I'm on episode 5, when does this shit get interesting?

I'm on episode 5, when does this shit get interesting?
Is it like LotR that it's a worldbuilding circlejerk or will the plot get better?

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is literally a gay show you should drop it

It does get better, but first it's going to get worse.

you'll come to appreciate even the worldbuilding episodes once you're done with it

This post right here.

It gets better at episode 18
So just drop it, or watch it on fast forward

This. It was honestly a really bizarre case of finding it boring 3/4 of the time with the remaining 1/4 being so good it felt like a masterpiece overall.

The show is great.
Just leave now or you'll get spoiled.

>rebel against false gods
yakomaru confirmed as the mc

His name is Squealer.

Molerat hitlet did nothing wrong

no you rat scum

So you insulted Lord of the Rings and a show Sup Forums likes. What's the next step of your master bait?

Just watch it

Translated light novel for those interested


>muh oppression

It's a show for SJWs to discuss the "dangers" of predictable systematic oppression by socially superior beings

Watch it if you like to get triggered

There's actually not that much worldbuilding outside of what you see (or get told in shitty exposition dumps). The setting is shallow and underexplored in a lot of parts.

It also has a big reveal by the end you should have seen coming after watching episode 4. Try to guess it.

The main things the show is good for are the first ED and some QUALITY.

The first few episodes with the world building were actually pretty interesting, then there's a timeskip and that shit is boring as fuck then there's another timeskip and that is when it gets really fucking good


These are my honest opinions but I'll admit I used this specific phrasing to get more (you)'s

I wish we got more flashblacks to various periods of the world's history. They were actually more interesting than the main story.

when it gets interesting? never.

you just watch it until the end to get your mindblown into another dimension the last 2 minutes. only after that you can judge that anime

What exactly is a worldbuilding circlejerk?

Yeah, I found the first two arcs pretty tedious, but by the end I was glad I stuck with it.

it gets interesting the moment squealer becomes yakomaru

You really didn't know after the minoshiro dump that molerats are people without PK? Just how much more obvious could it have been?

There was absolutely no surprise for me about how it ended.

Squealer Kiroumaru and maybe Satoru and Maria are the only interesting characters. Main girl a shit.

Worldbuilding is a meme, it really isn't worth anything if nothing much is done with it aside from setting. The ending is only passingly interesting.

everyone cuc ks everyone the show

Early parts are heavy on exposition and you'll get some even later on. If you don't like the general feel, atmosphere, setting and worldbuilding, then it might not be for you. The show generally builds up towards its final episodes, and many people think it was worth sticking to it, but don't force yourself to watch it if you don't want to.