Define globalism

define globalism

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Globalism is a fucking meme to distract form the real issue.


No such thing as central banks and global shadow government. Go back to sleep.

Did your surrender flags turn brown Ahmed?

durgump is gog leeger

blerughgh plwaaraeghghhh bbrobroblorh

so no one can define it?


Globalism = pool with kids pissing everywhere
Nationalism = many pools with or without piss/shit but the piss/shit doesn't reach the other pools

so pol bitches 24/7 aboot it but can't define it properly?

It is the process spelled out in pic related

Colonialism/Imperialism, but more modern.

that's just progressivism

I'm asking about globalism

What is globalism? Can't anyone just define it in a simple way? I mean it's supposed to be an easy question, like "what is socialism" and "what is liberalism"

Western Globalism is the ruling class wanting a global world order, with them on top. But their more immediate goal is to allow open movement of people so the most desperate wageslaves head to developed nations and lower their wages. This makes the richest richer and the wageslaves poorer.

Globalists realize the common westerner won't support this so they are trying to wreck Western culture with massive non-Western immigration. It's a sick and short sighted plan because the West will never get a global world order--culture matters--and all they will win is a wrecked civilization.

No such thing as globalism. Stop looking into it.

so it's political post/supranationalism, like the EU?

how many globalisms are there, beside the western, and what differentiates them?
that's just the bilderbergers my cryptic leaf friend, the image doesnt explain what globalism is, just shows some globalists

Simply put, globalism is "one world = one government".

>Can't anyone just define it in a simple way? I mean it's supposed to be an easy question, like "what is socialism" and "what is liberalism"
The destruction of all identity, culture and individual self in order to create a pile of meaningless shit.

that's rather generic, how is this done?
concretely, how does one go about implementing globalism? is it just political? is western elite globalism the only kind of globalism?

I define it as one of the poles on a spectrum with the other end being isolationism. Nationalism would be an example of something between the two.

A globalist state presents no barriers to the trade of goods, services or immigration.

the loss of any decentralisation, be it cultural, racial, economical or social.

globalisation holds as its end game a single worldwide government, a unified people with a mixed culture and a central node overseeing the very concept of value.

Like this:

>that's rather generic, how is this done?
Via progressive politics and the steps outlined in my earlier post. Globalism is another word for cultural death.

You're really straying away from the "simple" definition you wanted, why not include all of what you wanted to know in the OP?
>ow does one go about implementing globalism?
Slowly corrode national identity over time, mass immigration, etc. Basically do anything to make countries distinguishable from one another, if you can think of a way to do that, it contributes to globalism.
>is it just political?
Depends what you define as political, but large corporations have an interest in globalism as well.
>is western elite globalism the only kind of globalism?
I don't see it occurring in other parts of the world, so yes.

>dar are gud jews mitten yahoo iz based only sarous iz bad


The idea that humanity should co-operate.

so it's all about foreign policy? could the EU be not globalist then?
so the resorgimento was globalist? it destroyed australian decentralization

and how does globalization have an end game if it's an economic phenomenon, not a political group or prescription? is globalism = globalization?
but progressive politics is just progressivism, is globalism = progressivism?
was hitler a globalist?
why isn't the dream of a worldwide ummah or putin's 4th political theory mumbo jumbo globalist? they're all schemes for world governance

and political = relating to politics, as in joining together countries under a larger government, vs just trading with other countries or having low tariffs

>why isn't the dream of a worldwide ummah or putin's 4th political theory mumbo jumbo globalist?
I didn't say they weren't, they're just going nowhere compared to the globalism I speak of.

>but progressive politics is just progressivism, is globalism = progressivism?
Progressive politics are the tool by which globalism is implemented. I have explained this and caught you, you're desperately engaging in a game of semantics to get out of the corner you painted yourself into.

As I said it's a spectrum. The more a state reduces barriers between the free movement of goods and people the more globalist it is.

Globalism and globalization are two different things. Globalization is outsourcing. Globalism is a one world government.

EU is the first stage of European globalism, and pro-EU elites want similar sized blocks to form worldwide so they can further group up into even broader governing bodies.

