Daily Reminder that Common Core is designed to discriminate

Common core is designed to make math "subjective" so that they can raise the grades of the "correct" people, and discriminate against the incorrect people (white males).

It was never designed nor intended to benefit anyone nor to even be solvable.

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It was designed as an attempt to make niggers appear to be able to do math. If the low IQ niggers and shitskins that you import can't meet the standards, then the left decides to change the standards.

It's basically a giant magic trick the left is trying to use to make niggers appear human.

Common Core is designed to sell text books. Make it complicated so they need bigger text books and change it a lot so the schools have to buy new ones.

Rundown on this senseless demonic majick?

What is Common Core, and why does it look so goddamn dumb?

Nah it's retard logic
They know that intelligent students can adapt to retard logic better than retards can adapt to normal logic.

The reasoning is that an intelligent person can learn to think like a retard but a retard can't learn to think like an intelligent person.

They were mad about the resuls nigs got and went this way.
The truth is math is racist against nigs and the left and the far right both know it but have different solutions.


Wait this actually makes pretty decent sense.

The big humps are 100s, the little humps are 1s. Little Jack just forgot his 10s column, which is an understandable mistake.

You guys weren't taught about 1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s columns? No wonder you guys haven't been back to the moon since you blew that one lady up.

At worst--conspiracy to render the vast majority of Americans even less capable of doing anything
At best--a conspiracy between textbook lobby, public school officials and congress for sheckels

The US traditionally has states handle education systems and the US puts out federal grants to try and help states fund their programs, usually with small stipulations like "you must meet these standards." Since education in the US sucks ass because of niggers (we have competitive levels of education among whites, but niggers and spics bring it down), Obama wanted a comprehensive, federal education system to "solve" the issue. Common Core means a school district can opt into the curriculum of Common Core and get a shitload of extra money in exchange for using their curriculum. It's a total disaster, but it's especially bad with mathematics. It was so bad that the head of the mathematics program for Common Core's design resigned because he didn't want to be attached to it.

Basically they replaced actual mathematics work with silly "line graph" nonsense and bad explanations of estimation. These are designed to confuse the student so that everyone performs equally poorly on the tests and - surprise - the racial gap in testing disappears.

what the hell is going on in this picture?
did the parent write 107, 97, 87, etc?
121 is the answer jack ended up with, right?
so jack didn't make enough mini-rainbows, because jack can't count to 16.
Is that supposed to be the answer?
write a fucking letter to jack!?

This is ultimate-tier bait because the little humps are actually 10's, not 1's. His mistake was using 6 10's instead of 1 10 and 5 1's.

Of course the whole problem is ridiculous because he could've just done it normally and solved it in 5 seconds.

Not even bait. I just fucked up counting.

This is genuinely terrible then.

> Match is racist against nigs

Lol. No niggers are just too stupid to get math. Math is a self-consistent process and tool. It's not racist anymore than a gun is racist if it used to kill a black.

Common core is what math league people used to do to solve problems in your head, the problem is that the process is really only used when you have big numbers and you're smart. It falls apart completely when used by retards or when working with ridiculously easy numbers

PS the "architect" of common core is jewish

He missed 117

Not hard to figure out, but still an absolutely ridiculous way to get an answer.

Texas companies have government supported monopolies on textbooks.

Honestly this is a good question.

Maybe not so much for a test, but for an exercise to allow kids to see how other people think things, and how they fuck it up.

It's an important skill.

I'm not well versed on CCore, but I wouldn't doubt this one bit

>PS the "architect" of common core is jewish

In first grace I was taught how to do that simple way the parent wrote on the right.

What the fuck is this hill bullshit?

reminds me of a song

There's nothing particularly wrong with common core as such. It's attempting to find other ways to teach things like arithmetic that are more "intuitive". Some people might look at what common core suggests for something like subtraction and say, "Actually, that's how I do it in my head, even though I wasn't taught this way."

What they fail to understand is that a person who was taught the usual way, but then creates a new way to do it "in their head" hasn't come up with a revolutionary teaching method but instead has simply demonstrated their mastery of the thing that was taught. To a first approximation the teaching method is pretty arbitrary, and mastery involves forming the right abstractions, which require a certain IQ level, so in the end some people simply cannot grasp much beyond pre-algebra.

Some kids I knew, for instance, who had no problem with basic algebraic manipulations couldn't understand that when proving an identity you cannot work across an equals sign as this quite clearly assumes the very thing you're hoping to prove. They simply never understood this nuance. They could make a fine engineer, or statistician, or physicist, but ultimately their ability to understand certain abstractions were limited and this was not a problem of instruction.

