Not being part of the most redpilled religion

>not being part of the most redpilled religion

Why aren't you a Buddhischadvista?

I am a Buddhist I practice the zen school though

Is that Dhalsim from Street Fighter?

>a weiner who sits around passively with eyes close and doesn't lift

Manlet probably weighs 145 pounds srs

What is it with certain threads being reposted constantly?

>The Buddha

>sits around passively
hehe that's funny we do walking meditation and have you ever seen the stairs you have to climb to get up to a mountain temple boi I got calf muscles the size of semi trucks

Because the name if God Is Jesus Christ

>posts muscular man
pic related

Not according to the jews friendly reminder half your bible is directly ripped from the book of jews

>spend 5 years with western diet
>use steroids, supplements and gym gear
>make pictures like autistic man

>this is religion

My friend that comment is shrouded in ignorance.

The second half where God comes in the flesh, he explains misinterpretations of the first half. Read it sometime.

why would a buddhist want to get natty? I mean it's important to be healthy in Buddhism, but achieving this level of muscle mass implies an obsession with one's immaterial form.

When you are not natty, you are reminded of your existence by your ailing health.

>Not according to the jews.

>not being Roman Catholic
>not impatiently waiting for the next crusade to commit war crimes for Christ

Because the Dharmic religions descend from the Vedic religion, which descends from Indo-European Paganism. This is why European asceticism (namely Platonism) resembles Buddhism in many ways. Rather than adopting the Eastern interpretations of my own spiritual heritage, why not just adopt my own spiritual heritage?

buddhists worship probability

That's a budai/hotei statue, Maitreya from Gandhara not Guatama Buddha

Yeah empire strikes back was much better with universe building and retconns that made the setting more palatable

Krillin ate Android pussy until he became the strongest man on Earth


time to saaaage

This guy gets it

You can be Buddhist and Christian at the same time user.

Remind me, when did the Buddha encourage vanity and a conflated sense of self worth?

Really? I had a buddhist friend in high school that told me that it's against the rules to believe in a god.

Buddhism is a way of life / a philosophy like stoicism or libertarianism. It's not like Islam or Hinduism where you have to believe in a specific higher being.

Read it like you would read Plato

What a coincidence. I literally ordered Republic by Plato on amazon yesterday night.

You're in for an amazing time

The Rohyingya annhilator.

>National Buddhism

>This is why European asceticism (namely Platonism) resembles Buddhism in many ways
Can I get a basic gestalt user

>not getting swole so you can crush muslims when they try to wipe out the dhamma

Cause I'm a Panendeist. The most red pilled belief

Be glad he's a peaceful monk. He'd probably kick our asses.

>Because the Dharmic religions descend from the Vedic religion, which descends from Indo-European Paganism.
Sure but Buddhism was a revolutionnary new belief system, a rebellion to Hinduism and its extremes if you will. And if you believe that the Buddha was enlightened you'll never get the same wisdom from neo paganism. They have nothing in common

>red pilled

pick one.

Because the Dalai Llama is a communist and Buddhsim in other Asian countries is just a scam to get money from tourists.

t. Chang

>Because the Dalai Llama is a communist
He literally despises commies

Both are essentially about the rejection of earthly desires. Basically in paganism (and by extent, the Vedic religion), the human soul is seen as being broken into multiple parts with different domains. (Plato called it the Tripartite soul). You will get slightly different definitions for the different components of the soul depending on which culture you look into but the fundamental principle is the same: The consciousness that you have, along with your primal urges are part of the lowest element of the soul, which is not passed on and perishes with your body. In paganism, focusing only on Earthly desires means that the lowest aspect of your spirit will dominate, and your soul will be stuck in the cycle of reincarnation. The objective is to transcend these desires to obtain your deific self so that you can escape the cycle and pass on to the afterlife and join the pantheon or be reconstituted into the source of existence depending on which interpretation of the "afterlife" you go with.

I may have butchered this a little bit as I'm still reading Revolt Against the Modern World and am by no means an expert, but I think I'm understanding it fairly well.

It doesn't really have the same bliss you get from God.

The red pill is humanity requires religion because humans are spiritual animals and nature abhors a vacuum. No matter how much you pretend to have removed religion from your life. It will still be there in different forms.

>that vanity
>being a Buddhist

Yes but it still incorporates many of Hinduism's spiritual philosophies. I am perfectly aware Buddhists don't explicitly worship gods and lack even more of the qualities of the Vedic religion than what modern Hinduism does. I am merely stating that none of the Dharmic religions would exist without the migration of the Indo-European culture into the Indus Valley.

