What are some terrifying things the government has done secretly?


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When they created the internet they made sure that op is a faggot

Say og Aint so!!!!

Its the shit (((they))) do publicly that is scary

Its true. Just ask your weird uncle mike about it. Checked

mass reproduction of niggers in basements

Literally everything.

Viewed. Faggy OP web history

9/11, middle east destabilization, and European genocide is pretty up there in terms of how fucked up it is.

Shot a bunch of people in las vegas just recently wasn't it?

Hyron Project

project MKULTRA

not so secret after it was declassified, but they tested mind control on American citizens without knowledge or consent, causing a professor to jump off a building and die, also rumors of sexual assault and "enhanced interrogation" techniques against innocent people -- all in the name of fighting "teh ebil russkis"

Well, they're done secretly. How would you know about that?

>Central/South American and Iran regime changes in the 50s
>Operation Northwood - was never run (except maybe on 9/11 ;) but just goes to show what the cianiggers have always been about

Plenty of CIA ops have been declassified and, even with redactions, should be enough for any citizen with a brain to never trust their government again in any matter.


Seized web sites under sealed court order.

Federal Reserve

Delete this

literally sprayed harmful bacteria over san francisco

>hurr you stupid conspiracy theorists, they're not spraying anything dumbass


> prove they didn't
> you can't
> it's unfalsifiable but they made it that way
> modern government is literally worse than your worst nightmare
> hence they shelter you from themselves in a half-arsed way

Mass mind control via all avenues of media?

Contracting out national security jobs to non-government agencies in order to get around international laws concerning the behavior of governing bodies.
>tfw jewish semantics makes bullshit like that legal even though it is in obvious disregard to the spirit of the law...