It's a translation of the way you normally add/subtract, it's just fleshedout to a ridiculous degree so retards can understand it.

>one day we'll all have our own personal math systems

Were you to design a curriculum for every student in American would you focus on these abstractions or focus on drilling simple repetitive problems?

OP failed to prove that 5×2=10x1 on his remedial high school test

Simple, repetitive problems mostly. It's enormously difficult to teach abstractions, but to those who you could teach them, they can already recognize them by themselves through drilling.

If my teachers had taught me that way I'd have shut down.
Yeah, I'm homeschooling my kids.

>a filter for people with poor abstract reasoning
>not biased against blacks

I dont buy into the whole conspiracy that its used for some racial need

Common core exists so that the left can prove that government is the solution to everything. They were hoping that they could generalize education to the point that everyone could understand it. This was a immense failure since everyone learns differently

Basically leftists took something that should be highly specialized and turned it into generalized garbage. If you cant notice they are doing the same with healthcare


Wow. This is for like Grade 3? Why is there this soap opera shit? What's wrong with talking about the difference between a noun, verb, adverb, and how semicolons work?

Jesus Christ, America.

You said racist, math doesnt have intent, it cant intentionally discriminate

>Ruby sat on the bed and shared with her husband......

Triggered, why do we assume ruby is a female? They can be trans or even a man, what do you hate the gays?

That is sexualisation .
There is no way an 8 year old is going to understand adultery .

It's because many of these teachers are women. Mentally ill women on many prescription drugs and addiction to virtue-signaling.

As far as I can say. The insane logic applied here should suggest that the kid going backwards the "line" forgot to distract 10 and went on to distract 6 x 1, hence he is 10 off the correct answer.

Their logic is.


To only use decimal steps only.

Pic very related.
.* due to Sup Forums spam protection

Math isn't racist. It's the tool and process. If you want to cry racism then cry to those that create the curriculum and require math. Also the world for being so easily explained with math, thus making it a necessity.

Common Core is the federal govt tryinv to fuck over youth in America by confusing the shit out of them & making them dumber than when they walked in the door, every fucking day. I see it every day, amd it's a horrible joke. The user that said it is designed to sell text books is spot on. It's a ciriculum that is constantly changing standards & sole purpose is to bankrupt school districts, never teaching students a damn thing along the way. It abhors common sense, abhors free thinkers, and keeps pushing testing, where 3 out of the past 4 years all the questions are completely different, yet pushes teachers to teach to the test that is never the same and is counter intuitive to what normal, not-brain-dead people would do to solve a problem.


I know right it is so cis sexist and homophobic and transphobic.
It is genocide.

> in her newly suspicious palms
> her palms have become suspicious
leave it to a elementary school teacher to be the lowest common denominator

Common core isn't even that bad. It's a scapegoat for the overall shitty math education American kids have been getting for decades.

Pic related is just teaching kids mental math. Of course an autistic engineer who only ever uses calculators would be upset about this.

People who get upset about common core are brainlets

>using a number line

Frustrated Parent did not solve the problem, they provided their own structure and set up the problem differently. If their boss asked them to walk to the top of a mountain and get a glass of water, and they just got a glass of water, they did not fulfill their obligations. When you move out of decimals and into base-8 or base-16, you are going to need to take additional steps and not just keep doing the same math.

After removing 3 hundreds, Jack only had to remove 1 ten, then 6 ones.

While that letter is true about the simplification portion, I wouldn't necessarily call Jack's problem a complicated problem. If you have a Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, and you can't understand the steps that Jack took, then you should go back to an elementary arithmetic course. As for the method itself, I guess it's trying to show Jack the whole picture of what's happening in a number line as he subtracts, instead of actually trying to show him how to subtract numbers.

No he "forgot" one part of the metric step.


and so on.

Maybe their aim is to get you off the hook form your shitty imperial system. I would very much agree then to CC efforts.

look at this fucking nonsense. no wonder we have a nation of goddamn retards.

a fucking leaf.

brainlets huh? so, even answering a problem correctly had having it graded as incorrect, even after literally drawing single lines to count shit is ok for you? fuck off. this is the most nonsensical garbage i've ever seen.

It isn't about making one race better than another, it is about generational ignorance.
>totally change how math is done so parents can't help
>never teach children how to do it properly
>steps one and two now repeat forever.

Not only will the skills no longer be learned by the underclass, respect is lost between parent and child.

Your boss is retarded if you get him what he wants for cheaper and easier.

