What am i in for ?

What am i in for ?

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A bunch of shitposting and spoilers if you don't fuck off and just watch it, retard.


Yoko dies in episode six.

Kamina dies.

not so good

Simon dies

Man nipples

Kittan dies

This. Just go enjoy it.

Boota (or whatever its name was) dies

Best characters die.
Simon will man up.

They fight with glaxy sized mecha at the end.

i die after 60 years

Anti Spiral dies

Watch the prequel first:

The best damn anime

Nia is spiral king's daughter.

She also dies, sadly.

his waifu dies

Rossiu dies

Simon dies a virgin.

Rossiu was right.

He also do not die.

A love letter to Nietzsche
Also bitches can't into Gurren Lagann because they're nothing but hoes and tricks.


Mechas the size of a galaxy and even bigger.



they throw galaxies around like frisbees.
It's universe sized mechas.
Still they can't cheat death which means God exists and they can't kill him

The hypest fights in anime
Enjoy the ride

They can but they don't want to.

why hasn't anyone posted this yet

Ok OP here
First episode bored me to death,does it get better ?



I'll bite. What does Neetzsche have to do with gurren lagann?



Drills, skies, evolution, robots

Not understanding it the first time through.

>It's universe sized mechas.
Are you for real? What space do you think they were moving around in?


An alternate dimension created by the Spiral Nemesis, like was stated. People have done the calculations and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Giga Drill Breaker was taller than the Universe, although not as wide.

It's pretty straightforward, user.

>they can't cheat death

I'm pretty sure he was referencing the fact that Gurren Lagann is basically Will to Power: The Anime.

Spare the high-horse act, the vast majority of people don't understand why, in the end, Simon lets Nia die and gives up all the fame and fortune at the end for being a grizzly old hobo.

a very average mecha anime with some above average animation

Gurren Lagann is about the process of humanity evolving into something greater and breaking past the endless cycle handed to them. The characters literally forged meaning with their own hands instead of allowing themselves to fall to nihilism.

Kamina and Simon became trailblazers that paived the way for the rest of humanity.

they couldn't stop Nia from dying. Maybe they could have brought her back but they didn't even try.

furry genocide.
One of the only shows that do it right

It gets better until Kamina dies in episode 8

But the furries not only survived, but were flawlessly integrated into human society. Rewatch the Rossiu arc again, there's tons of beastmen in the crowds.

That's the point and the reason the spiral race was "controlled" in the first arc, if they had revived Nia and Kamina and never stopped their evolution it would've gotten way out of hands.

>What am i in for ?
A masterpiece. youtube.com/watch?v=VIiX4TL2_vg

oh right, makes sense. I'm retarded

Remember when they were just a farmers living underground? They go from stone age society to universe destroyers. There's nothing that will show the impossible like this anime did and make you feel as good. This is truly a timeless masterpiece that will be remembered for generations

Shitty GGG clone

This video is required watching material after anyone finishes Gurren Lagann. Good pick.

It will be hard to ever find something this mindlessly fun again. It's unadultered, over the top fun.

So comparing this to Kill la kill, which is better? I've heard they are similar

this one is better if you are a boy. KLK is better if you are girl.

>She also dies, sadly.
It was genuinely sad when she died. I mean
>Vanishing at her own wedding
that's god damn sad. And Simon bears it like a champ, then just disappears eventually.

>Simon dies a virgin.

He spent weeks with Nia alone in an island before the wedding user, I don't think he was a virgin during the wedding.

TTGL is better by quite a margin.
There's at least 4 episodes that always make me lose my shit.
All this while KLK always comes like a hair short of making me lose my shit, they got so close near the end where ryuko is being evil and shit but then kinda ruined the way she came back to her senses and it kinda made me not like the series that much.

Pretty sure that Simon explicitly said they could and that they shouldn't.

They said they are not gods, and they shouldn't do it because there would be too many people on the planet if that happened.

>Still they can't cheat death which means God exists and they can't kill him

They can, but Simon said he don't want to bring back the dead.

TTGL for boys, Diebuster for girls. KLK is better for the weirdos that don't associate with either gender which you can find on Tumblr.

I forget what they call themselves now.

>when they cheaply use the imagery of her lashing out and killing Mako but don't actually go through with it

I was so mad. I think Mako is one of the funnest parts of the show, and I still think they should've gone through with it.

Have you watched Neon Genesis Evangelion and Gunbuster yet? If not, then go watch them before Gurren Lagann. If the answer is yes, then go ahead.

muh deep NGE?

Bookmarked. I will post this in every "whats so good about this show" thread from now on.

The dub is better than the sub.