Alex Kruger, 20, for a statistics class...

>Alex Kruger, 20, for a statistics class, decided to ask people anonymously which of several categories they would be "100% fine" with their daughter marrying. According to his website, the sample size was 1000 people, fully white above the age of 30, and taken entirely in New York City. The results are listed below.
>White: 98%
>Black: 39%
>Hispanic: 59%
>Arab: 34%
>Asian non-Japanese: 70%
>Japanese: 84%
>Native American: 60%
>Mormon: 96%
>Jew: 93%
>Muslim: 29%
>Buddhist: 80%
>Atheist: 89%
>Doctor: 98%
>Lawyer: 71%
>Psychologist: 40%
>Military Officer: 91%
>Police Officer: 82%
>Construction Worker: 60%
>Porn Star: 11%
>Canadian: 99% (note: only 1 person said no, making Canadian by far the most liked category)
>Another Woman: 57%

Other urls found in this thread:

>Japanese: 84%

The Weeabo menace everything strikes again

>Black: 39%
lel nyc is more than 39% nigger

The Canadian schlong is so powerful even American men want their daughters to experience it. What is it with Americans and their love of Canadian dong? It truly seems to be omnipresent, even more so than their love of Jews, and that's in Jew York.

They only asked whites.

>Canadian: 99% (note: only 1 person said no, making Canadian by far the most liked category)

It appears my superiority has led to some controversy

I always liked Canada are gay lumberjacks still a thing there or are they all extinct I wanna go on a vacation where that is someday.



>Canada 99.9%
This is now a leaf thread



>Canadian: 99% (note: only 1 person said no, making Canadian by far the most liked category)

99% of Americans know fuck all about Canada

post your best chlorophyll


>Jew: 93%
>Muslim: 29%
jew york city confirmed for jew

Alright this is an alright meme but the article has nothing to do with what OP posted. Wtf?

Why are canadians so powerful?

what's the point of making up fake surveys?

Why would things like Doctor rate high when they could easily be part of the lowest rated category too? Are these only white doctors?

Official Leaf Thread

Celebrate with the memory of our greatest victory. Pic related.

Maple Syrup is secretly a battle drug
We only export the filtered shit

But it needs to be mixed stenley cup vicrories for maximum effect so its' use in warfare is limited

>Porn Star: 11%
>Muslim: 29%
>Arab: 34%
>Black: 39%
>Psychologist: 40%

That's the stuff

get called "honorary Aryan" like one time by hitler and all of a sudden they are totally cool

>>Canadian: 99% (note: only 1 person said no
this is dangerous, we need 100% no on this question

also notice how canadian is listed with the jobs and not races, becuase [[[they]]] are a special class of people.

the best thing about undergraduate stat classes is that you can basically prove anything you want

also you can lie about actually surveying anyone and no one can call you out on it because if there's one thing undergraduates are going to do it's interview a thousand people instead of just making it all up in twenty minutes


that's soon just going to mean chink or mudslime, so that number is going to go to 0