Is it weird that after getting redpilled im actually starting to respect jews?

Is it weird that after getting redpilled im actually starting to respect jews?

Think about it. They survived over 2000 years of persecution, deserved or not however the only thing it did it only made them stronger. Stupid jews died while the smartest thrived and survived to this day by adapting and being damn clever.

I mean why would i want to stick with you, virgin outcasts who worship some faggot with shit moustache and one ballsack when i could emulate lifestyles of the smartest and the most successful people there are (jews)?

If you can't join them, beat them

cockroaches and sharks have been around way longer than that.

Hey (OP), when I opened your post some strange object resembling long pimpled proboscis protruded from my monitor screen. I wonder what this apparition would be?

nice stockholm syndrome you faggot

Thanks, goy. Here, have a shekel.

The final pill is that Hitler “was” the most Jew.

They survived by running away. Every other race fought for their land. It's likely that behavior is hardwired.
They are good at making money though, something that draws a lot of heat.
Put these two things together and you get holocausts. Maybe it's natures way of hardening them up though?

the final redpill is that the whole anti-Jewish thing is literal satire

Unless this persecution history was made up by them

the real redpill is realizing that anti-semetism is a meme

That's exactly what (((they))) would say.

What makes the Jews so pernicious is their power. Imagine any other ethnic group in power in the West. I'd rather have Jews controlling finance, media, and academia than niggers tbqh. But the only God-tier civilization is one controlled by white men.

Sup Forums since 2004, Sup Forums since /new/, and I unironically respect the fuck out of the Jewish race and the state of Israel is literally our greatest ally in the Middle East.

You kikes are alright. Please try and convince the Marxist American jews to stop poisoning the culture though.

precisely. American Marxists of all races and religions are the blight. The fact that a small number of people who happen to be Jewish are wreacking havoc over here, isn't even anywhere as close to, say, the problems of the African race

>I mean why would i want to stick with you, virgin outcasts who worship some faggot with shit moustache and one ballsack when i could emulate lifestyles of the smartest and the most successful people there are (jews)?
Outed yourself here.

Jews are based and our literal ally.

we're all just bystanders in a jewish civil war, this should be common knowledge

They have no honour. You may as well be respecting a rat or a roach

>one ballsack

Nice try you pedokike
sage in all fields


I'd stop hating them if they were more honest to Goyim. They're now digging their own graves by not calling out the destructive elements within their own community and pretending that some aspects of antisemitism isn't founded on irrationality but fact. Honestly, I think we could get along with Jews if they stopped treating us like we are fools.

You do realize that us goyim have done the exact same thing except we built civilization too, right? I'm proud of us even if we only have ballsack

what you call running away, another might call emigration. its part of adaption and survival of the fittest. most types of people who stay and fight, either dont have the means and resources to get away anyways, or just arent logical enough to understand when the odds arent in their favor

theh thrived on the chaos they wrought. They are both the aggressors and the victims. I cant see the reason why you would respect them.Thbey might have survivd thousands of years of persecution but they did so by living fucking rats all the while leeching secretly. Cowards deserve no respect especially when they are trying to put themselves on top of you. They are a formidable opponent only because of our own mercy. They have the nerve to spit on to that mercy and trample over us. Literally fucking rodents gas em

>They survived by running away. Every other race fought for their land.

Well we fought against the Babyloians. Lost to them. Than our land ends up as the terriority of an empire that literally runs the world. We had a faction called the Zealots which opposed the militarially. They got genocided out of existence.

After that you Christians decided that our land had magical powers and whoever control Jerusalem would get special favors from Jesus. So you bankrupt your own countries fighting over it in the crusades. At the same time the Muslims also wanted because Muhami'ds magic donkey used to lived there. You guys spent 500 years fighting over it, exchanging control over centuary.

After that Britain inherited it when they conquered the world. Eventually you Goys stopped beleiving it had magical powers and our richiest members gathered up all their money and literally bought the land from the British.

