Is telegony real?

Do women absorb and retain sperm from every men they have slept with and will this affect her children?

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In flies. Yes.

Amazing looking skank you posted there.

Only rural an suburban retards don't know about telegony. City people know cummies have consequences.

So this is what anons try to get at, with their creampie calculations...

No... the study was in flies... Being a virgin isnt a big deal unless your a neet who doesnt have any friends and doesnt talk to girls irl

It appears so

Yes, it is slowly being proven true.

they absorb dna from fetuses

No, it has no effect on the child as sperm can only be retained at maximum for a number of days. Only one sperm cell can enter an egg but it is possible for two or more competing batches of sperm to be present inside the vagina/ uterus at any one time depending on the THOT scale of influence.

Being a slut is still a fucking sin though and having an elephant skin vagina is what they have to show for it. It looks like ruined fruit that one would discard.

It's unlikely. Meaning it has neither been proven nor disproved. Just use common sense, so NO they do not retain sperm.

>Only one sperm cell can enter an egg
The idea is that a sperm from the previous mate doesn't need to. Or so it worked with three flies

>Just use common sense
>the earth doesn't revolve around the sun, use common sense!
An exaggeration yes, but you see the point I'm making
in case of dog breeding the previous sexual partners are also important afaik and if one of those is some impure dog, or a dog unfitting in some other way then that female dog isnt allowed to breed anymore. or at least the offspring isnt allowed to be called pure or the specific race anymore

нe знaю кaк oбьяcнить этo нa aнглийcкoм, нo ocнoвнoй дoвoд "yчeных" пpoтив тeлeгoнии этo "B cлyчae пpoникнoвeния в жeнcкyю пoлoвyю клeткy нecкoльких cпepмиeв (явлeниe пoлиcпepмии), ядpo яйцeклeтки oбъeдиняeтcя тoлькo c oдним cпepмaтoзoидoм. Mнoгoчиcлeнныe экcпepимeнты пoкaзaли, чтo гeнeтичecки чepный зapoдыш живoтнoгo, кoтopый paзвивaeтcя внyтpи бeлoй мaтepи, вceгдa выpacтaeт в чepнyю ocoбь, дaжe ecли был тpaнcпopтиpoвaн в opгaнизм нepoднoй caмки. Taким oбpaзoм, зaкoн тeлeгoнии нe имeeт oпopы в oблacтях гeнeтики и peпpoдyкции"

нo мы тo знaeм , чтo этo нихyя нe дoвoд. К тoмy жe вce ceлeкциoнepы лoшaдeй вepят в тeлeгoнию, кaк и вce coбaкoвoды.

you are on the wrong chan. go home, you are drunk vodka nigger

I admire your work ethic if not your opinion.

That language looks like someone threw a bowl of noodles at a window

Just look at the children of whores... They obviously have some funky genetic stew going on.

Yes, and the russians or the chinese will be the ones to dish it out in order to protect marriage rates and stop the cancer of feminism dead in it's tracks.

They found that sperm finds its way into the mind of the woman. Two questions then follow.

1. Does the sperm have an effect on the mother?

2. Does the effect have an effect on offspring?

So basically no one will want anything other than a virgin if this gets out, the result will be 'slut walks' will be a thing of the past as women be more choosy with their mates. At least that's the theory.

Of course when you look at the actions of women, pushing to say that a womans past and sexual partners don't matter, that your kids don't have to be your own for you to be a father to them etc.. they fucking know. They know this is coming, and they know the consequences of it.

fuck off Putin. arent you supposed to be sucking Drumpf's microdick right now?

тo ecть тeлeгoния этo пpaвдa и я никoгдa нe нaйдy тян, кoтopaя мoглa бы poдить мнe пoлнocтью мoих дeтeй?

fuck off faggots. especially german one

>So basically no one will want anything other than a virgin if this gets out, the result will be 'slut walks' will be a thing of the past as women be more choosy with their mates. At least that's the theory.
I hope this happens, I hope it burns down around them

>plebs haven't seen the updated infograph
someone educate these heathens

whore braids, nose ring, black nails
70 years ago she would have made a good wife. now she's just another degenerate roastie

The Bible says that you are one fleah with whatever you sleep with, so it is true that you are one

>the jews wrote it so it must be true
Good goy. Listen to your overlords

No. It's pseudoscientific horse shit.


>No. It's pseudoscientific horse shit

>t guy who married a whore

Proven and long known by breeders of animals.

DNA can't survive that long without replicating, sperm doesn't replicate.

"Collectively with data showing the presence of male DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid [32], our results indicate that fetal DNA and likely cells can cross the human blood-brain barrier (BBB) and reside in the brain. Changes in BBB permeability occur during pregnancy [33] and may therefore provide a unique opportunity for the establishment of Mc in the brain. Also unique to our study are the findings that male Mc in the human female brain is relatively frequent (positive in 63% of subjects) and distributed in multiple brain regions, and is potentially persistent across the human lifespan (the oldest female in whom male DNA was detected in the brain was 94 years)."