There's a structure and notation to 'typical' mathematics that's worth learning early on. The language of math matters.

It's dumb and counter-intuitive that electrons have a negative charge. It's how it is, and you gotta play by those rules because that's how it's been established. If you want to contribute in math or science you have to more or less fall in line unless you work with a paradigm-shifting team that upsets the rules.

Common core is an attempt to get students to learn the mental shortcuts that people who are familiar with numbers do anyway. Every person who can do math in their head uses some internal algebra/substitutions.
316 = 300 + 10 + 6, so -316 = -300 - 10 - 6
Jack got it wrong because he skipped the -10.

I think the reason that common core is hated by so many people is that it catches flak from both the retards, who can only do math by writing down the shapes they rote learned in classes, and the pseudo-intellectuals, who believe that because they passed American highschool math they know how best to teach it.

>operating on the second level of a plan running on 7 layers of subterfuge

You are like little baby.

they tried doing that in the 80's. they called it "new math" back then, and it failed catastrophically, because it was essentially the same horseshit as this common core crap. they even tried to make clocks have values of 1's 10's and 100's because apparently reading a watch requires superior intelligence.

but those shortcuts only work for people who have an understanding of arithmetic in the first place.

is Math not important enough that you can't go over it twice in the 13 years kids have to go to school? They aren't about to reduce the time in school, so why on earth are they worried about being efficient?

What's up with all these papers that have the "correct answer" written in by the teacher?
I seem to remember as a kid just getting a mark and then the teacher would go over the homework question by question with the class.


user, I

The math is literally the "best" part of common core and is massively overblown. It has some very shameful and obvious problems but is on the whole not entirely worse than what we had before.

ALL of the other sections contain SJW garbage and globalism.

I know the whole narrative in america is all race on both sides really.
But here in Denmark and elsewere there is a constant discussion about being competative.
Do your kids learn english fast enough (although they probably learn in before burgers)
Do their test scores compare with other etc.
So when i see this i just think no matter the reason used this must be some coruption.
i guess like It's just to far of a reach that somebody would make something like this up for the luls.
Imo this is so blatant that i can't see how this can't be a legal issue.
Isn't this racketeering??

except those answers are clearly incorrect.

anticommoncore brainlet detected

If Americans truly cannot do high skilled jobs, they have no choice but to import foreigners.

Really makes you think.

a * b isn't always b * a (notably with arrays, which the next question is about)
and for arrays you absolutely need to know which number is the columns, and which is the rows

You're saying there is no difference in the sentences "I eat 100 grams of meat 2 times a day" and "I eat 2 grams of meat 100 times a day", stop passing your retardation onto your children.

Why not just teach them the methods taught to simple russian peasants back in the day? Multiplying large numbers can be made easy just by learning to multiply and divide by 2, and to add.

>I dont buy into the whole conspiracy that its used for some racial need
lol, unfortunately you're wrong

>grade three math class

Choose one.

I keep trying to tell people this, it is to aid with mental math which is all that matters through middle school when everyone in the country has a powerful calculator in their pockets at all times.

I actually had alot of problems with the way math was taught when I was in school, and I ended up teaching myself something along the lines of common core.

Obviously teachers discretion comes into play, but the people claiming the math is designed to benefit blacks are insane. They will be way worse off with this method.

yeah, it is. the way you explained it would have actually made a sort of sense. the way common core does it is fucking retarded.

kike shill detected

Almost all teaching programs go through a rigorous scientific testing protocol, trying it out at the local level, then the state level, then eventually the national level. Corrections are made, papers are written, students are interviewed

Common Core went through none of that. It was rolled out nationwide with no previous testing whatsoever.
Simply because a billionaire thought he knew better than everyone else and used his lobbying dollars to make it happen

I'm not sure. I had a great deal of trouble with rote memorization and created the abstractions to cope. I would have benefited a great deal from common core (math)

>but those shortcuts only work for people who have an understanding of arithmetic in the first place.
actually, that is an assumption which is not backed up by interviewing children. The ones that are good at math have their own "tricks" already, which are essentially all of the methods that mentions. By teaching children to be able to manipulate numbers, you allow them to attain a greater understanding of arithmetic.

Math isn't just a single class: You build upon your existing math skills with every year. It is therefore incredibly important for children to get familiar with manipulating numbers as early as possible, because they will then be able to base all of their future learning on those robust algebraic substitutions.

You're just confusing the order that these things occur in the head of a person learning math.


The math is benign and even helpful to intelligent children, the rest is fucking POISON.