The Arabs though still think it's a magic donkey land and don't recognize our right of onwership. Once we kicked their asses in war and they realized they can't take it by force they tried to take it by flooding it with immigrants. So we built a wall and made it so only pure-blooded Jews can immigrant legally.

>pure blooded jews
is this an oxymoron?

There's DNA that is distinctly Jewish and it's measurable.

Israel is the only country on earth that still believes in racial purity; it's enforced by the government.

They may be cunning, but so is the hyena.

If you see them as honorable, beautiful creatures, you're wrong. They're more like cowardly predators. Their actions are without honor or proper ethics. They don't deserve the positions they've weaseled themselves into.

nature doesn't have honor..rats and roaches would be one of the few species to survive nuclear apocaylpse or asteroid strike so that from that what you will

They survived becouse they lied, abused and cheated everyone who felt sorry for them and offered them help and shelter.

people who behave like that are worse than rats

I actually wonder if they've really been persecuted any more than anyone else. The holohoax is bullshit. That aside, compare their tragedies to anyone else. They just kvetch about it to keep their group insular and convince everyone else they're eternal victims.

You know those cartoons where the bad guy does something underhanded and dishonorable, the good guys never cheat, and they always win.

That's not how reality works.

You know those James Bond movies where the bad guys cheat at games and beat everyone, but than Bond comes up and beats them by being even better at cheating?

That's how reality works.

Not that weird.

I grew up with Jews, so it's less weird to me. I was conditioned to think of them as individuals before I recognised the JQ.

Personally, I hate self-hating Jews the most. Self-hating around the world comes in large part from Jewish influence so it seems even more pathetic when its a chosenite doing it. I consider liberal Jews basically mentally ill. At least an Israel Firster I can respect since he is just doing what is normal.

What's your point? I'm not gonna praise and respect ecoli because they do well in nature

hello there Shlomo

> roaches

> sharks

>Once we kicked their asses in war
you mean good goy americans

Tell me, Schlomo. We all know most Jew's are atleast semi redpilled. I mean seeing your own kind dominate ethnic groups a magnitude more larger than themselves would redpill any Jew on race realism. Most secular Jew's secretly know that Jewish exceptionalism has its roots in genetics.

So answer this, Why do so many Jew's in the west vouch for movements which seem so destructively blue pilled like racial egalitarianism and multiculturalism, fully knowing that if Goyim realised their vision of the west, it would be at the detriment of the western civilisation? The same powerful liberal jews who promote multiculturalism and open borders for the west, whilst they demonise white ethnonationalism, are also the type who would also support Israel discriminatory immigration policies and defend the Jewish character of Israel. These would include the likes of Sam Harris and most Hollywood Jew's. If you want us to believe the Jewish community don't have their own agenda , explain this double think amongst many diaspora Jew's?

>I mean why would i want to stick with you, virgin outcasts who worship some faggot with shit moustache and one ballsack when i could emulate lifestyles of the smartest and the most successful people there are (jews)?
Because fighting the Jews is ultimately more fun than joining the already winning team

the point is honor is an ethic, it has no impact on physical reality. Parasites still evolve and thrive regardless of what human beings think is dirty and low and they will probably still live and thrive after we are gone, and those values and ethics will mean nothing after that anyway.

Same. The Spanish inquisiton and all the times they were expelled from nations. Christian/catholic/muslim persecution.
The fact that their language has survived is pretty fucking crazy considering old italian is a dead language

We've had basically nonstop war for 50 consecutive years. Your Obama collected tax dollars from your Goys and literally handed our enemies a briefcase full of money.

lol you're awfully hung up, cuck

Everyone is sick. Jews are simply the least sick.

You have two different pathos going on in people. One is an instinctual desire to promote your own kind. The other is a very harmful idealogy that is thousands of years in the making. Liberal Jews have both pathos and the outcome leads to insane ideas like "We must look out for our own. Let's try to help the ethnic group that wants to invade our land and genocide us, those poor oppressed folk!"

The goys are more sick so the pathos of racial preservation in them is much weaker.

obvious slide thread