So what exactly is rock bottom for Trump?

Every week he outdoes himself at being more and more despicable. Instead of just apologizing to the grief stricken widow and reaffirms his sympathies and honor for her and her deceased husband, Trump decided to lash out at her in a tweet by insinuating she lied about the phone call. That Trump forgot her dead husband's name and how that devastated her.

Well I won't ever forget her name.
Myeisha Johnson. She is very strong. Strong for having to deal with the loss of her husband and withstanding the attacks from Trump because she dared criticize him for being disrespectful towards her and the memory of her fallen husband.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nah, she was just looking for a spotlight by chimping out

Idiot. Her husband is a traitor who was 's part or the rogue spec ops team responsible for Las Vegas. Trump knew what he did by bringing the man into the spotlight.
Why you gotta be retarded?


No one is calling for the repeal of any of laws here you dimwit. All we ask for is for Trump to have some humanity and act like a decent human being instead of the monster that we know he is.
Its shocking that even that low a bar Trump could not rise up to.

>So what exactly is rock bottom for Trump?
Probably when he gets reelected.

Hey shills, the Uranium One story has legs. More and more is coming out every day. The Podesta pedos are now under criminal investigation. Your attempts to deflect aren't working. Tell your boss Soros he needs to pump in a few more billion plus a better script.

I can't even tell if you're being serious or not. That's the sad reality of this place is.

>Treating sub-humans poorly
He did nothing wrong

Her response was literally
>I didn't like his tone of voice.
It's nothing and she's looking for attention like Congress member howdy doody.

Maybe the nig should act like a decent human being by not trying to politicize her husband's death, you naïve nigger lover.

just look at her fingernails you idiot. does that look like a grieving widow to you? let me tell you: when you loose your husband/wife, all food tastes like shit and the last thing you think about is paying attention how you look ... for many weeks.

'he knew what he was getting into' is a mod to the man's bravery and selflessness

if nigger are too dumb to understand that, it's no skin off the white man's back lol

First of all, you think I give a shit about John Podesta and his brother?
Secondly, I thought you guys believed Mueller to be corrupted deep state bla bla bla. Now you think he's on Trump's side?

To be honest, I don't give a shit about any of that. I do however expect the POTUS to be decent a grieving widow and not attack her.

>expecting your farming equipment to act like humans

I'm pretty sure Myeisha will be alright, what with all the money she's being paid by Democrats for her slander of Trump. And lets be honest, she almost certainly fuck 10 tyrones while her husband was deployed.

Shhhh, we can't talk about Uranium One. We must focus on this race baiting nigger.

I can't tell if you are. That's the greatest reality of this place is.

>calling a deceased soldier "your guy" ever
its basic decency you must not have any military in your family you faggot

Odd the families of the three white soldiers that were killed aren't sperging out like this. Odd that

Fuck off meme fag

for some reason the lives of soldiers are important to the msm now

Oh that's a really good theory! Explains a lot, too. They'd never let us know if soldiers from US spec arms decided to terror us themselves.
I had supposed that they were linked, but that they died trying to attack the ISIS group responsible for the attack. But yeah they probably just did it themselves then got the cover up.

Oh shut the fuck up, telephones have been around less than 200 years of human history and now all of a sudden completely scripted phone calls that have been repeated thousand of times are part of the grieving process? She isn't actually retarded enough to think Trump sits there thinking all day about every single person who dies in some masochistic fit of christlike empathy when he was dying on the cross for all of mankinds sins past present and future, right?

user, you're officially retarded.

I don’t think you realize that he’s the “fuck your feelings, bitch nigga” president.

Yeah I concur. It's quite odd that the African American family would be the ones treated so horribly by the POTUS.
I'm sure its just a coincidence that Trump seems to only treat Black people and minorities like crap and continuously slander them.

Who is 'you guys' you're literally talking to anonymous people with no persistent identity. You're completely projecting your own reality here, moron.

"OH, the humanity!"
Fuck off you SJW piece of shit.


I had a similar thought already.

Her attacks were scripted and this is how the democrats play:
>Trump winning patriotism points with public?
>Attack that by paying a nigger with a dead army soldier to slander him that he insulted her
>Then have your faggot media talking heads go on and on about how "hypocritical" it is for Trump to "pretend" to be patriotic while making soldier's wives cry
You know, it is just like Hillary said, wives of soldiers really are the primary casualties of war.

>t. Increasingly impotent anger male

And I'm sure the "democrats" hypnotized Trump to say those callous and awful remarks to the widow as well right?
Can you just give it a rest.

He seemed pretty nice to this widow, oh look she's a nigger.

That is precisely the angle of attack. Anyone who cannot see this is literally a nigger. It's all highly politicized.

They don't see gibs. She did, her family did. They pushed for this and now look, millionaire.

also explains old dead guy. No way he was a shooter, on that team he is a leader/money man, tech guy or logistics.

No publicity because several members are still at large. And the embarrassment of having a black book spec ops team go rogue is something to avoid, especially with the panic when the public learns about the weapons at their disposal. Vegas was a failure, it was stopped by very good people, it would have been magnitudes bigger. And the people behind it are planning more.

Trump is making people successfully hate him better than anyone else could.
Who would have thought the general public wouldn't like the President publicly attacking the widow of a fallen soldier on twitter?
Obviously not Trump.


>shillery day after day
So what exactly is rock bottom for OP?


>Oh look, I was nice to this one widow therefore it excuses me disrespecting this one

Your logic is flawed.

Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.

>Trump does thing
>media shit themselves in outrage
>no1curr except the losers for whom hating Trump is the only reason they get up in the morning
>shills show up and try to concern troll and sock puppet their way into making it a thing

Like clockwork.

The real question is did Hat Bitch do anything else retarded and hilarious today?


