Syria General /sg/- Late Night Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>E Syria Oct23
>DeZ Oct24
>Random by Padre Oct 20
>Raqqa Oct16
>SE Syria oct11
>N Hama Oct10

Developments Oct 24
>Erdogan: Turkey’s Operation In Idlib Largely Finished, Afrin Is Next
>Report; ISIS fighters/families have begun retreating from Al-Asharah towards Abu Kamal, heavy clashes ongoing in Quriyyah
>Egyptian MoD release footage of their Egyptian Apache gunships and jets striking ISIS positions in Libya
>Units from the Iraqi Army/PMU expected to begin offensive at key town of Rawah in coming days along border with DeZ
>Lavrov; intl community need to begin “stepping up efforts in the fight against international terrorism.” as war winds down
>Turkish Army/allies launched a fresh attack against the YPG in northwestern Aleppo last night, pro-YPG news report
>SAA discovers massive factory used by IS to produce explosives in central Sy
>Iraqi Kurdistan authorities call on Baghdad to withdraw troops currently deployed and begin talks to peacefully settle crisis
>SAA/IRGC/Hezbollah are make final preparations for dual offensive in countryside of Aleppo Govt
>Russian mil. police arrive in NE countryside of Aleppo Govt. this past weekend, on mission to ensure safety of returning refugees from Turkey
>Saudi Prince bin Salman has vowed to restore """moderate""" Islam that is open to all religions in the world


Other urls found in this thread:

Israel #1

Seccond for Jews



second for my penis

Fuck you OP

new southfront


Kurds admit to ethnic cleansing:

>shows only the Oct 23 South Front video when an Oct 24 one is out

>k*rds actually believe this

Tell me I almost thought jews were jotuns, but book of enoch. It's jotuns in there aren't there? Jotuns trying to steal your fish? Giants? Frost giants?

Why do kurds make a “military council” for literally everything?

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if I heard
>kurds make a military council in order to figure out how to screw in a light bulb

The next few years will be fun.

>China Launching "Petroyuan" In Two Months

>steal your fish
Norway memes are something aint they

how much akevitt did you have user

Fuck Hezbollah

I have a feeling the whole Qatar crisis was about this.



I need a clarification here

In for memeflags.

akveitt is just for jul, so no not now just beer, danish beer.

But unironically there seem to be some bond between us and the juden actually in so many ways, we don't got this with christians. It's not so strange maybe as the religions are cont.

I don't want to admit it, bu tthe truth is the truth

fuck k*rds

I just found out that we don't have a syrian embassy, not even a consulate. We do have a (((saudi))) one tho


Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

You should worry more about an Israeli one.

Fucking hell, on a scale of 1 to 10 just how hammered are you right now


Why do kurds make a “military council” for literally everything?

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if I heard
>kurds make a military council in order to figure out how to screw in a light bulb

>only for jul

mm have to exchange it for a 12

At least I am home so the police won't need to arrest me this time

Whoops, thought I didn’t post it by accident there

>fuck k*rds
My dick is ready

user pls

Honestly here teeth creep me out so much i wouldnt even touch her with a stick

>God damn police always trying to steal my lobsters
>you say it's 30cm
>but noo they say it's 29.5 and they don't even measure it properly

>your petroyuan dippers, drumpf

I discovered recently there's a Syrian embassy near my uni. They even have Bashar and Hafez posters

On a side note, anyone notice how on all of these photos of kudish female "fighters" the wapons are so clean you cant even see a spec of dust on it. And syria is mostly a fucking desert

>Iraqi Kurdistan authorities call on Baghdad to withdraw troops currently deployed and begin talks to peacefully settle crisis

Or just 鸡奸者

Standard IDF tactics, use the pretty girls for your posters.
The kurds are being advised by the Israelis.


Yeah I noticed that too
user pls, it's called an ethnical fetish/curiosity, don't be too harsh


Fuck Hezbollah

they even took my moose rifle away, because of the lobster. So now I am not allowed to shoot a moose.

I hate them so much, news flash for you
>You are not going to get my lobsters
>An I am getting my moose
Fuck you all PST

Sug kukk jævla quislinger, vi vill aldri kreve noen annerkjennelse uansett, men vi vil knuse dere om dere er for jævla svenske. Og se på hvem som kvitrer...... Dere vil aldri få meg


evil chicken person?


Ta deg en blund, du, begynner å bli sent

Come home to America where you can have all the guns you want.

She did a good job trimming her eyebrows I'll give you that.


Proof that K*rds are related to Sub Saharan Africans

The female fighters/YPJ are completely insignificant militarily (I think only 40 died in Raqqa), they are just used for propaganda purposes to appeal to the west for support.


I see, let's see wether I can use it in a conversation tomorrow

I know m8 its not my first time here. I was just making an observation

You’re going to China?

Sorry m8, I checked for it hours ago when I updated all of the recent developments and a few times after and they hadn't uploaded it, so I forgot about it.
Now I see it was posted 2 breads back so South African baker missed it too. Shit happens, and this is a rare occurrence.

true, men hummer sesnong er ikke over og du fårn ikke nest gang
Take take away my guns user, and this seaon I am not even allowed to hunt moose....

