Raise minimum wage now

This has gone too far. The nigger, by its low cost living standards, is incessantly taking our jobs. They work for less and are less skilled than the mighty white man. It's time to raise minimum wage to $20/h to keep all the negroes from stealing what is ours.
You call yourselves white supremacists, white nationalists and more, but are against our basic right to keep subhumans from entering the job market. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are a disgrace to white people.

Wtf? I hate minimum wage now

I see what you did there


Nah, H1B visas are the force keeping STEM majors without networking out of entry level jobs

I'm not talking about STEM majors, I'm talking about the working class whites who can't compete with niggers who will take half the money for the same job, since they are fine with living in shitholes.

Not being a racist. I refuse to support the same laws a racist nazi supports.
Btw, I love Argentina, proof that an ethnically diverse country can work perfectly fine.

Oh I see. Well enjoy making the decision to automate easy for the working class employers

in the building trades, there's shit you could never automate.

Automation is a meme. And even if it's not, I'm willing to take the risk. Better replaced by machines than by darkies.

Not unless we standardize the same few buildings to be built over and over again. You have a good point, assuming most working class jobs are trades.


Wouldn't it be possible with enough AI to teach machines how to make different buildings? Or at least having an engineer set out the plans and then send unthinking machines to do the job automatically.


True that comment my nigger

New problems tend to come up when you change the task. Given how building construction is a tiered process, being hung up on just one phase could spell disaster for the project's profit.


Still you would eventually be able to cut the manpower by half with the same output.

Why not somply raising the minimum wage to 100$, u fascist capitalist burgeoise nazis !?!

You could do one with women and the wage gap.
Liberals would start opposing minimum wage in no time.
That's what you are getting at here, I suppose

He knows what he is doing. Just play along

or just ya know gas and mass deport them


Fair enough. If you can pay them 75 cents on the dollar, why not?

You could in principle. But in many trades you'd need software that is robust and adaptable enough to basically be a general AI, as well as a humanoid robot that doesn't suck ass. And all of that has to be cheaper than human labor. Given the variety of tasks and unique problem solving challenges many tradesmen do day to day, skilled trades will be the last to be fully automated.

t. field welder