Go suck a dick shareblue faggot.


We have now had longer front page CNN news coverage of this story than we had of Las Vegas.

funny, that...

If you think no one cares about Trump attacking a widow of a fallen soldier, the you haven't been paying attention. Republicans will suffer greatly in 2018 and all because of a fake populist conman that doesn't have any shred of decency.

What general public? 5-year old kindergartners that don't realize somebody killed their pet chicken for the mcnuggets they're eating? The Showtime subscribers that watch 5 seasons of the serial killer Dexter? The women that read "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" one week then "50 Shades of Grey" the next? The people that claim to support the NFL kneelers while the ratings prove they don't? Gimme a fucking break, kid.


You think I want Republicans to lose? Hell no. But its more and more likely given the endless controversies coming from the Whitehouse.

>claims to be real republican
>has republican meme flag and everything

Welp, can't argue with that.

>callous and awful remarks

"Your husband knew what he signed up for, but he did it anyway. It hurts when this happens."


I consider myself more of a Ben Shapiro conservative. I'm not opposed to Trump. I just want him to do better. Feuding with the widow is just common sense. If he can't figure that out, then he really can't figure out anything else on the job.

Oh, like the democrats are looking any better these days?
It's your political system tearing apart, enjoy it and fucking pray the deep state lose.
This, Vegas. It's all because of Trump, in a good way.
I hope nobody was naive enough to think that when he said drain the swamp, that there would be no response from the swamp monsters?
Every action has an equal reaction, this is that. Expect much more.

Never give in. The day you give them an inch, they take a mile.

You're the type to cry at movies aren't you? I hate to break this to you but those are actors on the screen, you absolute fucking idiot.

You sound like a pussy.


You know who sounds like a pussy. The person attacking a grieving widow instead of taking the high road.

Why so much fucking bawwing.

Dude deliberately went to a SOF unit for the fucking kicks and grins. He knew exactly what he signed up for. Riding around in some shithole out of uniform to kill shitskins is fucking rad.

Only a black would see gibs in dead relative. But this was made clear with Trayvon and Michael Brown

Is it hard for you to comprehend that she is genuinely in grief.

Being a grieving widow does not exonerate you when you talk shit.

She saw the chance for some gibs and the crayola cowboy saw a chance for some easy fame.

Isn't it just a LITTLE convenient that the only one of these calls Trump was supposedly rude on just so happened to be the one with a gofundme with a democrat congresswoman present?

>say trump did "bad" thing
>whoops 700k magically in your go fund me
Something something something almonds

>military wives
top laffo

Is this what being delusional looks like? To believe that random users on Sup Forums are soros paid? Wow.

When the president disrespects and then attacks attacks you in a public way, its gonna make headlines and people will donate out of sympathy. There is no conspiracy here you idiot.
This is perhaps the only good thing to come out of this feud between Trump and the grieving family.

Is this what being delusional looks like? To believe that random users on Sup Forums aren't soros paid? Wow.

Once again, its a little convenient that the only one of these calls that Trump was supposedly rude during just so happened to be the one where an outspoken democratic member of congress just so happened to be present.

She was in close proximity with Frederica "mad hatter" Wilson so she can listen in to the converstation, and who do you think she was goign to defend?

>the potus called to thank the family for dead husband's service
>triggered niggers noggin on the news

tell me user where i can get paid to shitpost on Sup Forums and make alt right anons angry, ill do it in a heartbeat i need the money

>50000s of dolla of hot dog, come on, if if if if oki doke.

I know, OP. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

It wasn't until a few days after she spoke up that they claimed she was a mentor.

seems to be kinda dead user
>twitter suspended
>youtube only has 1 video
>facebook was last updated in may


Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.

Because they are fighting a losing battle.
Same with shareblue and others, they have so high turnover on employees or "contractors" that it's starting to be a problem so they are starting to roll out bot systems.

The shills are paid under companies that work for ads, public interest and etc.
You want to be a paid shill, you can throw some resume there.

>actually gets called by President
>in presence of Poverty Pimp 2.0 congresswoman
>expects normal person to recognize name La David
>two flags for one soldier
>cashing in on >$1 million "college fund" organized by Poverty Pimp 2.0
>led by emotions and greed
>"strong woman"

we seriously can't let him get the nuclear codes

>rural white voter
>because we havent seen the rural and suburban retards memed on the site for the past year and a half now

I'm so glad he has access to them, so much better than so many alternatives.

>Every week he outdoes himself at being more and more despicable.
This is what the left think. The rest of the country doesn't give a fuck.

Friendly reminder that this is bait and the Jews have you stupid goys distracted by political debate.

its what the MSM tells them to think, leftists dont possess a brain

Like What alternative?s

i dunno man my mom was pretty upset when she heard about trump disrespecting the widow and she ain't a huge leftist supporter, i wouldn't be surprised if more than a couple of people are upset by this piece of news.

Just because you don't care, does not make it either untrue or less important

>Look CEO shariablue, the propaganda works!
>quick! double down!

Keep up the good work, msm.

Trump supporters are going to have a rude awakening in 2018 and 2020. Independents won't just vote for Trump again just for shits and giggles.

Yeah, I bet if Hillary runs again, it will be her turn.

It's muh Khan gold star meme family all over again.

Fuck Drumpf and fuck the devil race of white people.

Liberals don't give a fuck about the military or those who die. This LARP is hilarious.

Get a real job shill fagot

By 2020, Trump will be the establishment. All it takes is someone who is a sane republican that support the same policies to primary him. Interestingly enough, Mark Cuban is supposedly going to run.

Oh wow you're delusional. Fuck off meme flag fag.

When you stop believing literally every lie you are told?

Niggers BTFO

Go to bed Yakub.

fuck off faggot no one cares