How many dead Somalis does it take for us to care?

Well Sup Forums?

All of them. Once they're all fucking gone I'll start caring about Somalia. Until then I don't even care where Somalia is; in fact, the only reason I will care then is because a whole lot of whatever resources they may or may not be sitting on will be up for grabs. This is what niggers get for being blights on Earth. Everyone who's smart is with me here. Nobody cares about our terror-dead. Why should we care about the cannon fodder that the enemy goes through on target practice?


You shouldn't think about dead Somalis. You should think about how to create more dead Somalis.

Always one more than the current number of dead

Somalia? Africa could be wiped from the planet and I would sleep like a little baby.

All of them, and even then it would only be because we have something to celebrate


If they all die the there's no reason to care..
so here's hoping...

In with the German from first post. I'll care when caring isn't a waste of my fucking time and nation's tax dollars. Fpbp


I care about having them far away from my country.

I honestly can't be bothered to care

who cares about a people who are incapable of self-rule and will never achieve stability? They are not capable of living in a society in a world which has automatic weapons, bombs, etc. They just aren't capable.


Kek nice job

I worked with a Somali that told me that any woman without a male family member escorting her was a target for rape.

wtf, I love Somali culture now

Somalis have the aesthetics and morals of niggers combined with the low cunning of an Arab. They are extremely dangerous and should not be underestimated.

>why dont you care about this bombing in somalia you fucking racist
>why do you care so much about this bombing in manchester you fucking racist

the guardian really makes me think

But the carnage Somalis experience stems from their own Muhammadan culture. Yes, it's sad when innocents die, but how exactly is Islamic fanaticism in Somalia, an almost entirely Muslim country and culture, supposed to be the responsibility and focus of Western civilization and its sympathy? I recommend all Muslims to apostatize as soon as possible and in large numbers, and that will be the beginning of fixing Muhammadan societies.

Also, a lot of people in the world die every day, even more people suffer every day including in our own countries, but as individuals they don't make the news. How many suffering individuals are needed for Grauniad typists and readers to care about them? Meaning that this kind of rhetoric is really just trying to make people feel bad for existing if they don't carry the burden of every one else 24/7. The simplest way to go about life is to start caring about the people around you first and show kindness to them. You can't shoulder the whole world's burdens or fix the issues that have been plaguing Muhammadan culture since its inception.


Oh fuck you, you have your own cancer to care about.

It's crazy. This place is what it took to make me break the spell my mind was under. I feel so alive it is crazy. Writing this and saying it out loud is like a drug. Death to Islam. Order qurans for your bogroll dispenser.

all of them

all of them

I always have the highest low regard for niggers.

I'll let you know when we get there, keep going.

unironically agree with the german

2000000 in one hit and I might feel a bit sorry for them

I don't think there will ever be enough

>by Nadifa Mohamed
>There are many out there who prefer easy, flippant excuses – “That’s the religion of peace for you”

Feels good to be flippant

desu not even then

Do the leftist retards think Somalians give a fuck about us when we are slaughtered in terror attacks?

all of them.
those who are too stupid to survive do not deserve to survive.

I don't know. Let's continue killing them so we can find out.

If there's still two left I don't care yet

Like 1000 but then I'll only care cause it made me happy.


I agree with the Belgian. King Leopold III asap please.

we don't have enough to put out all these fires, and when something like this happens three times a week.

not enough, and then i still won't care

all they export is rapists, crime and filth.

its a country of cockroaches

>waaa why doesnt any one care about worthless 3rd world nigger nobodies

wake up love, the continent could be swept clean of niggers by an act of god and most of the world would be indifferent at best

Who was the bomber? Where did they come from? And are you vetting your countries to make sure his ilk are filtered out?

Simple questions.

To answer yours: All of them.

reported to the Stasi for hate speech

I'm more concerned that these savages are entering our country and doing this to our women and children. Maybe they should stop doing that if they don't want my response to be a quarantine.

nothing would really change to be honest.

nothing of importance anyway.

about three fiddy

A: All of them + a single whitey.

>tfw your street is extremely '''diverse'" and a bunch of Somalians moved in earlier this year and literally everybody hates them

They're absolute uncivilised scum, niggers of the nigger world.

Somali's are garbage

How many beatings.
How many rapes.
How many bombings.
How many truck attacks.
How many acid attacks.

Will it take until the left care about indigenous Whites in there own homelands.

And say enough is enough they have to go back.

They're some of the worst kinds of nigger. Seriously. Worked with them in a city I used to live. I volunteered in social housing to get a different perspective. They're scum

all of them

I care more about gorillas than any 3rd world country. Wipe em all, save gorillas!

>Africans are your punishment for colonialism!!!
>Africans are a blessing!!!


We missed you Hans. Sorry about the wars, we knew not what we did.