Why doesn't communism work? Genuinely, I want a rundown. I want to know all the problems

Why doesn't communism work? Genuinely, I want a rundown. I want to know all the problems.

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Because rural and suburban retards will never understand it and are thus not willing to cooperate.


no incentive for your hard work, smarts and inventions the goverment takes it all

do you guys really not notice all of these explain communism is bad threads are slide threads?



Goes against nature and humans drive to compete.


it doesn't align with the human spirit of acquiring more resources than others as part of a competition to ensure your tribe is successful.

its physically impossible to make everyone equal

Fuck you dick I legitimately just want to know. I don't even believe in this shit I just want answers.

economic calculation problem

It works.

If everyone 'seized the means of production' then people would still group together to accumulate power. Greed is why it will never work, if you could go to the store and get your stuff for free, some asshole would come in and take all of the good shit.

Humans are hierarchical by nature, and most of us always want to clim the social ladder until we are fine with our status in it. Also private property.

Communism is wrong because it obsessed to achieve what LOGIC say it's the best society possible, while ignoring the fact that human are not logic by nature, and we just use it for fullfil our irrational desires.

But from what I gathered, Besides the whole stealing of property at any given moment aspect, Communism seemed like one of those things that if literally everyone agreed on it, it would be able to work. Of course, trying to pull that in the 1910's with revolutions involving mass death kind of immediately killed that.

Because ultimately everything comes down to sex. Now do you want to be involved in the penis length equalisation scheme.
Or perhaps the pussy redistribution quota system.
Now add in a layer that decides how this equalisation will occur that sits above everyone else....

>It works
>posts propaganda poster

Because it places to much power in one person.

This leads to dictators and their mob of followers opressing dissent in the name of the "greater good".

Basically communism and its ilk can't work because the corrupt nature of humans.

Communist economic policies removes incentives for their to be economic activity in the first place. The government tries to replace the free market, which leads to authoritarianism. Oppression follows when the population refuses to cooperate, again due to lack of incentives to do so.

Communism also tends to divert capital towards state operated infrastructure rather than consumer goods, which is the opposite of what happens in free market economies, so while the county may produce tons of steel, the population suffers from a low standard of living. The lack of a free market credit system makes it very difficult to get credit except from the state, which limits its ability to grow the money supply.

Communism doesn't work because the theories laid out by the Communist Manifesto does not work with accordance to human nature.

e.g., I am not going to work hard to become a doctor if in the end, I am going to be paid the same as a burger-flipper.

Just gonna leave this here


Dictatorships in turn lead to hunger and misery for 90% of he populace because the wealth is concentrated and distributed by the dictator amongst his lackeys that keep eachother and the populace in check.

A centrally planned economy consumes more resources than it produces.

Imagine one man going against the capitalist system: He ends up having nothing and the system leaves him behind.

Now imagine one man going against the communist system, he hoards things for himself and doesn't share everything he has, now either he gets to be in power(meaning we failed communism) or someone is going to force him to stop, but this would imply that there are people who govern and have the ability to rule over others, meaning the communist sytems fails again.

capitalism requires the majority of the people to support capitalism, communism requires everyone to support capitalism which is impossible.

Ignores the price signals and thus creates an inefficient production system with zero incidental innovation.
Everything is planned from a central entity who tries to calculate production with complex leontief matrices, without having the certainty of the reality of the reports given by the commissars.
Corruption and the inherent stupid economic system led to abnormal surpluses of army and heavy industry equipment, while the consumer goods were lacking in a similar enormous quantity.
Not to mention the waste of the resources because of nepotism and intestine divergent opinions of the said commissars.
Economy is a matter of the market and the private industry, not the state.

Human nature and scarce resources

*to support communism

What anticommunists get worrisome of, are;
>anybody with a decent size (not huge) ownership of land or business is a Kulak/Bourgeois
>for a society for "workers", it treats farmers like shit
>a new upper class of "Red Bourgeois" is spawned via "Nomenklatura" and is treated "More" equal than actual workers
>those with more skills/education are reduced to "equality of outcome"
>centralized planning doesn't account for allocating resources to needed production (factory A produces oversupply of item A when needed item B is not produced enough by factory B because of limited resources)
Mind y'all, I'm a brainlet that makes his living eradicating big pests from ranches/large properties, transporting freshly slaughtered cuts and growing/selling weed & root vegetables. So take my post with a grain of bathsalt.
FYI, us "Kulaks" will be fixing to make some fresh pussy holes on y'all lovely temple of a body, son.

So stay in your big city or college town, boy.


looks like we are done here. time to fuck off, OP


I have six acres of land. I don’t use all of it, but I plan to. I’m using only about 15% of it right now.

Imagine if we become communist tomorrow, would I lose my land to poor niggers?

>Why doesn't communism work?
It's Jewish.
It's anti-White.

>Belief that state will just dissolve itself
>Based on outdated knowledge of prehistoric life
>Based on outdated knowledge of human psychology
>Based on outdated concepts of labor and wealth
>Main visionary behind the idea wasn't living by what he preached

Communism isn't a bad system when looking at realities of the 19th century and also has contributed greatly to the lives of workers. But it is what it is in the 21st century, outdated. I also would argue about Marx's status as a quote on quote "Philosopher" and am quite disappointed that his other literary works have never received a wider audience even among communist supporters and sympathizers.

The free market is too complex and needs rapid movement of goods and services. Bureaucracy is too slow and can't possibly know what goods are needed everywhere in the country. Communism also does not reward efficiency, there is no ability for poor business decisions to naturally be punished. As a result there is massive amounts of waste.

Capitalism decentralizes the burden of moving goods and services to where they are needed. If there is a supply and no demand, money will not continue to be wasted. If there is demand but no supply, anyone with the ability can fill the market need without having to wait for the state to process things. Creativity and ingenuity are rewarded in a capitalist system, party loyalty is rewarded in a communist system.

Communism just doesn't work as an economic system as it becomes slow and inefficient. Even if everyone was good people, it still wouldn't work as well as a decentralized system would.

The economy is extremely complex.

Fuck, I've done more varied stuff than probably most people here on a high level:

- Accounting
- Tax law
- Nontax law
- Business organisation
- Corporate Finance
- Speculative Investments

Each of this area is an entire gigantic field in itself which you're never fully educated in. They might as well be different universes. And that's completely aside from the knowledge of the specific business production or service, like e.g. engineering for an engineering consultancy.

I can say with complete certainty that there is absolutely no way either a) a large business can self-organize, b) a central government committee can make an efficient business plan for a large business.

Look to Venezuela. Leftists had complete power. Leftists made a series of terrible choices that fucked their economy. And they don't even understand how and why. In retrospect "oh it's obvious" - but they never understood at the time that their choices were terrible.

The economy is complex. Whether you subscribe to the "central planning" theory of communism or the "no government" theory of communism, it doesn't work without enormous inefficiencies and wasted time.


there are literally hundreds of archived threads about communism, capitalism, socialism etc

Humans grave more from lifes opportunities communism would kill that