Forgot to add that only humans can have this sense of bliss and enlightenment. Spirituality. No other animals can experience this, it requires sentience.


I am a follower and worshiper of the lord and savior kek

Corporate loyalty has replace religion.

God damn they have good gear in Thailand. Tons of bodybuilders get their shit there

it will only still be there in different form because of how embedded into society, our norms and laws it is. If you managed to completely remove all religious influence and content over the course of a few generations that cycle would break.
And although i can see the value in having some kind of belief/faith to live by, i'm not sure the world wouldn't be better overall with most of it's religious focus gone.


Do they have gyms in the jungles too?

Monk gains

Religion will still exist. It's nothing more than ideologies. Communism was intended to be the very thing that replaces it.

BUddhism is a Confucianism oversimplification inferior to the thing simplified. Google confucious analects and sayings of Confucius PDF and read, and change your life

I don't get the concept of reincarnation. If there have always been multiple souls reincarnating throughout the endless cycle of eternity, more souls would have to be generated out of nowhere to fill the increasing number of creatures during population booms, and other souls would have to be annihilated during major die-offs. On the other hand if we are all just one single base soul reincarnating as all people and animals at all times, then as long as one single person reaches enlightenment there is nothing to worry about, since eventually the single soul that is behind all of us will incarnate as that enlightened person and will escape the cycle of samsara, ending existence for everyone.

> souls would have to be annihilated during major die-offs

Why would you think this? Why would a spiritual construction require a host in order to exist? It's perfectly possible for a soul to have centuries, even millennia between incarnations as there are simply too few suitable hosts for the nature of that spirit.

>more souls would have to be generated out of nowhere to fill the increasing number of creatures during population booms

It's also entirely possible that your soul came into existence billions of years ago, and only just in your life time has entered a body. There's no necessity for souls to be added or taken away from 'existence.'

The Buddhist answer to this mystery of suffering is unsatisfactory.

So buddhists believe in multiple souls, not one underlying soul? If there are no souls being added to or taken away from existence, then there should be a set amount of souls for all eternity (other than the souls of enlightened people, which are removed in a way when they reach nirvana). I'm not an expert on Buddhism or hinduism, but I assume there is no real beginning or end in their cosmology, just an eternal cycle, right? So my soul would not have come into being at any particular time, it would have always existed. Is there supposed to be any carry over between lives from the ego such as memories or personality, or is the only carry over the result of karma on your position in life? Does the soul have it's own sort of memory beyond the ego?

Nothing redpilled about it.

> Is there supposed to be any carry over between lives from the ego such as memories or personality, or is the only carry over the result of karma on your position in life?

You've got the right idea here. Your soul chooses its manifestation based on its own qualities. Caste, race etc. The divergence of the Dharmic idea and the pagan idea is that they think that a man corrupted by base impulses might reincarnate as a lower being such as an animal, this is not pagan. Humans will always reincarnate into their own race in Paganism. It's one of the main criticisms traditionalists have of Christianity, is that there is no spiritual interpretation of race or heritage, and so any racism on the part of a Christian would come from secular, worldly values rather than transcendental ones.

I digress, as for your soul's memory, pagans (not sure about buddhists/hindus) believe that dejavu is a manifestation of your past experiences coming through in this life time. Your ego is lost when you reincarnate but the impression of your past existence on your soul can leave behind vague remnants which sometimes manifest themselves in familiar situations. A common spiritual practice is to try and awaken some of these past memories and partake of your prior skills to overcome trials. (Varg argued that this is the purpose of pilgrimage in the traditional world, for example)

If there is no ego carry over and the soul is just the unthinking observer lurking behind your thoughts, memories and emotions, then what is the problem with reincarnation? As far as the ego is concerned, it has lived only one life, and humans only really experience life through the ego. If you undergo ego death through meditation or drugs such as dmt or salvia, the experience is ineffable. No matter how hard you try to remember and interpret the experience while it us happening the part of the brain that records and analyzes is shut down. Even if you manage to write something down while coming out of the trance, things that felt profound at the time end up being nonsense upon sober reflection.

You're getting pretty hung up on something that is a. really not that important and b. pretty much completely beyond mortal ken anyway. But in answer to some of that, the usual doctrine is that souls are continually being born and gradually maturing through thousands of lifetimes before escaping samsara. Something to bear in mind as well is that this is not the only world. There are numerous heavens, hells and various things in between.where souls may incarnate. "Soul" is also not really a good word for the concept, since it implies some kind of immortal spirit person. When buddhist talk about the soul it more means a sort of continuous karmic process. For example you are not really the person you were as a child, but you are downstream from that person. So it is even though perhaps not a single atom of matter is the same and so it would be even were you to lose all your memories. That river continues to flow through death and rebirth.

