Your president is black

Your president is black

Supreme president* might I add

its called civic nationalism


fuck nationalism Sup Forums is an anarchist site.

Kekistan has already lost its meaning, most people recognizes it as a popular Reddit “NORMIES GET OUT REE” meme rather than an internet force behind the throning of Trump into presidency.

and de-throning not all kekistanis are his supporters.

My Lambo's blue

> jeffery epstein
> russian mobsters
> georage soros plant jared kushner
> implying macaffe isnt the rightful potus

Will he make anime real?

I won't lie, I'm laughing my ass off

He's a based black man. My wife would be proud to serve him.


>Our ancient Akkadian friend, Sargon the Great, and his portly British reincarnation

Oh great they're doing that cringe fest again why cant new england get a decent white nationalist movement ?

dont talk shit about tyrone

its zozzle now asshat.

am dying lmao

t. Swede hiding behind kekistani flag

White nationalists with a nigger president who worship a green frog with a spic name.

I love Sup Forums

true definition of diversity