Claim to fight for the white race

>claim to fight for the white race
>actually just single, jewish, expired roasties who haven't even had children.
Why is the alt-right so hypocritical?

Other urls found in this thread:

Brittany is just a little used up, but not expired. Her twin sister is neither. These right wing roasties are a great thing, and you're a boring shill.

>0.02 cents

Those aren't jews buddy

>early 20s

Mohammad, please.

Lauren is not Jewish. Stop spreading misinformation intended to divide and conquer the right-wing, commie kike shill.

Weak attempt at divide and conquer

This is the face of a pure-white 22 year old girl

Definitely not a FAS attention whore who is only supported by beta orbiters

nice to see you buddy

wait, they are white nationalists now?

Hi Shawn


If you leave milk in your fridge for a long time, it goes rancid.

If you leave milk on your counter for a significantly less amount of time, it also goes rancid.

>haha hi guys, we're traditionalist waifus
>ready to defend Yuropa, praise Kek
>omg that feminist just BTFO, kek
>plz donate to our patreon

>here's two people who I think are hypocritical
>why is this entire group hypocritical?

Reminder that Breivik improved the world.

oh, so not alt-right. got it

I'm pretty sure they have said they are not white nationalists, they both love the civic cuck.


What makes a woman a safe asset for the family is a slight helpful insecurity or general submissiveness. When permitted independence too long while young and pretty, they will inevitably discover a method for becoming rich via weeb contributions.
For more refer to thousands of creative works which employ the manipulative woman archetype.

>the alt right is composed of NEETs and other faggots without real jobs or families
>improved the world

being a cuck "improves the world"?

They don't really add to discussion..just parroting the stuff they know yall want to hear. Also catty infighting is dumb, Jewish tricks

That's not two cents though.

>Jew loving freemason
>Improved the world

the right one is

stop giving your time to those electrowhores and read a good book instead or go out into the nature.

lefty/pol/ pls go

Brittany is getting married to a Jewish (((identitarian))).

He is not one of them, but still a total cuck and a socialsit.

As a Jewish person I'm more pissed about liberal degeneracy than most people since we are always the ones to get blamed for everything. Maybe she feels the same way? Feels like she was tricked into becoming a roastie?

I think Lauren Southern is only 22. I don't think it's fair to bash her for not having children yet.

yeah these fucking losers can come back in ten years to whine about that. idiots.

>jews without children
>bad for the white race

Well then excuse my language butt ur a dummy 22 is prime age

Fuck Southern is ugly.

Oh look, it's the daily D&C overexposure thread.

This is a ISD posting trying to divide people. They said they would do this.

>22yr old girls havent gotten married and had 3 kids yet

Wtf I hate whites now!

>its another moarpheus thread


>The only way to help white people is by pooping out kids and if you don't no matter what else you do you suck

kys OP. You're fucking retarded or a shill. Saged either way

These two turned my Bernbro friends into 1488er traditional men so get fucked OP.

bullshit premise, therefore bullshit question

i just donated 6 gorillion to based lauren's paypal! dont you goys want to give some gibs to our hebrew princess too?!

I donated to Bitranny to see her cock.

>Actually believing that Lauren is in her early twenties


best one I've seen so far

>Early 20s
>Looks like mid 30s
How do people age this poorly?

unprotected sex with multiple partners

By blatantly lying about their age.

Learn from the mistakes of the "alt-right" dumpster fire
There are some worthwhile thought and concept to be salvaged from the cesspool of autism

>Looks like mid 30s
t. basement dwelling virgin

>it's an eceleb thread
Who is paying you fucks? Go away already


Nope, shill retard.

Why are you so interested in their love lives? Aren't their political persuasions and message sound of heart? Or are you seeing something inherently flawed in their activism?

The vaginal jew...

never trust em !


>past age 21
>not expired
macedonia pls

They have no political message, you don't need whores on youtube to see what's going on, just leave your house for once.
and everything besides their muh muslims ma replacement are non-existent for them.

Oh look, two faggots shilling for jews again

they're involved with Generation Identitaire right? Good enough for me. I'd be more interested in their opinions in about 10 years time tho when they have some life experience

brittany is trying to have 50 White kids with Martin Sellner.

>If you don't think a woman whose face looks like leather looks young you are a virgin
Okay Lauren Southern.


Actually neither of them are jewish and this whole "why no children yet" narrative is not bearing you any fruit either because people are starting to catch up to how disingenuous it is.

wrong (23andme dna results showed she's not)
>expired roasties
>who haven't even had children
they're extremely young, give it a bit more time

take the money soros gives you for shilling, buy a rope and a chair from walmart and finish the job

Lauren is a zionist kike

Y'all niggaz toastin' in an 1 post by this ID bread!


Why you lying bud? Who hurt you?

dude, look how similar they are

>right wing roastie

that should be a popular term or something

Yeah. . .Like two peas in a pot. Isn't it.

Honestly, I think they're nice enough, but I can't fathom why people give them money. Maybe it's just me, but the only women I'm into supporting financially are the ones in, or are currently being vetted for, my family.