Sup Forums and /leftypol/ reading list

What do you reccomend friends and what are you reading right now.

I am thinking of reading
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand & Value, Price and Profit by Karl Marx.

Bump you stinky Amerikans.

Reading Marx is really redpilling about communism and why it's bound to fail. He also makes some interesting observations about capitalism, deep down he was fascinated by it and the amount of wealth the system was able to produce.

Too bad he fell pray to a bunch of power hungry jews that just wanted to instigate a new world order rather than overcome capitalism limits.

Read "the moon is a harsh mistress" by Robert Heinlein. It fits with those you mentioned up at the top.

>reading Marx
Fuck that kike. Read anything by Pat Buchanan

I mean he was also a racist along whom wanted to holocaust many ethnic groups.

Utter Communism isn't too attractive to me.




>Atlas Shrugged
>Lord of the rings

I don't know dude seem like meme tier books.


So this is what i've gathered to read and have convinced me a bit.
>Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
>Wage labour and Capital by Karl Marx
Maybe 1984 by George Orwell?

The fountainhead is much less arduous read than atlas shrugged. I'm a major randian but even I was skipping pages in atlas

It's interesting but it's basically " How to creep people out and make sure white nationalism never goes anywhere"

Both are required reading, although you could sub in Rand's nonfiction or fountainhead for atlas shrugged since it's all the same message. Tolkein is definitely required reading, but lotr should be paired with a tolkein biography or literary analysis. Also, C.S Lewis should be read in conjunction although I personally have not gotten around to his stuff besides the Chronicles of Narnia when I was young.

The Jefferson Bible

What is wrong with memes? I became ancap because I loved the memes


It's because they hide a real truth beneath them. Take yours for instance, if you do not have the option to fire employees when they demand things outside their contract, they get to rule over you. It is your machines, your business and your money being used and spent by your employees. They don't have the right to it except for in the capacity of what you negotiated in their employment contract.

I know, because their memes got me too.

Read The Origin and Doctrines of Fascism

>Fuck that kike. Read anything by Pat Buchanan
>you should only read viewpoints you agree with
Check out this brainlet. I read Marx and I ended up hating communism even more. It was better than 90% of "right-wing" books I've ever read in the sense that it was really eye opening about what communists want.

Also I'd recommend reading the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Read The Wind in the Willows you fucking pleb.