How long until the next US civil war?

How long until the next US civil war?

I predict 15 years

I think the economy will be sufficiently destroyed enough to make lots of people really pissed
I think there will be massive balkanization with most of the South West latin socialist hell holes which will be somewhat contained at the rockies but then pressure will be applied to the South and the war will start there, maybe around Tennessee coming from the West into the East

>implying a decadent country populated by soft weak lazy obese low IQ brainwashed retards will rise up and go to war against itself
Keep dreaming kiddo

Very fuckable face.

I predict that the North-East will secede and form a super state driven by education and financial services (including NYC). California will form its own state that will flourish on a diversified and growing economy. The rest of the country will go to hell and keep voting Republicans. Longevity will drop. Health performance will drop. People will moan constantly but do nothing to improve their lives. A wall will be built around California to keep out the butthurt Kansas and Oklahoma Republicans. Anyone shown ever to have been a Trump supporter will not be allowed into either of this new superstates.

California = California
The North-East = the Old Colonies of America
The rest = The Divided States of Midwestern and Southern Retardation

Eventually the Divided States will die out due to poor health and high rates of gun deaths. The prairies will be returned to the buffaloes and national parks will flourish in the former West Virginia and the Carolinas. Nothing of significance was lost.

Things will change when things get bad enough.

When the economy is destroyed enough and 1 in 40 people can retire before they die, life expectancy drops 15 years, crime surges, mexicans turn california into Venezuela, people can't afford food anymore...

yeah people will stop sitting around the TV all day

California, NY will look like Brazil or Venezuela with rich areas and favelas


I hope no war happens but here is the most likely scenario IMO.

A white indentarian militia group (one of many who are currently running around in the woods training as we speak) will eventually get ballsy enough to operate a full scale "attack" on some kind of communist group. I doubt it will be full on murder with a rifle. It will most likely be some kind of sabotage of operations or something else to disable resources. The media will likely blow this wayyyy out of proportion and soft-declare a civil war. I can picture the talking heads of CNN and MSNBC and the retard late night show hosts like John Oliver instructing their viewers that they are "now under a full scale attack from the far right". There won't even be time for people to call for some political method to disband these groups (impossible btw) before some socialist with a gun rounds up his buddies and they plant some poorly placed shots on some conservative civilians. I doubt they'd try to go for LEOs or military. Once this happens several times with notable leftist leaders outright calling for violence instead of just merely implying it, the hill billy militia groups will start mounting actual assaults. We already have the skull-mask wearing retarda beating up the commie faggots and the commie faggots beating up conservative civilians. This is already happening but the difference is that the militias actually nutting up and responding with well-coordinated assaults will make the whole thing more than just retards throwing rocks at each other. Soon people will start to assassinate the leaders of the opposite movements. The "civil" wars break out only when the average citizen isn't able to just work for money, come home, kick off their shoes and watch tv till the next day. That day might be fast approaching. Most people won't be "joining" sides, but they will merely be looking out for them and theirs. Cont.

If this were the case there would be no second or third world countries. History has proven no matter how bad things get for commoners they will wallow in poverty rather then go to war. Wars only occur when a wealthy elite have something to gain from them. The wealthy elite have nothing to gain from war in America. The US population like all slave populations will never rise up on its own. Americans enjoy being lazy stupid morons entertained by Hollywood and consumerism. Civil war is the last thing they would willingly accept. They would rather live and die as wage slaves even if impoverished and living as third world scum rather then fight for a better life. The fact that America is literally decaying into a degenerate second world dump soon to be third world shithole is proof positive. Americans could be working to make America great but instead everyone is acting fucking retarded and letting the wealthy elite economically ensalve and rape the lower and middleclass. Americans won't even stand for workers rights, living wages and benefits anymore ffs. Good luck getting them to fight each other over inane bullshit that doesn't actually effect them.

What happened to this dude? Is he syphilitic or something?

Cont. 2/?

Understandably, the men with guns with families to protect are not the targets of white indetarians, but they will know that they might be the targets of communist lunatics. They will hole up in their homes and take peeks out the windows. Meanwhile, the US government is mobilizing hard. The issue here is that these indentarian movements are confined to rural areas, and socialists and commies are in the cities. The only way a civil war occurs is if the indentarians leave their woods and goes into a town or city to mount an attack. The commies are dumb but they are definitely not dumb enough to run into the woods with AKs where they don't know the terrain and it's more than likely booby trapped, assuming they even know where at all these people live and who they are.

These little pot shots will keep going back and forth, like they are now, but the only difference is that the identarians will be participating. Right now it's only communists really attacking people/shooting people.

The idents are many many small groups. Usually small local militias and prepper groups, no bigger than 40 people and usually way smaller. They have similar, if not identical ideologies and they do not need to collarborate or cooperate to achieve their goals. They will start by assassinating journalists and twitter leadership most likely. Once the first CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WaPo journalist is killed, It will be all out war. Every media outlet, newscast, article, paper, twitter post will be about how leftists are under attack. The idents will keep picking off figures or sabotaging things like gay pride parades, antifa riots, communist meetings with things like intimidation, subversion, stabbings, assaults, threats, etc. until the commies have to actually respond.

