Why are all the female characters on this show so fucking perfect...

Why are all the female characters on this show so fucking perfect? I get horny every time I watch it and always feel the need to tap. Especially Megumi

They also have perfect feet


Not only the girls, the boys are fucking god tier too.
There's no character I wouldn't fuck.

Well the artist used to do porn.

Alice is mai waifu.

That's where all the best Jump artists start from.

Tosh's shit is great. Fucking love Menkui.

>I bet you have shit taste

megumi is qt

>fapbait the show
At least Megumi have some indeep and development, great character.


Who are you quoting?


Too bad the manga sucks ass for the past 50 chaps

You're gonna have to post some pictures with a comment like that.

When will they fuck?

>Who are you quoting?
Sup Forums it's self

Does it? That sucks, because I was thinking of reading it soon after watching the anime.

Don't bother him. The manga is alright

The boys are perfect too, Tosh is just amazing

It's fine, it drags for a couple 5 chapter sections but there's some good development and the characters are still on fucking point

>implying she didn't fuck him already.

Not that ugly fat ass Souma battles

Souma/Erina 2v2 Shokugeki against these two when?
