Its good to see good news

Its good to see good news

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What a bigot


Calling the LGBT Hate Crimes Unit on this bigot now desu

Thank you, Chilliwack school.

It's a good thing that this trustee isn't in Ontario. They'd have burned him/her at the stake by now.


Common sense is now news because it offends the left


what did they mean by this?

Its a canadian town

that's wack

how is this even controversial

And a band!


absolute joke of a country

I hate this province so much sometimes. It's hard to reconcile how based the North and country side is with how debased the major cities are. Literally ruled by SJWs in fortress Toronto.

only in chili

kudos leafburg


People don't have a gender, they have a sex.

Chilliwack is a pretty hard place.

Douchbag who got elected to small-town school board says something stupid, right-wing media picks it up.

I live like right there - this is the first good news I've heard from my area in my entire life.

>Jerks off to a loon echoing across a lake
10/Maple can confirm

Have you ever noticed how the SJW concept of "gender" is remarkable similar to the theistic concept of a "soul".
Nebulous woo nonsense.

mindless leftist automaton says something stupid on Sup Forums, what's new?

>Children can't decide to have sex with adults or make financial decisions
>Can permanently decide their future sexual decisions as a child
You're a retard.

How long until the PC phase is over with and it will be ok to offend people again without repercussion Sup Forums? Isn't history repeating itself and this happened in the 70's or some shit too? Genuinely curious

The pendulum swings, yes that is certain - when and how hard is the question that no one has an exact answer for. Hence why people advocate accelerationism at this point desu

>literally fought a moose
we wouldn't have to if they just stayed off the path to outhouse

do u wanna be a mega cool dragon or a faggy gay ass human?


what's that? drag queen? ok chop his dick off