American redpills

Let's drop some deep redpills for this once-glorious nation. I'll start:

The confederacy was the catalyst for political degeneracy in this nation, for they had little justification for separating from the Union, and their separation from the Union is what ultimately lead to Lincoln cementing the Executive Office as a place to undermine the rights of the States, along with using said Office to try and influence societal values and carry out social agendas.

Press 'S' to spit on the graves of Lincoln and the Confederacy. Absolute disgraces to the United States. United, at what cost?

Other urls found in this thread:

American redpills you say?





That's not a redpill, that's social justice warrior cuckholdry. Seriously who pays you kikes to be here?

Wrong tbqh
The Confederacy was the last refuge for a true aristocratic spirit. The kentucky dirt farmer lincoln couldn't understand basic constitutional law, so he elected to kill 700,000 people in an illegal war of aggression.





>bringing in nonwhites won't make us less white
>boomers believed this


Signed into law by President Washington

>The south had no reason to leave the union
>A waning minority in a democracy had no reason to leave when their power was still substantial

The CSA was justified.





Fuck Ronald Reagn



"Gun homicides" is not even worth posting. Only murder rate counts. England has more killings by knife, does that make them safer?

>I don't mind getting killed, as long as they don't use a gun.

This has the source






>not controlling for income

Is there any opposing agrument or just accusations that he's a Jew? The confeds are the bedrock of the US history, they're the only reason we have so many africans in the first place, they so inbred and incompetant that they couldn't even bring themselves to work their own fields.

Please pray for us

I am a fan of Reagan. It was easily his biggest mistake. Flipped California blue.

>the GIs who fought in ww2 were more right wing than so called "nazis" today.

Most historians agree that Hitler brought Germany out of the Great Depression. That doesn't justify what he did.

Nice try, kike. We all know Jews ran most of the slave trade. The degeneracy started with bringing in Jews.

The union during the american civil war was interested solely in reclaiming confederate territories, not ending slavery.

The only redpill here is that going the actions you describe the confederacy was right to worry about Lincolns tyrannical tendencies and the breakdown of the republic into a federal dictatorship. It seems the jews telling us about old honest Abe lied again.

They first arrived In 1650 with the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam. I knew the Dutch always had something to do with the destruction of the American way.

Except you granted them full citizenship and refused to deport them

Abraham Lincoln was a Liberal Homosexual.

press S to spit on his grave

Look everyone. Its a jewish version of history.

Oy Vey goy go kill your brother so I can continue to own slaves!

The worst thing he could've done if you cucks didn't rebel was end slavery which he didn't even really want to do even though it was already inevitable, would've been better if you confederate retards just industrialized instead of whining about about the north's self made prosperity while simultaneously using forced human labour as a cruch for your own success. Did you honestly think you could oppress 1/3 of your population for more than another 50 years before you guys broke out into your own civil war?

"When the people of the South settled on the shores of Maryland, Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia, they had no intention of encouraging or even tolerating the institution of slavery. The thrifty New England seamen, solely with the view of profit, urged slavery upon all the Colonies. The evil of this traffic soon became apparent to the people of the South, and when the Constitution was framed in 1787, the South demanded that the fundamental law of our land should inhibit this traffic of importing human beings from Africa. The South was resisted by the New England slave-traders." - Joseph Wheeler

> Did you honestly think you could oppress 1/3 of your population for more than another 50 years before you guys broke out into your own civil war?
Fucking this! Every other major slave owning nation from Brazil to French Haiti eventually lost control over their slave populations and turned into a mulatto hell hole, yet White Nationalists Southerns still think it would have worked out.

You can't force 18% of your total population to just up and leave that easy, the end of slavery is inevitable for industrialized countries, and the republicans gave them citizenship to make up for the political support they lost from the whites.

>The confederacy had little justification for separating from the Union.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

First thing he did was abuse his authority to expand federal power at all levels when given the chance. Never mind the unconstitutional power grabs. Clearly the south was right to be worried by the whole sorry lot of evangelical scum that was Lincolns fanatical party. Of course you've been so beaten down by a century of kike tricks that you think people should just sit by when their rights are violated for some mythical and ill defined greater good. Lincoln was trash and Union fought an unjust war of aggression to enslave actual Americans and unleash niggers upon us all and shred the constitution. Theres no equivalency, the north was wholly in the wrong both in their intended war aims and in the wars outcome.

