Multiple beautiful girls on MC's dick

>multiple beautiful girls on MC's dick
>hes totally uninterested

When will this shit end?

Never. Betas hate watching others succeed where they have failed.


And stop watching haremtrash, OP.



That actually sounds entertaining. Is it any good?

Never. Boys should love boys.

>suddenly have a harem
>not being distant just in case

Has Gin-san thought you nothing? Harems bring nothing but trouble, forever be subject to "BAKA! ECCHI! HENTAI! [slap], can't choose recklessly lest you want to get lynched, it also robs you of personality because you gotta keep those bitches happy. Pic related.



closet fag problems






>make like a tree and leaf

It's just a one shot and no it isn't any good

There's only the oneshot

when does he start taking dick?

Never because there isn't any more.

That has to be the single most straightforward, unpretentious title for a manga I've ever seen.

Fuck, this is so fucking good man. There is no god.

It seems in anime you're either a moralfag who's not allowed to be a slut, or a edgy faggot who doesn't like girls anyway.