Why are women so stupid? Why do they lack the skills of logic and reason, imagination, creativity, genius, honour...

Why are women so stupid? Why do they lack the skills of logic and reason, imagination, creativity, genius, honour, essentially any virtuous trait that constitutes masculinity?

Can anyone link scientific papers, research, philosophers, politicians, anyone else on reasons why?

They're not stupid, but their brains do work differently which causes much frustration from men.



More of this, please.


This makes me sad, because it's true.

They don't lack imagination or creativity, not sure what you're on about. As for scientific research I'm sure most of those things would be off limits as it's not pc

Did you now who supported the emancipation of women?
It was C*tholic subhumN pedophiles. They upset the natural order of god by allowing the women to vote us Lutheran's knew better
Luther himself said:
>Women are like children do not let them vote or own property ok.
Luther was sent by god (a german) to aave the aryan race from catholic pedophile jews, the Catholic Church literally gets commands from satan (a Jewish Anglo) and sends out kidnapping gangs to kidnap german children that they can rape and the N drain their blood.

bishop fulton sheen was woke as hell. the globalists are now after his body btw.

I might have a few more like these laying around.




I believe this is about it.

Yeah if anything I find my more creative and imaginative side to be feminine; art, music, and dancing are not really masculine traits imo.

Only Adam was made in the image of God.

Male imagination
>we could go to the moon, which men can help me achieve these goals?
Female imagination
>i wish to be treated like a princess, which men can help me achieve these goals?


they were made to get fucked and push out babies

God had a bad back?

I believe it's more of a balancing act. as of now men need to stop being so pussywhipped and be willing to turn down a garbage woman if she doesn't meet YOUR standards.

I'd say if you don't believe that then you'd also have to believe that men are just as weak as women.

they're mentally weak

and desu it's a cruel trick the media plays on them kissing their arses to make them continue watching, which pleases the advertisers who like having weak minded people to shill products at.

if they were honest to them they'd help fix the problem, but they praise them and their pretend their inadequacies aren't there.


they're basically eternal children, who are told they're adults, no wonder most of them are fucked up
