
>atheists do not believe in an afterlife
>atheists, at all points in their life, can be as immoral as they want and get away with it
>can go kill thousands of people, commit suicide and face no punishment for their actions
>people seriously believe atheists aren't mentally ill

How do we stop the atheist menace?

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Lack of belief in an afterlife or reincarnation/ karma leads these people to live entirely selfishly and immorally, taking advantage of those around them and fucking over as many people as they can to get what they want. Agree with OP 100%

You know 70 % of the yookay's citizens are atheists right?

What's your point?

>atheists, at all points in their life, can be as immoral as they want and get away with it
Define "get away with it"

Will the Ship of Theseus still row its oars to the sound of religious hymns a thousand years from now?

I wouldn't want to hurt the innocent. I'm capable of understanding right from wrong (via my own personal moral compass) without worrying about some sky fairy.

Bait. But yeah. I would rather take advantage of life believing there is no afterlife than go through life walking on eggshells only to find out there isn't.

Also, if there is an afterlife it would be governed by the laws of nature which don't differentiate between good and evil which are manmade concepts.

Where atheism begins, communism begins. Stay safe and vote far right brother

>Implying that believe in god can avoid mass killing because of fear of divine punishment.

What if u misunderstand god's will ?

(((Atheism))), (((Christianity))), (((Judaism))) and (((Islam))) are all equally as cancerous and toxic. Just in different ways.

the other 30% are muslim

On the farthest right we find the truth and only the truth, and zero Abrahamism.

Impossible. We're holy warriors fighting for trump.

>I'm capable of understanding right from wrong (via my own personal moral compass) without worrying about some sky fairy

That's where you're wrong kiddo. Ever wonder how Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao managed to kill over 100+ million people?

Having no God to guide your morality means you can do anything you want and justify it to yourself.

>can go kill thousands of people, commit suicide and face no punishment for their actions

if you need the fear of punishment from a god not to do that, then it's you who is mentally ill

How do you know if killing innocent people is right or wrong if you do not have God to tell you?

How can you know who your God is without someone to tell you?

>Define "get away with it"
Apparently it involves killing yourself after a bad deed and not having to answer to a made up sky-wizard.

Why do you need a lesser being to tell you who God is?

>muslim posting about mass murder/suicide

It's called empathy.

I know I wouldn't like to be murdered, and by extrapolation I can deduce that other people wouldn't want to be murdered either.

So I don't murder, that way things are nice for me and others.

On the other hand I do have to worry about religious fanatics that think killing in the name of a non-existant god is something that will give them eternal life.

Religious people are the dangerous ones, not those who don't believe in bronze age mythology.


Because I wouldn't want others to kill me, so I don't do it to others

violence only generates more violence, I rather not look for trouble needlessly


I can also feel God fondling my nutsack.

>naturalists don't believe in an afterlife
>some, if not most, support euthanasia as "putting them at peace"

Good to see you're here to engage in a conversation and not simply try to state your opinion as if it was the ultimate truth.

I've said this on this board and I'll say it again, I think people should only believe in things to the extent that they have evidence for them.

If god is real may I get v& for this post.

Tbh the most at piece I have felt was feeling the void after overdosing on alcohol.

First, if the atheist in question is caught before committing suicide, he will pay for his crimes, here and now, where everyone can see it.

You believe "an atheist will get away with it in the afterlife"; I can say the exact same thing about a theist criminal. He won't be punished in the afterlife because there is no such thing. So it's best if we ignore completely the whole "is there or isn't there an afterlife" thing and just punish criminals here and now. Research indicates that the certainty of punishment is enough to curb crime.

>lets put you at peace
>focus on the few seconds before death and ignore the death

And that explains a lot about the UK.

Christians don't believe in a sky fairy either, so that's already one thing you have in common

Don't know what you're implying but when I woke up I wished I hadn't.

>can be
That's the difference between atheists and (((Christians))) we CAN do anything and yet you don't cause some skydaddy is MegaBigBrother. Christans are hypocritical as fuck, you say that you love freedom, yet your (((Yahweh))) watches and knows your every move, if the government did this you'd scream bloody murder.

Atheists can do whatever we want, but since there is no "afterlife" the consequences of doing so are final. In the game of Life, atheists are Hard Mode and Permadeath.
>inb4 fedora

You can use god to justify anything. "Greater Good" ideas, are the reason people end up massacred.
Religion can be just another such idea, same as gommunism, same as nationalism, same as fascism or even liberalism/neoliberalism (Iraq, Libya). Ask a warrior of the Caliphate how god feels about him beheading little children? He would say God thinks it's good.
Yet with a rational understanding of morality and a rational understanding of the pitfalls of the past, mob mentality, the easy traps of oversimplification we can break down moral questions far better and with more consistency than any bible bashing retard.

Why are you hung up on millions of people? Why are they important? What if my "god" is securing a future for my family?

Sorry but I won't be taking lessons in etiquette from someone who could bury someone alive at 5pm and go home and eat dinner with their family at 6pm and feel no remorse.

>Everything else

You know it’s true.


if a god is the only thing stopping someone from killing someone else, then something is wrong with that person inherently, not their belief or lack of belief in a god.

Islam didn't come from Nestorian Christianity.

Despite not having a religion, atheists still have morals.

Right, it came from Arian Christianity. Both Arian Christianity and Nestorianism were popular in the East at the time of Mohammed though, so it's easy to see how someone could get confused between the two

Belief in Christ allows Christians to live entirely selfishly and immorally, then make a quick confession before death to enter heaven.

Don't forget to buy an indulgence as well my negroid.