Tfw gf says she doesn't want to be in a relationship with me

>tfw gf says she doesn't want to be in a relationship with me

Sorry, brother. The next one will be better.

Lol you must have a tiny dick

Sorry, but that's the power of BBC. Better luck next time whitey.

you're just not attractive enough senpai don't take it personally


you're obviously a faggot. that and on the wrong board. Go be a crying faggot somewhere else... faggot.

sell her to muslims on the darknet OP

what the fuck does a tv station has to do with his relation? he isn't even british you dumbfuck

She clearly only dates men with Sup Forums passes.

Lol. Faggot.

no, it's cuz he doesn't have any balls

he can't control his woman, he's a beta



you can literally go ask girls for their numbers while you're out in public and some of them will agree to go to on dates.

i'm confused and this is a good under-the-radar thread to ask it in

I'm in a ldr, know the girl in real life and will see her over Christmas break etc... but I could be fucking so many girls out here. the only reason I'd stay is if she became devoted to me and fiercely loyal etc but it's not happening through 5 months. should I give up? I'm a better looking but she has a good personality

And this is on /pol why exactly?

Japmoot bestmoot

I've hit on heaps and heaps of girls in public places, and I am confident and friendly cand average attractiveness, but I'm still permakhv
Girls just walk away then talk shit about me to other people I know behind my back

leftypol/antifa is obsessed with my personal life

I may as well buy one since I knocked it of with the trolling anyway

girls outside of your social circle. random grils.