This is one of my guns though, I did it down in the forest, but hand guns are useless really for what we do here. They are just funny to shoot. Whatever I do they won't let me hunt moose, unless I go with my uncle and carry one off his rifles

I bet my ucle is going to get 3 or 4 of them though, it's a bit of shortage now, but he's not even going to let me in ot it as he's being an asshole

no, my gf is chinese. we speak English German Chinese all mixed


Oh right. Say to her that the FSA and SDF are 鸡奸者

Faen er det du prater om hummer for? Du bruker ikke rifla di til det, vel

Also, is Chinese hard to learn?

I can shoot the moose in the heart on first shot
>but noooes
Kan ikke skyte hummer, dem tok hummern min. 29.5cm, dem må være 30

Make your self a bow and an arrow and do it like in the old days

Åja, nå tenkte jeg på dyret, jeg. Trodde du var fullstendig hamra

uhm, yes.
But it has a huge advantage, grammar is a non issue. Every word you learn you can use.
So it's easy to get to a
>good enough to say what you mean to survive on your own
But there is no easy way to learn how to read and write.
Apps help, but you still have to put in the time.

don't you think we've even though of those loop holes? Is illegal too, but at least they won't take your lobster though

Fucking jews, always out to steal your lobster


I can actually just hunt with my uncle thogh, is just that he hunts birds and stuff an I don't do tha

But it's annoying though, fucking city people trying to come here and telling me what and what not to do, and take my weapons away. Better hunt them if you ask me

There is no grammar? So I could literally just say a sentence of words and no matter the order of those words a Chinese person would understand me?

You can see in his face that this war is starting to take its toll on him. He looks so tired

Ay m8, have you started working on that issam tune ? Because i think i could try making that one first, i've got the tune in my head, and i need to see if i can recreate it in fl, and if i can, id like to make it. If you have stated, go for it, i wont make mine, but if you havent, could you give me like 2-3 days to check if i can make it, and if i cant, i tell you, and you can go for it if you want

>There is no grammar?
that's not what I said, I said it's not an issue as the order is the same as in English.

I am German
我 是 德国人

Careful anders, they'll take your snow bike next

I tried to tell you guys 6 month ago that syria was gonna get UN'ed along the euphraties.
Some of you if you think hard enough can remember.
They are lining the pro kurd narrative up.
Assad better not be a bad boi and attack kurds.
You don't need to own any land de jure as long as you control it de facto.

> call of duty sponsored

no. he looks in very good health actually. way better than a few years ago when Syria was in it's darkest hours. The weight of not knowing whether they are gonna make it out of the trenches is gone. You can see it in his eyes. MUCH brighter. You can see it in the eyes of all Syrians desu

GO ON M8!!! you got it. plus the more the merrier. A S S A D W A V E

What is more widely spoken: traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese



It's all syntax and no grammar. They don't even have fucking verb tense or plurals

Thanks M8, i'll let you know in a couple of days if i can make it. Aldough im not sure if it will fit that genra with "wave" in the name. Probably will

kk. yeah i had that prob too actually. wondering if I could get it into the right genre. ended up being close enough I suppose. Either way, it's also about the practice.

The I S S A M W A V E collab tune we make for DRUZE BEASTs reincarnation in two decades is gonna be better than Calvin Harris LOL

Simplified by a huge margin. Only Taiwan uses full traditional and Japan uses some less extensive simplification.

ah yes, Trump's foreign policy
don't forget Saudi #2

my grandfather would kill me for even saying thiss
but what I use my pass time on is listening to hitler speeches

fuck you anyways you are all homos, next time

Knew the Crown Prince would be good news.

Also Caspian Report called it right again - you guys should watch him more.

If he actually follows through (and it doesn't turn into a fucking civil war) I'll have way fewer issues supporting Saudi Arabia.

neither are spoken. traditional and simplified refers to the characters. Traditional characters consist of more strokes than simplified.
In the mainland they speak mandarin which is the dialect they speak around beijing. And Cantonese is used in HongKong.
But every area has additonally to mandarin a local dialect, in Shanghai they speak Shanghainese. That's why they can still understand ancient texts as characters barely changed but in former times they pronounced same characters totally differently
and as this one said simplified is used on mainland so it's more widely used

>trusting a Wahabbi Royal family that swims in oil money thanks to Sunni Extremism and losing to a bunch of sandniggers south of them to even go into the notion of whatever the fuck Wahabbi thinks moderation is

Looking forward to I S S A M W A V E collab in two decades, it's gonna be great
Honestly id love to be able to make music simmilar to what this guy makes, hopefully ill get there in few years

>If he actually follows through (and it doesn't turn into a fucking civil war) I'll have way fewer issues supporting Saudi Arabia.
yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

also CIA leaf can u explain to me why ISIS tribal fighters prefer to surrender to SDF than to SAA? Essentially giving them the oilfields like a prepared present