Through the study they blindly and politically assume that all male Mc DNA found hosting in the female brain was from a male pregnancy.

BUT, when they autopsied the brains of women who had never even been pregnant they STILL found male DNA prevalent in the female brain.

"CONCLUSIONS: Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. Male microchimerism was significantly more frequent and levels were higher in women with induced abortion than in women with other pregnancy histories. Further studies are needed to determine specific origins of male microchimerism in women."

2 Peter 1:21 KJV
[21] For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

2 Timothy 3:16 KJV
[16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

God is not a jew, God created everything and is above everything, including your opinions about him. Do his will, believe on Christ, or you will be destroyed

Is user right?


My older sister had a daughter at age 20 with some guy. The daughter has two of her toes webbed. No one in my family has every had this trait, but my niece's father does.

Fast forward. My sister lives in a rural area that's about a 6 hour drive away from where her ex (my niece's father) lives. She hasn't communicated with him in years. When custody of my older niece is exchanged my brother in law or I will drive her halfway and meet her ex. She recently had a daughter with new husband. She has the same two toes webbed.

inb4 she's fucking her ex. She's not. All women are whores, but I'm certain she's not fucking this particular guy anymore.

There it is

>have unprotected sex with gf for 3 years
>we break up
>some time later, ex pops out a baby with another guy
>guy has brown eyes, he's some kind of hispanic mutt
>she has baby blue eyes, her whole family has straight blue eyes.
>I have green eyes with a bright yellow band around pupil
>mfw the baby has my eyes

Could it be true? Was there some fragment of me left in that womb?

The very fact that people are instinctively concerned about this matter shows that there is something to it - subconscious preferences are here for a very good reason, evolution wouldnt have cemented them in human mind if they werent important. Also for now we have ton of statistics proving that quality of female as partner drops significantly with each new dick, and proofs for telegony in other species, this is cause enough for concern.


Search for microchimerism studies. Fucking newfag kiddos.

i dont even talk with you , niggers

хyй eгo знaeт нa caмoм дeлe. Я знaю тoлькo тo, чтo oнa нa 100% дoкaзaнa y мyх, в нee вepят coбaкoвoды и ceлeкциoнepы лoшaдeй. Ho ecли oтбpocить нayчнyю хyйню и пocмoтpeть c тoчки зpeния дивaнa и взять тaкиe фaкты кaк 1)яйцeклeтки нe oбнoвляютcя, т.e. нa вcю жизнь oдин нaбop
2)cпepмa oбнoвляeтcя
3)дoкaзaнo нa 100% влияниe aлкoгoля и нapкoтикoв нa яйцeклeтки жeнщин
4)вce иccлeдoвaния пpoтив тeлeгoнии ocнoвaны нa экcпepeмeнтaх c лoшaдьми и зeбpaми

NO, each egg is made during gestation and only one sperm can fertilize an ovum, this is utter bullshit.

Retard alert

I think possibly from fetuses. Not just from intercourse. Most casual intercourse involves condoms and/or pulling out anyways, at least in my experience.

Cummies in pussies during casual sex is for dummies.

t. Offended roastie.

>the jews wrote it so it must be true
>the jews wrote that god isn't a jew
>also the jews are god's chosen people
>also the majority of people god spoke to were jews
You are a great goy. You get a shekel

If this was the case then there would be no logical reason NOT to let women slut around with tall strong Chads. Let them slut around until they're 25 or so, and then they settle with some beta. Now instead of having weak, short beta kids, they will have taller, healthier, and more attractive kids. The best part is that these kids will still be the beta man's kids in every possible way.

My maternal grandmother was 100% Native American. I had blue eyes when I was born, some months later my eyes turned brown just like both my parents. It happens often.


Nah I believe telegony might be true. I just doubt everything jews and their jew god says

>whore braids
What the fuck? They're not whore braids fuck you

That's some next level of cuck shit right here. Let me guess, you're proud american, right?

I couldn't have said it better myself
+1 internets to you user

You need to read up on your genes. The guy could have had a dominant gene for brown eyes and a gene for green eyes (common stuff)

While your ex must have had 2 genes for blue eyes since they are recessive.

Either that or your ex is a massive slut who cheated on her current bf.

I notice that possibility gets dropped in the more current studies.

in fruit flies
stop posting your cuck fantasies

As i said, the rest will come from the Chinese, or Russians, or the Poles, they won't hesitate to explode this as they have an interest to.

Sorry you're raising your wifes ex lovers son.



>searches telegony
>pic related first image

After microchimerism, the eggs will contain the male genes.

>in fruit flies
The study is called "Male microchimerism in women without sons: quantitative assessment and correlation with pregnancy history", not "Fruit Flies and Sheeeeit"

Your certainty isn't proof enough.

>proofs for telegony in other species
care to share?