>How long until the next US civil war?

2 weeks.

I predict never. The psycho lefties won't want to touch yucky guns.

Cont. 3/?

I'm saying that shit needs to get really bad. The average family man needs to see his life very very impacted by leftist/communist influence before they'll pick up arms. They will always just look out for their own. Either side will use the violence to recruit, just like they do now.

The difference is that one side is actually running around in the woods practicing to kill the other side, and the other side is having gay sex with each other and smoking pot and throwing bricks into crowds.

Once the military gets deployed to problem areas, (which will be in places where rural meets city, like Michigan, Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, Washington, California, Vermont), the military will be standing on corners, keeping peace. There's no way for them to track down the idents to their 180 acres plot of booby-trapped woods in Appalachia or Cascadia or wherever.

Hopefully it won't happen, but idents might start taking potshots at the military occupation, although it's unlikely because they usually side with the LEO/military men and these men are just doing their job.

The war will he fought by a few relatively well trained lunatic libertarian indentarian extremists who are well armed and well prepared, vs many lunatic communists who are poorly trained and retarded. The war begins when one side finally set something off a car bomb or kidnaps some people and makes a spectacle of it. Most people won't be fighting, but just protecting their own. The issue is that there won't be any front lines, or geographical sides. There is no central leadership of either side. The communists are poorly organized and loathe leadership. The idents don't need leadership as they operate in small groups and they can all act and operate independently, probably rather effectively.

Once that big happening happens, the government steps in. Cont.

Cont. 4/?

The most interesting is the government occupation of these pseudo war zones. They will not use drones, tanks, or shit like that. There will be raids on homes, army style operations targeting the identarians (of course) because no matter what, they will be seen as the aggressors. It will be hard because many of these types are former LEO and military and they are absolutely stocked to the ceiling with weaponry. They don't live entirely off the grid, but hundreds of acres of booby trapped woods does not make for an easy arrest. Especially when these groups probably have several hundred acres of Forest between their entire "militia". Some fire fights will occur between these militias and the LEOs/Military and then, after a few more big scale happenings, more will form. I can't even guess how it will expand to a full out civil war. It will be entirely guérilla warfare and it will be short lived and only about 1% of the population will be involved in any actual fighting or operations.

Again, I hope this never happens. I'm just a shitty new writer and it's fun to explore such a scenario. Anyone have any ideas?

The 18bn that Soros transfered to his lefty propaganda machine is enough to pay 180.000 people to stage a civil war by paying 100.000 dollars each person.

And niggers are way cheaper than that.


Not going to happen as long as people have creature comforts. Nobody really gives that much of a fuck, people on Sup Forums or into enormous amounts of lefty bullshit are a very small minority.

Also, it would be over before it started. The vast majority of combat arms in the military are conservative white kids from rural parts of the US. The vast majority of the police forces in every major city are the only people with conservative values for miles, and almost never live in that city themselves (they can't afford to live in the parts where their kids won't get robbed and raped walking to school). These are the 2 groups they would expect to enforce some sort of draconian measures against conservatives, or otherwise violate the constitution and go after people for political crimes. Its never going to happen. The NOPD disintegrated literally just a few hours into Katrina, you can watch videos of cops looting a walmart with shopping carts filled with clothes and shit on youtube. Now, could the military effectively crack down on leftists? For sure. But I don't see the establishment political/corporate/media nexus ever possible doing something like that in a million years. Also I wouldn't really give a fuck if they did either.

>what is africa, what is latin america, what are the balkans, what is SE asia
>The wealthy elite have nothing to gain from war in America.
you are implying that there will be no one that will see opportunity to make money from this..
you are making massive assumptions that no one has anything to gain from war in America.
Thats actually an incredibly retarded assumption.

You are also vastly underestimating how bad things will get with mexicans being a net drain on our economy with massive growth in their numbers and less productive members of society breeding, which will lead to full on communist style politics

doesn't matter when, the answer will always be not soon enough.

I doubt there will ever be armed conflict. My money is on a mass white flight from increasingly "diversified" states to whiter ones (maybe pacific northwest or midwest?). The other minorities will likely self segregate, as they are currently doing. Liberals will fail to procreate, and the majority of whites will become conservative Christians via demographic change. I think the white states will become progressively more independent from the federal government until they eventually declare sovereignty.

wtf are you talking about, dude?

nope, first will be war with china. no room for a civil war after that


We're living in the most comfortable time in this country's history.

bretty gud summary. Read Civil War Two by Chittum if you can, I think it has some pretty relevant if somewhat dated ideas on how a large scale civil war could come about. Probably the biggest takeaway from that book though is the impact of racial divisions on how things play out.

>Civil war?
>Total collapse of American society followed by skirmishes between regional powers and an uneasy peace between them all.

Your prediction is already proving true. San Fran is literally divided between poor and rich in the outer parts. LA too.

Great logic, autist-boy

the world is perpetually 3 missed meals away from violent revolution