Has any european ever seen an immigrant crowd like this?

has any european ever seen an immigrant crowd like this?

Look at all those filthy cunts. Just think of all the filthy Arab kebab shit in those bowels just waiting to be squirted into our Aryan water systems.

Smelly, dirty Arab shit flying out of their dirty little arseholes

In Moscow daily

No children or women. Why's that?

That's a lot of scared women and children

i'm just curious if any euros ever saw any of these crowds on the highway in lets say 2015

I havent.

yes there is a persistent one in paris

where are the women

I see that everyday in London.

You can see that daily in Calais on the motorway before boarding the ferry to the UK

Because those are not immigrants but invaders.

as in all young men? yes. most of the time.

motherfucking look at all these sex tourists.

>captcha is a muzzie street sign


Military Invasion via immigration

Who'da thunk it?

Oh well, too late now.

a bit like "where's waldo?", but i counted at least two children and four women in the photo.

Racists see criminals but i see future doctors, engineers, and artists.

i see hemp farmers.

damn that's some weak bait

Yep, saw such a ... crowd. Austrian/German border, about two years ago. Lots of subhumans and in between ONE guy who looked decent and civilized, with a slightly dirty suit and a case. He seemed kind of lost in this crowd, standing in the middle of a roundabout, not really knowing where to go. It was surreal.

What's going through their minds at this moment?

You're all racists. Look at all the scared women and children.

how much longer 'til some food, drink, and shelter before it gets dark again?

they're there. open the eyes.

crisis actors?



you just know half of those fighting age sand niggers are there for 'reasons'

about 4% of that pack, but not more.

the police are facing the wrong way

you want to draw first blood?

This is Hijrah
The migration of muslims to unbeliver lands to prepare the way for jihad & shariah

with what weapons?

Your women's bellies

wow look at all the women and childre-


you are making some unfounded assumptions about german women.

Many turkish and nafri women in Germany tho

I see two women and a child in that picture...

The men must be castrated.

matters not

It's literally all men. War aged men. Thank fuck I don't live in Europe. This is disgusting.

"Time to rent seek"

The UK has said it will not register the gender of the population in the 2021 census. Our gender imbalance must be the worst in Europe. Try finding a female that is attractive, not a whore, not a feminist , not a bangladeshi curry stain with a mustache. I fucking defy any man to find me ten women in 100 that fit that criteria in any major city.

>muh countryside
Fuck off, sheep dont count, this isnt Afghanistan. Yet.


That’s a picture from Slovenia. We literally escorted them in police cordon like pictured to Austria. No fucks given

I literally came here to post that, jej.

I see a drain on resources

Maybe it was that chinese tourist who was forced into a refugee camp before his family rescued him

>Look at all the scared women and children
Look at all the women and children they want to rape?


How many children has the man in your pic raped.....

>Try finding a female that is attractive, not a whore, not a feminist , not a bangladeshi curry stain with a mustache. I fucking defy any man to find me ten women in 100 that fit that criteria in any major city.
Go to Stamford Hill.

Lots of Hasidic honeys there

It's an invasion. And women have betrayed western civilization for sex.

Yes, inside my wife's pussy

That's just everyday at Gothenburg central station.

We're killing our own people. We've invited the beast into our home. I am a traitor to my country and will weep upon my deathbed for this moment.

Wow, look at all those innocent children and women

Fuck off retard

brilliant user

I have llayed enough numbers games to know that all white people in that country are going to be sucking dick in lieu of getting stoned to death very soon.

Hans, let's lead them to Auschwitz. Remind them what happened the last time minorities acted up.

Except we escorted them out to Austria. We kept none of them.

Spain in 700 AD

You mean.... all military aged men? No I havent seen an immigrant crowd of nothing but military aged men

no but close enough when they are standing in line for cigarettes, canned tunas (which are expensive), baby stuff and drinks daily here in Belgrade provided by marxsists students and normie volounters. the funny thing is they just sell that shit to gypsies 100 meters from the facility for half of the price