Any nation's ruling class can be globalists. The only difference between them is each would want themselves on top of any global government system.

Cancer of the testicles.

Are you purposely being dense? Globalism is a globally implemented government or globally implemented policies. Think the UN or the EU on a global scale. How are you too retarded to understand this?

The desire of evil men to rule the world.

so teddy roosevelt was a globalist? why say globalist if it's just progressivism and both are the same, in your view?
so if the EU forced member states to have strict border controls and controlled immigration, this wouldn't be a globalist action?
some people seem to disagree here on pol, and use both words

is globalization globalism?

>and how does globalization have an end game if it's an economic phenomenon
because there're people with intentions running the economy in the direction it best suits them at the expense of the others.

Yes. The E.U. is very much a part of George Soros' plans.

A rose by any other name. Again, are you purposely being dense? How can you not comprehend this?

If globalization is globalism, why say globalism and not globalization?

Other people here seem to disagree with you, are you so sure about your definitions?

No. But if someone is a globalist then they want a single world government and that's exactly what Hitler wanted.

was hitler the first globalist?

Globalization refers to world economic trade.

>so teddy roosevelt was a globalist? why say globalist if it's just progressivism and both are the same, in your view?
Progressive politics are the means by which globalism is implemented. -isms are spooks generally used to obfuscate the truth by intellectual incompetents to begin with, but that is why you are doing this. We're not talking about Teddy Roosevelt, we're talking about the politics used by the modern left and their end goal, that goal being globalism or the creation of a mono-race and mono-culture.
Did he want a mono-race and mono-culture? No.

so globalization =/= globalism?

Globalization is the cultural and social aspects of the phenomena.
Globalism would be the economical and political aspects.

I don't understand how you can't wrap your head around this. Use whatever term you want. It's uniting the globe. What more specific of a fucking definition do you want? I don't get what you're seeking with these retarded vague questions.

>so if the EU forced member states to have strict border controls and controlled immigration, this wouldn't be a globalist action?
If the policy leads to a net decrease in the number of people and goods moving in and between states then it would not be a globalist action.

globalism is the name of the movement, globalisation the gradual process leading to globalism.

do you know how words work?

so if you want a world government but not one race you're not a globalist?

teddy roosevelt was a progressive, if progressivism is globalism, why was he not a globalist? can't non-leftists be globalist?


No. But there's a long line of predecessors. Think Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and Charlemagne.

why can't you say if globalism and globalization are one thing or not? other people here did.

Is globalism globalization?
So outsourcing leads to a one world government?
but wouldn't the EU still be usurping national sovereignty and eroding nation-states powers, by forcing them to do so?

They are related though because you can't have globalization if your population wants isolationist policies like high import tariff and limited immigration. And the best way to keep an economically-nationalist population subjugated is with globalism, which includes mass immigration to destroy native cohesion, not just international trade and outsourcing.

So any world-government scheme is globalist, irrespective of actual policies?

>So outsourcing leads to a one world government?
yes, are you going to keep making question or attempt to reach a point? any point.

The Historical definiton of words changes. Check the Oxford English Dictionary for context.

>Is globalism globalization?
What are you even asking here? You're purposely being dense. As posted before: globalism is a one world system. Globalization is the process to achieve globalism. For fuck's sake, stop being a fucking retard.

International Jewry

>so if you want a world government but not one race you're not a globalist?
You are a crypto-globalist, because one will lead to the other.
>teddy roosevelt was a progressive, if progressivism is globalism, why was he not a globalist? can't non-leftists be globalist?
Progressivism is a spook. Progressive politics are a tool that can be used in many ways. A carpenter may use a hammer to nail a board. An auto body worker may use a hammer to beat out a dent. Tools have multiple uses.

Your mother being penetrated by a jew against her will

can one be anti-globalist but not against globalization?

Also pol, vote here
>Are globalism and globalisation the same thing?

Thanks for expanding my anime-girl-with-questionmarks-above-their-head-folder.

Yes. And it won't work. Let me tell you why: the Earth is round.