If you like a bunch of hooey, bullshit, and balderdash, then buddhism is for you.

Thanks, these explanations help clear up some things. One thing that puzzles me a bit about the karmic river idea though is that the boundaries between individuals get blurred a lot after death, as the concept of the single person dissolves and their constituent parts mix with the parts of countless other dead people, and their karmic rivers would then mix and combine.

This would then make it difficult to say whose karmic river or "soul" a new person who eventually emerged out of that mixture would belong to, if that makes any sense at all

> descend from the Vedic religion, which descends from Indo-European Paganism
>(namely Platonism) resembles Buddhism in many ways.
In many more ways than not this is false.
>Rather than adopting the Eastern interpretations of my own spiritual heritage
Not your spiritual heritage and false.
>why not just adopt my own spiritual heritage?
You have no such heritage. There is no paganist lineage.



>In many more ways than not this is false.

Also wrong

>Not your spiritual heritage and false.

it is my spiritual heritage and true.

>You have no such heritage. There is no paganist lineage.

Completely false, and also retarded

Pretty much. The self is an illusion. Your past incarnations aren't really you. You're future incarnations won't be you either. You weren't you last year and you won't be next year. The truth is you don't really exist as a distinct entity even now.

>red pilled

pick 1 and only 1 faggot

why do i need buddhism if i'm already a stoic (srs)?

Burger level education

Wow, you really are stupid, user. You obviously have never traveled in Asia before.

The problem is that then we end up back where a lot of modern people start from. They can intellectually think about the fact that we are all connected and that everything effects everything else in this huge chain/network, yet the fact that they as a sentient individual will die forever and their impact on the universe will be largely negated over time overpowers those thoughts and leaves them with an apathetic and nihilistic worldview, where ideas like karmic justice or the wellbeing of future generations can lose their importance.

It's a difficult concept to properly grasp. Most layfollowers in traditionally buddhist places don't know any of that shit because it's really only meant to be taught to old souls far along the path to enlightenment and actively seeking transcendence.

Why the fuck would a buddhist hermit take a selfie?

To scare rohingya monkeys maybe?

>there is no paganist lineage
Except for the religion where half the holy book is written by western scholars, sorry, "holy disciples", hundreds of years after the passing of some sandnigger, and much of the church traditions, official and unofficial, derive from european paganism.


Belief in gods is seen as unimportant, whether they exist or not doesn't concern you. You can still believe in God and follow Buddhism but it's seen as an unnecessary distraction.

Just take your dog to the beach user holy fuck.

you're retarded

Yeah, pretty embarrassing. Do some research, mong.

Those oiled up muscles are the physical embodiment of sexual frustration. Those monks actively avoid pussy so what else are they going to do besides meditate?

seem pretty happy tho desu

Nigga looks like wojak on roids and daylight

>much of the church traditions, official and unofficial, derive from european paganism.

Early Christianity retained some tradition, though the practices were gradually weeded out. HRE was probably the last echo of traditionalism. After that the Pope usurped the consecrated king's place as the highest priest, leading to a matriarchal degeneration of tradition as all spiritual norms became inverted. It was only natural that Equality, democratization and modern degeneracy wall fall out of this after they lost the sight of the spiritual source of the caste hierarchy. The only real tradition left in any form of Christianity is the saints, which appear as deified humans much like the heroes. Though this is still perverted as saints no longer are revered for martial prowess, and the masculine/militaristic element of transcendence has been lost through the feminization of spiritual order.

>wall fall out

would fall out*


Do you have any reading recommendations that cover this stuff clearly and concisely (As far as is possible) with minimal jargon?

Does Buddhism forbids having eyebrows?

wtf i love Buddhism now

I would say probably Thich Nhat Hahn is a good introductory resource. After that I would pick up the Bhagavad Gita, then the Upanishads. Those are hindu texts technically, but they give more context and also discuss many of the same concepts. For actual traditional buddhist texts you want the Dhammapada and some sutras. There are loads of them short and long. Some are pretty critical to a lot of traditions, like the Heart Sutra or Lotus Sutra, some are pretty obscure. Personally, I'm about to start on the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

But yeah for something readable that is aimed at explaining buddhist thought to westerners, Thich Nhat Hahn. It's not some hippy crystal energy bullshit either. He's a buddhist master trying to teach real buddhism.

Speak English faggot

Fat buddha is a god from chinese folk religion called Budai. Some chinese traditions consider him a representation of a buddha who will come in the future (Maitreya Buddha.) He's not The Buddhaâ„¢.