

has there ever been a character who was created from a meme befor her


Fails at posting a gif FeelsBadMan

Time to go kill myself

Where can I get that kind of creature?

Fuck this thing is annoying
Do people actually like whiney, loud children?

Yes. They're perfect for anal rape.


do it faggot

Do you subscribe to the belief that whenever we sleep, we actually die and a new is wakes up, simply remembering everything we did, but aren't truly us?

If so, then will do

i want to fuck an orange cat daughteru


Close enough



No, I'm subscribe to when you sleep and dream and then wake up. this is reality.

Even in dreams you can feel shit just because your brain produces wrong dopamine. Sometimes your brain simulating fazzy dreams, even gay ones. Are you gay in other reality then?

Stop posting out date shit, you retarded newfest


You'll understand when you're a little older.

Why is Emilia so shit? She ruined the whole episode!

Mimi: Hetaro's just a baby. He's weak. Really, it's so pathetic

ram not shit?

remind me of Yachiru from Bleach