We live in different time zone. Have different sleep schedules and each continent has their own issues (be it climate, energy, or trade).

Only a moron or power seeking madman would want a single world government.

At best, I could see economic blocks based on continents.

so the creation of the european court of human rights is globalization?
the point is knowledge
how is progressivism used to achieve globalism, given that progressivism and globalism aren't the same? what is the difference between both?

>but wouldn't the EU still be usurping national sovereignty and eroding nation-states powers, by forcing them to do so?
I don't think it would in any meaningful sense. They already agreed to the dictates and so long as the national identity and culture remains distinct then they can at any time choose to leave or refuse to implement the policies.

fun fact: the symbol of the question mark, ?, is an annotation created by christian amanuensises copying Latin texts to keep track of which phrases were supposed to be questions or not, as the latin language didn't have punctuation of any kind.
originally the annotation was a full "questio" at the end of the sentence, but with time it got shorter and shorter until but Q and O remained, the first over the second, with q getting overly stylised and the o losing size until it became a simple dot.

post yours
aren't these blocs part of globalism?

>the point is knowledge
knowledge is a mean, never an end, its research always has a purpose, reveal yours, memeflag.

>so the creation of the european court of human rights is globalization?
Sure. International organizations is globalizing and undermining individual nations. If some African country wants to perform female genital mutilation, that isn't any of my fucking business because I don't represent them and they don't represent me. I didn't elect their leaders, they didn't elect my leaders. Pushing my values upon a foreign nation is globalizing my values and undermines individual nation sovereignty and is absolute disgusting.

so, for ex, a world government that enforced borders on certain provinces (the former countries) and didn't allow free movement between them, even if they wanted it (like Chyna used to do), it wouldn't be globalist?

Hi Alex.

Yep. A government that doesn't allow free movement is as globalist as an empire that forces the practice of slavery is abolitionist.

"The pursuit and support of supra-national powers and authorities".

ok make sense
how do you know my name? =o

a nigger in every street corner, from america to antarctica

>how is progressivism used to achieve globalism, given that progressivism and globalism aren't the same? what is the difference between both?
Progressivism is, as I stated (and you ignored), a spook. It is not a consistent ideology, it is intentionally vague and malleable so as to obfuscate the intentions of those who use progressive politics as the means to an end. That end is globalism, which is really just a negative - it means the end of borders, cultures, identities. It is a negative outcome in its entirety.

Not if they are politically and economically independent.

Most anti-globalists are really just against the free-movement akin to open borders.

so a global confederation of supranational blocs that have an agreement to keep to their regions is not globalism? even if they destroy national sovereignty?
was the USSR globalist?

Are you Mr. Soros? Globalism is a term made by the Zionist kikes to scapegoat ur father, even tho ur dad is still a degenerate NWO Jew.

>stormfag education


What globalism is:
>undermining the nation state
>free movement of people
>free movement of capital
>centralising global power into NGO/EU/NATO/Corporate hands
>promoting a single ideology above all else (liberalism)
>disregard for different cultures, everything must be liberal
What globalism is not:
>international trade
>every form of geopolitics

>free movement of capital
what kind of capital can be moved without it being globalism?

>what kind of capital can be moved without it being globalism?
What do you mean? My point is that the goal is to be unrestricted.

the idea that the people of a nation don't have a right to define their land as they wish.

I wanna know when the movement of capital becomes globalist, or is it just when it's 100% free?

BTW by free you mean non-taxed?

It's a PR friendly term for communism. everyone under one banner, perfectly equal at the cost of liberty, and a blatent denial that there will still be elites and most of the peasantry will starve.

Globalism is best thought of as Global-Statism in the same way as the Nation-State. There is to be one global government and one global culture. Internationalism on the other hand is the notion that nations should work together to achieve common goals. You can't have inter-nationalism without independent nations and this is the message we need to be pushing to get normies on side.

Macron is a commie?

I am never believing political compass ever again

>was the USSR globalist?
The end goal was, yes.

Post Stalin not so much.


NEW WORLD ORDER. watch s3 of mr robot. corporations control all of the worlds money. no borders. scary stuff