Didn't they own the slave trade?

He only was able to do that because all of the opposition seceded and formed the confederacy



Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. That we do not overstate the dangers to our institution, a reference to a few facts will sufficiently prove.

That should have been up to the south to figure out, not grubby jew york bankers and corrupt DC politicians.

Your own words prove what a cuck (((you))) are. If as you said, the South is the source of all niggerdom and cuckholdry, then the North should have lept at the chance to divorce and disown them, thus preserving your 'white northern paradise.


The opposite is what happened, and you Northern cuchkholds genocided 600,000 white men, to save your precious black angels you live and kill for.

>they had little justification for separating from the Union

"Hey, Mister Lincoln, we just realized that you have all the factories and docks and we have all the agriculture and we ship cotton to Northern textile mills for basically no reason when we could just build our own down here and ship stuff to Europe. So we're gonna do that. And we're gonna all stop being poor as fuck farmers and become industrialized like you and give people, both black and white, a better life. Which is exactly like what happened in 1776 so you should respect us."

>"B-But it'll bankrupt us! N-No, we already let in a ton of Irish immigrants that voted for me! I WILL LITERALLY SEND HORDES OF POTATOES AND NIGGERS TO THEIR DEATH AND THEN BLAME YOU."

"Wow, you would really do that to the people who got you elected, you fucker? Sorry, (((Abraham))), not our problem. Fuck off with your middleman bullshit."

>*autistic virtue signaling, emancipation, and warmongering*

Daily reminder that Lincoln was literally the founder of Black Lives Matter even though he in no way thought they were equal.

Also he was pretty gay.

This whole question of Slavery, was but one relating to the proper status of the African as an element of a society composed of the Caucasian and African races, and the status which was best, not for the one race or the other, but best, upon the whole, for both.

No the slave trade was dominated by jewish shipowners out of Portsmouth Rhode island financed by jewish bankers in New York city. The CS constitution outlawed the slave trade and the south famously have very little shipping or nautical capacity. Again you're parroting a post 1965 kike version of the war.

There's no excuse for giving millions of illiterates the vote

Given the chance to be a tyrant he immediately acts tyrannical. Your not seeing why there was cause for concern?

Abraham Lincoln was a Liberal Homosexual.

>That should have been up to the south to figure out
But the chances of the South doing so are slim to none, at best you would have limped on until a South African like referendum gave blacks equal rights.
The North was fighting to keep our nation whole you were fighting to keep muh slaves so the Southern upper class could continue to profit.
>Give up our niggers? Never! I'd rather kill my own kin!
If only, instated of chimping out you had agreed to stay in The Union(peace be upon it) and shipped your slaves back to Africa, America would be a paradise on Earth.

Alot of the north opposed the war and of the actions of its governments and broke out into several massive riots, if the confederate cucks never seperated in the first place Lincoln would never had had the support to do what he did nor would he have made slavery illegal and gave citizenship, he only did that to maintain the politcal support that he'd lost during the war by introducing a fiercly loyal voting base.


>free votes for the party that allowed them to vote

There's your reason

Cant confirm in my research that he was a fag, seen the rumors though its not just you saying it. He was near Bernie tier on the economics though. Loved big government hand outs and monopolies. All the massive corruption and graft that ruined Grants presidency started in Lincolns administration.

The point of checks and balances is to stop that from happening. If there's an opposition to the tyranny it can be stopped, but the opposition left and formed the confederacy so there was nothing stopping him. The confeds were short sighted idiots.

>(((Jewish lies))) If a white paradise is what you wanted? Why did you kill 600,000 white men to save your precious black angels? You are the voice of the devil, mocking your victims, the victims of your destruction.

You could have had a white paradise in the North, if you had just told the South to fuck off and stay out of the white North.

>Problem fucking solved.

But (((you))) didn't do that did you?

No, killing whites is what you did, and destroy the North and South. A perfect victory for the enemies of the white race and the enemies of all America.




There unionists all over the South.
Especially in North Georgia.

