When will Sup Forums accept the truth?

When will Sup Forums accept the truth?

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Since out of Africa was disproven, it stands to reason that the earliest civilizations would not have been black. Prove me wrong OP.



also fact.

those were not the ones who built the pyramids and if taken as gospel they werent even the first civilization in the area. google the egyptian tale on discovery up the sphinx.


>>Africa was disproven
Why? |How? when?

>paint drawings are facts
Liberals, everyone.

Even modern day Egyptians are not subsaharan nigger lol...

Ancient Egyptian are more closed to Greeks and Assyrians than the sub saharan negroes

you be sayin we wux sphinxez an shiiiet

when you have nothing to show for your thousands of years of existence you steal from others

modern egyptians are muslims who immigrated to the area. its a dumb argument to make. cleopatra wasnt egyptian either. she was macedonian (greek) but at least the average person during her reign was native egyptian.

weren't first ruling cast of Egyptians basically Mesopotamians who got there and conquered natives who lived on the Nile?

we wuz president and sheeeiitt


wtf? #Moors?

well this is just insane and pointless

Assume for a second all this KANGZ shit was true.

How does it change a single fact of reality in our current year?

Only the most pathetic niggers desperate for some sort of accomplishment in their worthless lives grasp at this.

The other thing is even if ancient Egyptians were black the majority of them would just have been poor farmers not kings and pharaohs

never liked kings

Ok. If we "accept" the "truth", will you shut the fuck up about it?

>blacks always draw black women as half-casts or quadroons while the man is the niggerest nigger that ever nogged

not even subtle about it

Human remains from 7 million years ago were found in the Balkans.

source of this info?

7.2-million-year-old pre-human remains.
modern humans evolved in East Africa 200,000 years ago.
I guess if you go back far enough we all come from the sea

When Blacks pay reparations to Israel for having enslaved and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent jews.

No they aren't. Arabs made up a ruling caste, sure, but they didn't contribute a significant portion of current Egypt's genetics. The reason they speak Arabic today is because they converted to Islam and learning Arabic made that more convenient.

For reference, England was far less densely populated that Egypt was, yet the Norman invasion contributed something like 5% to pre-modern England's genepool.

We haven't evolved at all so I believe it.

Dindu's are Kangs, they owe (((them))) reperations.

>Fact even though I give no proof

if everyone had to pay reparations for things then did in the past, most countries would be left with no money


do you mean we have not changed or that theirs no such thing as evolution



ancient Egypt didn't have a king and queen. Only one leader. The partner of the leader was respected less the soldiers.



it's ironically true. the early leaders were from the upper kingdom. but what's ironic about that is they were invaded from tribes in what's currently arabia because YOU GUESSED IT - the arabs could invent the wheel AND NIGGERS COULDN'T


What is it with niggers? They keep saying shit like ''EDUCATE URSELVES MOFFUGAS''
Where is the education? Saying ''fact'' doesn't make a statement true. Where are the citations?
>The first and earliest dynasties in egypt were ruled by niggers
What the fuck do you mean ''first and earliest?'' What year? What's the timeline?
What proof do you have?

Niggers should stop huffing cat piss. This is crazy.

The idea is that they can blame whitey that they are no longer kangz.
These ''people'' have no perception of time, it seems, so from their point of view they wuz kangz, and then there was suddenly slavery and they were no longer kangz. Nevermind the thousands of years that passed inbetween, they wuz kangz and now they're no longer kangz after they were enslaved by whitey.

You need to start thinking like a fucking toddler just to get your head around how niggers think.

the former


Out of Africa states that Human Erectus came from Africa, not Sapiens, despite what the wikipedia article states.

Educate yourself.
Doesn't include sources or studies or anything where he got it from, fucking everytime fucking niggies.

Dont us wiki

he was making an ironic joke you stupid nigger

Self proclaimed white supremacists are like
"We were here first! Sub-human!"

good because saying there no such thing as evolution nowadays is insane,


>a joke

not a nigger, I am allowed to ask, like your allowed to be pompous on the back of someone else comment

>I am the Niginx

>blacks pretend berber didn't exist and steal their culture
Typical niggers

The truth that the ancient Egyptians were not black, that they were a semitic / north african / mediterranean caucausoid people who may have occasionally traded with or enslaved sub-saharan africans? We already accepted that truth.


>Blacks were the original Egyptians
>Kek was a deity to the Egyptians
>Kek willed Trump into office
>Blacks got Trump elected

Will I have to signal my posts are ironic in the near future ?

He wuz da first president that defeated dem KKK's and freed dem slaves an sheeeeeit

>Parks Flying Pyramid
Hol up, so you be saying....


> Egyptians were KANGZ
> Truth
> Pick one

This seems to happen allot to us belgians? Is our humour that bad?


>yet the Norman invasion contributed something like 5% to pre-modern England's genepool

Since we're talking about early civilizations and tribes, can someone educate me on the Jews? I've never been formally taught anything about them even though it seems they have a complex and interesting origin. For example why are there tons of them in Europe, why were they given Israel, etc

Redheaded atlantians later called Irish Picts.
Built ancient megalithis structures.
Mummies with red hair.


Citation needed


DNA disagrees with you, but whatever right?

It's been proven with DNA they were from the Levant...

I don't know, I am French.


Jews were actually never enslaved in Egypt. It's literally just the early version of muh six gorillion. The jewish "history" is entirely about making shut so that you can play a victim.

no such thing.

The first and earliest dynasties in Egypt were set up by Sumerians from Mesopotamians
They conquered the Nilotic peoples and set up the first dynasties lording it over the brown-skinned natives
See related pic of Gebel el-Arak knife showing the conquerors of prehistoric Egypt were clearly Sumerians
Read: Legend The Genesis of Civilisation by David Rohl

Tell a nigger to draw a Triangular Prism.