Too bad these sophisticated counting tricks only work in base 10

Maybe we should teach students binary and hexadecimal before everything else

normalizing cuckoldry to children

...did you not see the picture I was replying to. All three of the questions you can see are arrays.
what is a 5x3 array? is it the same as a 3x5 array?
>Draw an ARRAY to show and solve: 4x6
>7 packages of 4 cupcakes
what is a 4x7 array? is it the same as a 7x4 array?

Just because you're too retarded to grasp arrays doesn't mean that children shouldn't learn how grouping numbers work.

Replace "Russian peasant" method with "common core" method and you'd have autistic brainlets screeching about how stupid it was.


it's funny to see these 'mistakes' that they create in simple math and yet they can't be creative with higher math.
in burgerland every answer in calculus is A, B, C, D, or E.
if your test for simple math is more complicated than your tests for trigonometry then you're going to end up with youths who can't tie their own shoelaces


can't you see its an easy way to make a corruption issue in to a political issue.
I get a patent on the white privilige sensor and then my cronie buddies forces schools to have them and then we parade som "experts" around to say how wonderful it is for blacks and wupti now you are only against it because of politics instead of the fact that its nonsense.

I don't know who taught YOU calculus.

Nah, it's just a cargo cult. The morons behind it saw how people who are good at mental math deal with numbers, and therefore if you teach kids to look at numbers the same way, they'll be good at mental math as well. Of course, this ignores the fact that the people who are good at mental math and look at numbers this way developed this skill through a huge amount of drills and practice, not tabula rasa.

Edfag here.

Correct, but you're thinking small time. There's also teacher training, electronic supplemental materials, practice tests, deliberables, ect.

There's two crucial problems. First is that they force testing of all these other techniques that aren't particularly useful outside the ability to understand what's going on. Second is that they never actually tested the shit to see if it was effective at teaching. It's a fucking disaster waiting to happen.

There is NO substitute for mastery, and mastery at math requires repetition. You go to the abstractions if students aren't understanding the process, or for advanced students who would find the theory interesting.

The race shit is indirect. Ghetto trash can't understand existing math education, so lets spread it out and make it simpler is the effective idea.

shoe laces are kind of rascist.

He's right, they're trying to dumb it down so that you don't have to be able to think on your feet.

fucking wot m8?

5 x 3 = 15
this is incorrect? are you literally retarded?

when you're first learning math, you need to memorize a multiplication table
That's so you can actually be functional at higher levels of math

It's like saying, I want to learn to speak Russian without memorizing anything, just by applying my knowledge of etymology.
It doesn't work

I didn't say anything about memorization.

Hol' up there. We don' use apostroph's like this. Not in m' countrys

This seems pretty accurate to me. I sucked at rote mem and was too lazy to do more work longhand, so I created algos to make my life simpler.

For this reason i used to like CC math but looking at it from your perspective I could see it's not, on the whole, a better way to teach an entire nation.
Would have helped me alot though.

Why don't they make you use a common core method to add the numbers you circled? They just let you do the math on that one

GOTCHA libtards

The question isn't "What is 5x3?" you fucking brainlet moron. God damn you are dumb. You would literally fail a 3rd grade math test

Why did Common Core have to be implemented at the national level?

Why not do it at the state level first and see if it works out?
Why was it so important to make this a national program?

Just like 9/11 was nothing more than an excuse to get into war. Sure bud.

three doesnt go in to fifteen so you couldnt multiply it

No idea what you meant by drilling, then.

The idea is to build the ability for students to think abstractly in order to solve specific problems.

In reality the problems given to children look like what OP's picture shows. The problems don't benefit the student's mathematical abilities at all because it forces them to learn an unconventional way.

Conventional means of education is frowned upon in Western society, look at asian nations to the east and you have the most "educated" people even though they lack critical thinking skills and other necessities of being an intellectual person. Here in the states we have critical thinking taught in schools but are unable to apply it anywhere.

...They work in any base, you just chance "nearest 10/100/1000" to nearest base^1/base^2/base^3.
That is how you end up reading/writing hex quickly, you add to F and then FF, then FFF.

Why are retarded people trying to talk about teaching children how to not be retarded? Obviously it didn't work for you.

I usually use Malcolms method in my mental math

>three doesnt go in to fifteen

Sad thing is I can't even tell if you're joking.

In the context of natural numbers, the order of multiplication doesn't matter. And if you're summing every value of an array, the order doesn't matter either.

Stop being a common core cuck. The answer was right and the method was arguably equivalent.

Math education has always been a cargo cult. The number of people who understand both math and basic educational theory is almost a null set.