

Mongolia plz go

>minus anything south of russia and bulgaria


It's pure autism desu.
Firstly there's the autism of Pan-Europeanism, which is crazy, but then you go even more insane by tacking on a bunch of completely incompatible places and cultures which have nothing to do with Europe and will turn the thing into some anti-white shitshow like the EU is being now.

what about this?


We're gonna start worshipping Chaos openly now?

Cancer. Only part of Asia I'd be fine with is Russia and Ukraine

This is the originator of both Eurasianism and National Bolshevism.

dis perfect

GOAT, he's not wrong

That's the plan all along.
We thrive in chaos. We can compete against unstoppable forces when we change the rules to there being no rules.
Embrace the chaos. They have their plans, but you cannot never account for absolute fucking chaos orchestrated by weaponised autists that want to watch it all burn as a final fuck you.
If we go down, we bring everyone and everything down.

>that eight pointed star
not today chaos

Shanghai Cooperation Organization = Eurasian Economic Community. Russia will not predominate Eurasia. China will. Russia is a dying nation. It's either going to become Islamic, or merge geopolitically with China.

Is this a fucking joke ?

It's a meme version of

Dugin practices the same form of Judaism the pedophile baby raping Jews in Israel practice.
>pic related
Chaos is a Jewish meme: Aryans bring order not from the chaos but in spite of it.

Nazbol is Communism (which is Judaism) disguised as Nationalism.

Once again the Jew clevery dupes the dumb goyim into accepting the offer to fix the problem he himself, the Jew, has created.

>muh jews


Garbage created by inbred tataro-russian mongrels to justify getting more land for Neo-Soviet autism.
I will never stand beside some gooks and call them my countrymen, i'm not a sovok trash.

What happened to Ireland?

>muh jews

this is not a response to anything I claimed.
please don't be 15 years old if you're going to sit on Sup Forums to discuss geo-politics. theres always Sup Forums if you're bored.

Another ideology that explains Russians why Vlad should bring more 80 iq tajiks to our cities.

>jew agent sayanim masquerading under different flags
Wow it's like you guys enjoy decieving us or something lol.

t. navalny



go away, proxyfag

Eбaлo нa нoль cдeлaл.

Vlad can't get enough chechen/churka cock to suck so he desperately begs for gooks to join his harem of cocks. Nothing usual from KGB agents, it's just tradition.

t. Limonov who unironically is proud of sucking black dick in New York.

>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!

Cucked proto-globalism


What did he mean by this? Do ayys control Russia?

Mнoгo вooбщe нa /пoл/e Дyгиниcтoв, кcтaти? Кaк /пoл/ к нeмy oтнocитьcя?

Dugin is an aryan alien from Hyperborea actually

Пoл cчитaeт eгo кaким-тo cyпep гeocтpaтeгoм, личным coвeтникoм Bлэдa и cepым кapдинaлoм Кpeмлинa, нo мы-тo знaeм, чтo oн пoeхaвший нa пoдcoce y зaлyпинцeв, кoтopый нecкoлькo paз пoпaл в ящик нa Paшa Tyдeй.

>implying Jews arent aliens


No, fuck off russian-mongol-kremlin shit.

>i'm not a sovok trash.
You are a regular trash, yes.


Дyгин oхyeнeн, eгo нe любят лишь шкoльники, кoтopыe нe paзбиpaютcя в филocoфии.

Tajics are Asians so their IQ is high, its education they lack.

that's just the urss minus the balitc

>t. diaspora nigger.

> trust me, we are going to surpass Switzerland within a decade
> trust me, it's only Russians who are leaving Latvia

How gullible can you be?