Again that's up to the south to decide. Did you know Virginia came fairly close to abolishing slavery before the war? These issues were known and could be dealt with by the people of the states. Saying that accepting despotism is ok because the possible alternative might be worse isn't convincing.

If the north didn't stop the confeds they'd be just like brazil which is a complete shit hole because they relied on slavery. And if the confess got what they wanted America would be half or a third as strong which is exactly what the enemies of the white race want, a weak western power.

The ultimate check on a tyrannical government is the ability to divorce yourself from said government.

The part where most people wanted to abolish slavery separated from Virginia.

>we ship cotton to Northern textile mills for basically no reason when we could just build our own down here and ship stuff to Europe
Well of course a Southern wouldn't want to support American Industry, let me guess you probably own a foreign cars?
>And we're gonna all stop being poor as fuck farmers and become industrialized like you.
Oh so that's why you cared about slavery so much? To the point where you explicitly listed it as the main reason for leaving, but that was just a ruse? eh? You really wanted to industrialize but would go on to fight a bloody war to keep your slaves. Ok.
>and give people, both black and white, a better life.
AHHHHH this is what neo-confederates actuality believe!

What exactly did the north do that stopped us from being Brazil? Libshit politicians mostly from the north east love racemixing, niggers, and illegals so not really seeing where you're getting any of this.

Lincoln’s own mother said he was never fond of girls.

False, then that tyrant can just reconquer you and justify a centralization of their own power and assets which is exactly what he did.

You would've imported more slaves and instead in spreading out across the US they'd just overwhelm the south with their presumably higher numbers and birth rates, not to mention the lack of focus on industrialization and reliance on slavery would've put you another 70 years behind the western world, just like brazil.

Not relivent to my point but yes WV was created under sketchy circumstances because Lincoln needed extra senators to pass more shit legislation. Same as when he made Nevada a state when it had a population of like 1000 people. Lincoln really was a piece of work.

If centralism is ultimately to prevail; if our entire system of free Institutions as established by our common ancestors is to be subverted, and an Empire is to be established in their stead; if that is to be the last scene of the great tragic drama now being enacted: then, be assured, that we of the South will be acquitted, not only in our own consciences, but in the judgment of mankind, of all responsibility for so terrible a catastrophe, and from all guilt of so great a crime against humanity.
Alexander H. Stephens

Because the legal precedent it set now. Now theres nothing to stop a tyrant short of massive bloodshed.

Again no. The CS constitution outlawed the international slave trade. Stop lying.

The states originally formed a confederacy during the American Revolution. A confederacy limited the power of a central state.

The civil war changed the form of the US government. The South was trying to prevent the usurpation of the just powers of the states by the central government controlled by the north eastern industrialists and foreign banksters.

This is a true statement.

Would have multiplied in greater numbers still and would still be 70~ or so years behind the western world in industrialization and wealth, which would've still made it a shithole.

"If the day should ever come when the affections of the people of these States shall be alienated from each other...far better will it be for the people of the disunited States to part in friendship from each other than to be held together by constraint." - John Quincy Adams

This. Blaming the south for their secession when they were entirely unrepresented in the presidential election preceding the war is a top kek. Also, secession was an implicit state right at the time which is why the faggot govt made it illegal AFTER the war in the texas vs white case.

The Declaration of Independence was not that they were to be one State, but "thirteen free, Sovereign and Independent States." This was in strict accordance with the instructions of their constituents. The people of the several Colonies would not consent for a Declaration to be made in any other way. The Declaration of Independence was forming a Confederation of Independent States. - Alexander Stephens, 1868

Why should America be seperased based off of minor political disputes like centralization vs decentralization that's retarded. We would have never reached our status in the world today seperated by bullshit like that.

You're basing that off what exactly? Head cannon to explain away why the yankees weren't total bootlicking cucks? Certainly of the demographic records we have.

It's stupid, the people that babble about state rights, decentralization, and the confederates are the same people who are sympathetic to Hitler, a totalitarian dictator who didn't give a shit about local authority.

>If the north didn't stop the confeds they'd be just like brazil which is a complete shit hole because they relied on slavery.

So instead you made the whole North and South another dark Brazil. Good job, every argument you make points right back at you.

>The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you