid findings

This is like if the Nazis put out a study saying that when told to imagine themselves as Aryan, Jewish communists became more fascist in opinion, ignoring the fact that no Jewish communist would openly admit to something the Nazi would have them executed for.

They are the creative force behind civilization.

You guys are the antithesis to that and that duality becomes our political duopoly.

But it's not reality and political actors are individuals and not generic ideology based groups, that's just a landmark designed for our limited human brains that can't remember the name and 10 main political points of every person you have ever known, therefore you need big mental structures designed to group all of them in a nice mental construct, but it's crap.

Fear has it's purpose, but cowardice not.
So GTFO jewish faggot.

What about fellating arab dicks?

>science proved it
you mean pseudoscience?


>The researchers told a group of participants to imagine that they'd been granted a superpower by a magic genie and were suddenly as invincible as Superman
So I could Allahu snakbar offices of politicians and leftist activists without harm? Sweet.

so if you live in a gated safe community and live in a land of imagination you are more likely to be liberal

we already knew this...anyone who sees taxes going toward niggers buying 40 bottles and crime quickly slaps that shit out of you son

>that filed is also pozzed (thanks ((((Boas))) !!!!)
I'd say it more has to do with when the feminists got into Anthropology to"correct" the "mistakes" of their academic ancestors because they were men. This along with the development of "queer theory" has led to people getting into Anthropology not to study culture for the sake of studying culture and enriching their lives but to use it as political ammo or to discredit someone to make a name for themselves.

Now there's an entire field of Anthropology growing called Anthropology of Children because when the feminists were studying women they PURPOSEFULLY ignored the fact that they were the primary care givers and this skewed the shit out of reports and results.

> the problem is liberal views psychologists usually hold.
I wouldn't say political viewpoint plays a significant role but in whether or not you inject your viewpoint into it. If social scientists were more conservative than liberal you'd see the same shit but rather would have a conservative bent.


>call up 5,000 random people
>identify yourself as working for the DNC
>ask if they have firearms

wow looks like 0% of americans have firearms, time to accept gun control drumpf

Anthropology was originally created to make fun of the irish.

This is very true. I have worked in university biochemistry labs for several years. Even STEM is overrun with leftists. I hide my power level every second of every day on campus because sticking your head up means you get singled out and ostracized.

When I was an undergrad we had to take part in psychology studies of the psychology graduate students as part of the psychology 101 class. All their tests were so easy to see through. I had to take part in a study where I had to read 5 resumes and chose which person I would hire. There were several minorities to choose from and the white guy. Obviously it was a test for racial preference so chose the female POC because I knew they were looking for white people picking white people.

I would act like a good little liberal in all their tests.


What a well thought out rebuttal. Go back to /leftypol/ and tell everyone that this article proved that you need to ignore facts for liberalism to work. That won't change much as I have multiple screenshots of those faggots openly admitting you have to ignore data.

>hot bitches
>in romania


Because it's not about numbers but their own dumb humanity.

At some point you forcefully understanded this but you were lead, by smart efficient individuals to believe otherwise.

reminds me of the study where feminists tried to prove by (((science))) that trump supporters were misogynists. The methodology had iterations of two main attitudes:

>Support for gender roles or not
>Anger about lack to today's gender roles or not

If you were angry about the lack of gender roles, they had a box for that combination that they filed away as cis-scum. Headlines read that (((science))) proved the liberal agenda, but scrolling through the article the methodology was surprisingly included; and to anyone who didn't take it immediately to their axe grinding, the sophomoric attempt at creating a study was pretty evident.

All they prove it's how people do as they are told, and if you have a we hate men test, they will answer we hate men.

This it's a we hate liberals thread by the way.

Don't be smart here please.

Hating liberals is one of the smartest things you can do

I like you, Texas, you're a smart man.

However, in today's iteration of liberalism at least as it exists in the US, how do they justify this need to be free while worshiping the state? Both sides see an oppressor/oppressed dichotomy that they run to their respective authoritarians to get their vision of freedom manifested. Furthermore, today's liberals seem to take no issue in redistrubution of wealth for this vague sense of freedom. They would enslave others to each other to do this. I don't see how this isn't cognitive dissonance.

In real life of course, but this it's an internet chat room.

Your cute little bubbles will burst eventually.
Stop blaming the system for your lack of pussy, etiquette and balls and go do something fuckin important.

I hate you all.

real question: how old are you?

Because the true free individuals it's an idealism on itself, people obeys, people walks in the sideway and stops on the red light.

You can be liberal here, you can be liberal if you are filthy rich, but you can't be less that and liberal, the same way you can't conservative.

What were the questions?


The reality is that niggers, spics, and sand niggers exist in the world, so you're not really safe. Would I feel more at ease in a homogeneous white society? Yes.

>tl;dr conservatives are scared babies and science proved it
fuckin children with their kneejerk ass reactions

>Conservatives feel more welcoming to change when they are told they're invincible and their actions have less negative consequences

Who would have thought.

This is the show you people where bitching about getting cancelled?

kill yourself shill