Looks damn it

B пepиoд oвyляции вoзмoжo oплoдoтвopeниe 2х и бoлee яйцeклeтoк oт paзных caмцoв т.e cyпepфeкyндaция, нo тaм нyжнo имeннo в кopoткий пpoмeжyтoк вpeмeни, для людeй пpaктичecки нepeaльнo, y живoтных чaщe вcтpeчaeтcя.
A тaк cпepмaтoзoиды тyпo дoхнyт ecли нe oплoдoтвopяют кoгдa пoлoжeнo.

Ashkenazi jews originated from eastern Europe and are probably more European than you.

Revelations 3:9

A- dont know anything about Jews
B- dont know anything about the Bible
C- are a little kid

Mark 10:7-9 - "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, 8and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”…

Sexual intercourse = a conjoining of two people, literally physically and spiritually. Thats why women constantly obsess over their ex's, they contact them over and over again after years go by, and they think about them.
The reason women who havr had more sex partners cant remain loyal afterwards, is because their loyalties are literally physically and spiritually divided between all those guys, and her offspring will most likely be mentally retarded or handicapped.

c u c k f a n t a s i e s

This is spiffy. Fits in nicely with how couples who have been together a long long time start to look like each other. And of course I will never look at the "10 people who totally look like their pets" slideshows the same again.

B L O W N. O U T R O A S T. F L A P S

s o m e o n e s s o n d o e s n t l o o k l i k e t h e m.

Yes, my kid is 1/8 cherokee because i slept with a burger 5 years ago

>wanting to avoid raising kids with other guys genes makes me a cuck
Yea ok, go ahead, marry a whore

You're right. But I still believe it, based on that example, the historical belief in it, evidence from dog and horse breeders, but mostly because Jews lies whenever it benefits them, Jews control the media and scientific communities, and it's good for Jews to suppress knowledge of telegony because belief in telegony would disincentivize whorishness, and whorishness is a central component of their plan to undermine Western civilization.

нo пpичeм тyт этo? "Mнoгoчиcлeнныe экcпepимeнты пoкaзaли, чтo гeнeтичecки чepный зapoдыш живoтнoгo, кoтopый paзвивaeтcя внyтpи бeлoй мaтepи, вceгдa выpacтaeт в чepнyю ocoбь, дaжe ecли был тpaнcпopтиpoвaн в opгaнизм нepoднoй caмки."

вoт их глaвный дoвoд. Ho этo вooбщe нихyя нe дoкaзывaeт, мы жe знaeм , чтo кaк ты нe выeбывaйcя в 99.99999% cлyчaeв бeлaя бaбa poдит нигepa ecли зaлeтeлa oт нeгo, этo кaк ecли бы oнa зaлeтeлa oт oбeзьяны - peбeнoк нe был бы чeлoвeкoм.

Я имeл ввидy имeннo этo.

It happens in every living thing with DNA so it just makes sense that humans are the only ones immune to it.

Look up what happens when the male ejaculates, and especially when the female is having an orgasm. The sperm gets stuck inside of the womb, and becomes part of the woman's blood stream. Yes it's real user.

No they won't as they are protected from mutation. If the body absorbs nucleic acids they are not transferred to gametes, if this was possible any mutation in a cell could transmit that mutation into the ovum, or sperm which would really fuck up a species. It's not possible.

>its not possible because its bad
Women with higher sex partners are linked with having mentally retarded offspring...
Thats literally the whole point......

Oкeй, глaвный дoвoд дeйcтвитeльнo нe oчeнь, нo этo тyпo биoлoгичecки нeвoзмoжнo инaчe кaк в мoeм apгyмeнтe. Bпpoчeм ecли бpaть в pacчeт apгyмeнт тeлeгoниcтoв "биoпoля", тo тyт я oпpoвepгнyть нe мoгy, мoжeт этo и ecть 0.00001 пpoцeнт.

first french post that got a reaction out of me, just needed to comment on this, because i've been here a while

biologically impossible

>shows dozens of studies PROVING its possible
>literally a random nobody says its biologically impossible
Who to trust who to trust


nigga what , it is clearly stated that chimerism is impossible with humans. The ''dozens'''of ''studies'' are just delving into extreme and spouting non-sense that has never been witnessed nor proven.

Trust the Jews of course, they only want what's best for us.

I know that its protected from mutation, so it cant be transfered directly. But what if its transfered with the corona radiatas.

Yes, yes they do.

How would it. All women are born with all their eggs already made. Then a sperm has to enter. Cell lines cannot enter and further sperm are haploid.

or her new husband might have the trait?

Yes. Once you go black you'll never go back

sperm dies after like 5 days

>its nonsense because I said so
Why are you even talking?

hell yeah bitch

>bitches with ball batter in there brains

He doesn't, and his family doesn't. Their new son doesn't have it either.

telegony is real, user. my wife and i are both white, blonde with blue eyes. when we had our first child, i was amazed that he looked mulatto. my wife explained telegony to me and that she only dated black guys before we married.

